From Fancyclopedia 3
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February 4-6 -First Roc*Kon held, First Conebulus held
March 9-11 First Halcon held
March 25-27 First Totocon held
Spring Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine starts publication.
Easter Eastercon '77
June 17-19 First X-Con held
July 15-17 First Archon held
July 30-31 First OKon held
August 15 Ray Palmer dies
August 23- Peter Roberts TAFF trip
September 2-5 (Labor Day) SunCon (Worldcon)
Del Rey Books founded
PorSFiS founded
OSFS founded
DUFF: Bill Rotsler (South)
GUFF started (without trip)


Publications started or ended:

2000 ADA Bit of the Other OneA for AntaresAbduction by WirelessAction ReplayAkallabethAlpha and OmegaAmbling AlligatorAnalyzing HPLAnnuminasAphelionAstronAtroposAvalon Books and Bouregy & CurlBFS BookletsBSFA YearbookBarddoniBen'ZineBlown in FranceBookwormCHATChandeliers and CandelabrasCidereal TimesCleveland Tolkien Society NewsletterClutterCosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy MagazineCowper TownshipCrystal ShipCyclotronCygnusDerik, Prince of FandomDevlins ReviewDifferentDisinformationDotDurfedEarthquake!EgladilEmpireEscapeEthil the FrogFanny HillFear and Loathing in the NightFijaghFledglingForeign WordsFrom the Castle of LlyrGanymedeGenre PlatGet FoktGnomenclatureGrapoGritbinHarbingerHawkfanHedgehogHidden ShallowsHitchhikeImpIsaac Asimov's Science Fiction MagazineKippleLondon SFLuna MonthlyMan from FAPAMetaMinardorMoss on the North SideNabuNebulaNexusNucleusObliqueOff TrailsOphemeraOrbitOrnithopterOstaraPacific Northwest Review of BooksPaperback ParlourParergon PapersPeripheral VisionsPicked-Up PiecesPink TerrapinPlaceboPrelude to SpaceProFANityProthallusQuarkQuibbleRadixRafflesRelativityResolutionRhumilliSchmaggScintillationShorelineSkugSkwelshSmall PublicationSon of New FuturianSpanish InquisitionSpeculative Poetry ReviewSpellSpinStar WasteStrangler Elephants GazetteSupercrud '69TAFF TalkTabebuianTangentThe Book of MazarbulThe Diagonal RelationshipThe DiversifierThe NerdwurksThe RomantistThe SunbeamThe Tucker TransferThough the Stars Be MyriadTocsinTriodeVanishing PointVertVoidWhat the Dormouse SaidWhiz FunniesWindhavenXenolithZealot


Publishers founded or closed:


New fanspeak coined:








New Zealand:



1977 SF, Horror and Fantasy World Exposition7 for '77A John Schoenherr SF ChecklistAPA:BingyASFiCAbduction by WirelessAggieCon VIIIAkallabethAlpha and OmegaAmerican Hobbit AssociationAnalyzing HPLAnnie HallAnnuminasAphelionArchonArchon 1Artkane 2AtentionAtention 77AutoClave 2Avalon Books and Bouregy & CurlB'hamaconBYOB-Con 7Back to RivetsBalticon 11Baltimore in '80Ben'ZineBig Cat BooksBlown in FranceBoskone 14Brianna WuBrookconBrookcon IIIBubonicon 9CHATCentral Catholic Science Fiction SocietyChambanaCon 7Charles Fort Never Mentioned WombatsChattacon 2Clam ChowderClayton ConCleveland Tolkien Society NewsletterClutterConClave IIConFusion 14ConVoyConebulusConebulus 1977Contagion IICosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy MagazineCowper TownshipDale C. DonaldsonDan WellsDeepSouthCon 15Desertcon 5Detroit Triple Fan FairDevlins ReviewDifferentDisclave 21DisinformationDreamHaven Books & ComicsDurfedEdmond HamiltonEmpireEquicon '77ErraticonEscapeFan Photo GalleryFan Portrait GalleryFanny HillFanquetFantasy FaireFantasy Faire VIIFear and Loathing in the NightFellow of NESFAForeign WordsFreddieconFrom the Castle of LlyrGenghisconGnomenclatureGreat Combined Milford and Clarion Decennial Jubilee, Colloquium and Beer BashH. W. ScottHBHS MiniconHamilton Memorial AwardHarbingerHarconHarold W. McCauleyHedgehogHenry HasseHippotoconHitchhikeHonolulu Science Fiction SocietyICON 3ImpIsaac Asimov's Science Fiction MagazineJack Williamson LectureshipJohn Dickson CarrKwintus KubliusLamont AwardLaunchcon 4Launchcon 5LepreCon 3Loscon 3Loscon 4Luna MonthlyLunacon 20Malka OlderMan from FAPAMarcon XIIMidwestcon 28MileHiCon 9Minicon 12MoonconMoss on the North SideMudconMythcon VIIINew York in '77New York in '80Nocrescon IINucleusOKonOKon 1ObliqueOctoconOctocon 13OphemeraOrconOstaraPacific Northwest Review of BooksPaul W. FairmanPenulticonPenulticon '77Peripheral VisionsPgHLANGE IXPhiladelphia in 1977Philcon 1976.1Philcon 1977Picked-Up PiecesPlaceboPortland Science Fiction SocietyProFANityProthallusPulpcon 6QuarkRadixRafflesRaymond A. PalmerResolutionRivercon IIIRobert Moore WilliamsRoc*KonRoc*Kon 1Ron HaydockRovacon IISLAPHAPASPWAOSaltconSarah PinskerScience Fantasy BookstoreScience Fiction HappeningScintillationSecond FandomShorelineSkugSmall PublicationSnowkone IISolarcon IIISouthern Fried Fandom Gil Gaier Transport FundSpace-Con ThreeSpace-Con4Spanish InquisitionSpeculative Poetry ReviewSpinoffStar WasteStarconStellarCon IISteven & Don's ConSteven & Don's Memphis HalfaconStringworldSuburban Femme FundSunConDave Kyle's SunCon ReminiscenceTabebuianTangentTed JohnstoneTerry Jeeves Fan FundThe Book of MazarbulThe Diagonal RelationshipThe DiversifierThe FuturiansThe NerdwurksThe Old Phoenix InnThe RomantistThe SunbeamThe Tucker TransferThemeconThough the Stars Be MyriadThyril LaddTom ReamyTotoconTotocon 1Twaci IndexUnicon 3UpperSouthClave VIIUrsula VernonValleyconValleycon 1Valleycon 2Vanishing PointVertWashington in '77WindhavenWindycon IVWintercon 3WisConWisCon 1World Fantasy Convention IIIWunderfest 1977X-ConX-Con 1XenolithYuccacon


Rest of the World:

1976 | 1977 | 1978