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Mancon was (a part of) the name of a (very loose) series of conventions held in or near Manchester, UK between 1952 and 1976. Aside from the first, all were Eastercons.

The original Mancon, run by the Nor'west Science Fantasy Club, is sometimes retroactively numbered 'Mancon 1' (as here on the Fancy where it's for convenience and disambiguation from this series entry), but no numeral was used at the time (or even decades later).

Supermancon was initially a bid for the 1953 convention, but was 'heavily defeated' by London's Coroncon at the London SF Con of 1952 even before the trial Mancon could take place.

Convention Dates -GoHs / notes
Mancon October 5, 1952 no GoH; about 80 attendees, but only one from London
Supermancon June 4–6, 1954 John Russell Fearn
Thirdmancon April 12–14, 1968 Ken Bulmer
Chessmancon March 31 – April 2, 1972 Larry Niven
Mancon 5 April 16–19, 1976 Robert Silverberg, Peter Roberts
Mancon 6 July 12–15, 1991 Cancelled

This is a convention page. Please extend it by adding information about the convention, including dates, GoHs, convention chairman, locale, sponsoring organization, external links to convention pages, awards given, the program, notable events, anecdotes, pictures, scans of publications, pictures of T-shirts, con reports, etc.