From Fancyclopedia 3
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January 2–4 -First Chattacon held.
March 27 First Conclave held.
Easter Mancon 5 (Eastercon).
April 9–11 Skiffy appears at Nebulas.
April 9–29 Roy Tackett TAFF trip.
May 28–31 First fanzine fansconvention, AutoClave, held.
June 25–29 SF Expo is not held.
July 10 Mary Gnaedinger dies.
September 2–6 (Labor Day) MidAmeriCon (Worldcon).
October 9–11 First Swancon held.
October 16 First Rovacon held.
November Northwest Science Fiction Society formed
Imperial College Science Fiction and Fantasy Society founded.
DUFF: Christine McGowan (North).
National Association for Science Fiction founded.


Convention series started or ended:


Publications started or ended:

After the FloodAgain, Derelict DefenestrationAntaresArgo NavisAwryBSFA NewsletterBSFA YearbookBlandCarl Barks CalendarCharles Fort: A Radical CorpuscleCheery Idiots of the GodsCloud ChamberCoat-TailsCorrCrumbly CowboyCruxCyclotronCygnusCynicDaisnaidDelta PsiDigressionsDimension: PraecoxDon't Go Columbus, You'll Fall Off the Crunchy BitDream VendorDreamtreeDrilkjisEcce FannoEniznafEpsilonErelasFanthology 76Fanzine DirectoryFanzine Production HandbookGalileoGhasGoblin's GrottoGobrin GazetteGrand DelusionsGranfalloonGrimling BoschGryphonHeliosI CalaISFA NewsletterIchneumon FlyerIn TenebrisIn the BeginningInaboutInverted Ear TrumpetIsKLan's LanternLightboardLittle Dictionary of SF Fan TermsLog of the Starship AniaraMIMarcMead Is a Sickening...DrinkMegavoreMimeographed London Sundae ThymesMoondustMy Labor Day HolidayNazgûlNickelodeonNocresNoumenonNucleusObsessionsOne-OffOur Fair CityPablo LennisParadoxParker's PatchPrehensileQuartet For The MuseQueebshotResounding Haldeman StoriesReturn from Caer RigorRisteriaRotsler for DUFFSF&F NewsletterSFinctorSardonic WorldsScabby TalesScience Fiction BazaarScience Fiction International NewsScience Fiction MonthlyScience Fiction ReviewScrambled Eggs BenedictShort Enough to be InterestingSmall MammalSon of the WSFA JournalSootliSouthern VoleSpacesSpiSpicy Rat TailsStop Breaking DownSwoonTekeli-LiThe Best Loins Are on the FloorThe Fan Birthday CalendarThe Greater Metropolitan Yorba Linda Herald News Sun Tribune Journal Dispatch Post and San Francisco Discordian Society Cabal Intergalactic Report and PoopThe Grimling BoschThe Hat Goes HomeThe Horror of Westbourne ParkThe INFO JournalThe Invisible FanThe Mad Dan ReviewThe Mae Strelkov Trip ReportThe Middle EarthwormThe Next Best Thing to Perfect LegsThe Once and Future WormThe Reinhardt RoastThe Rogue RomanThe SF&F JournalThe Science Fiction MonitorThe Whole Fanzine CatalogTheriacaThis Day Next Day Sometime NeverThoth-Amon ReturnsTitalTreaders of StarlightTwll-DduUnterHeliosVisionsWe Don't Know YetWhatsitWhunderfulWing-ItZimri


Publishers founded or closed:


Stores opened or closed:


New fanspeak coined:









2nd World Fantasy ConventionA Wealth of FableA Women's APAAPA-69APARIAAgain, Derelict DefenestrationAggieCon VIIAn Index & Short History of UnknownAnonyconAnonycon 2AntaresApalonAppleArkon-OrlandoArtkaneArtkane 1Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy ArtistsAtentionAutoClaveAutoClave 1AwryBYOB-Con 6Balticon 10Barney BernardBen H. WintersBoskone 13Bubonicon 8BusconCONTRAceptionCarl Barks CalendarCarrie TabakowChambanaCon 6Charles Fort: A Radical CorpuscleChattaconChattacon '76Cheery Idiots of the GodsChuck WendigCoat-TailsColumbus in 1976CommuniconConClaveConClave ICondome ICorrCrickhollowD-ConD-Con 1976Daniel F. GalouyeDark CarnivalDawn Treader Book ShopDeepSouthCon 14Des Moines ConDesertcon IVDetroit in '79DigressionsDimension: PraecoxDisclave 20Dorothy McIlwraithDreamtreeEcce FannoEdgar PangbornEniznafEquicon '76Fanthology 76Fanzine DirectoryFourth Dimension ConFrank R. Paul AwardFutura AwardGail CarrigerGalileoGenevieve K. StephensGrand DelusionsGranfalloonGraves GladneyGryphonHeliosHighmore in '76I CalaICON 2In TenebrisIn the BeginningInaboutInterconIrene KorshakIsJ. Lloyd Eaton Memorial AwardJane QuirkJanice MarcusJohn Joseph AdamsKC in '76Ken LiuKubla KhwandryLAPALASFAPALan's LanternLauren BeukesLepreCon 2LexiconLightboardLog of the Starship AniaraLoscon 2Lunacon 19Marcon XIMargaret BrundageMartin AlgerMary GnaedingerMead Is a Sickening...DrinkMegavoreMidAmeriConFred Pohl's MidAmeriCon ReminiscenceFlash Sheridan’s MidAmeriCon ReminiscenceMidwestcon 27MileHiCon 8Minicon 11MoondustMy Labor Day HolidayMythcon VIINebulous AwardNew Orleans in '76NickelodeonNocresNoreascon ProceedingsNorthwest Science Fiction SocietyNucleusObsessionsPHAPAPablo LennisParadoxPgHLANGE VIIIPrehensilePulpcon 5Quartet For The MuseR. F. StarzlReturn from Caer RigorRhoconRhocon IRisteriaRivercon IIRomeconRotsler for DUFFRovaconRovacon 1Ruth Plumly ThompsonS.T.A.R.SF ExpoSF&F NewsletterSFinctorSardonic WorldsScience Fiction BazaarScience Fiction Organization of La CrosseScience Fiction and Fantasy PseudonymsScrambled Eggs BenedictSean WallaceSeattle in 1981SflaggconSolarcon IISon of the WSFA JournalSootliSpicy Rat TailsSpring-ConStellarConStellarCon IStephanie Pui-Mun LawSwoonTekeli-LiTexaconThe Best Loins Are on the FloorThe CaptureThe Collector's Poul AndersonThe Fan Birthday CalendarThe Greater Metropolitan Yorba Linda Herald News Sun Tribune Journal Dispatch Post and San Francisco Discordian Society Cabal Intergalactic Report and PoopThe INFO JournalThe Invisible FanThe Mae Strelkov Trip ReportThe NetworkThe Reinhardt RoastThe Rogue RomanThe SF&F JournalThe Science Fiction MonitorThe Space MachineThe Whole Fanzine CatalogTheriacaThomas Burnett SwannThoth-Amon ReturnsTim PrattTrainconTrevor QuachriTusCon IVUnderwood-MillerUnicon 2BUnterHeliosUpperSouthClave VIWOOFWe Don't Know YetWesley ChuWestercon 29WhunderfulWindycon IIIWing-ItWintercon 2


Rest of the World:

1975 | 1976 | 1977