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(Did you want the George Wells apazine WOOF!?)

WOOF, the Worldcon Order Of Faneditors, is an apa collated annually at most Worldcons (the five exceptions have been mostly the non-US ones) with fanzines from everyone who cares to contribute. It was founded in 1976 by Bruce Pelz, who later declared it to be his "second dumbest idea" (as for the another, enquiring minds should turn to the Langdon Chart. Bruce also launched the Retro Hugos, but can't be quite held responsible for what happened later).

Before WOOF, some early Worldcons and other cons created combozines.

Apazines have included:

Issue Year Editor Pages Worldcon -Notes
1941 Denvention The Denventioneer
1946 Pacificon Pacificon Combozine
1947 Philcon Philcon Memory Book
was there really a gap of three decades? what there the other conventions, then?
1 1976 Bruce Pelz 49 MidAmeriCon
2 1977 Bruce Pelz 52 SunCon
3 1978 Bruce Pelz 82 Iguanacon
4 1979 Bruce Pelz 45 Seacon '79
5 1980 Fred Patten 42 Noreascon Two
6 1981 Dick Smith ? Denvention II
7 1982 Dick Smith 75 Chicon IV with help of Robert Sacks
8 1983 Dick Smith 52 Constellation with help of Robert Sacks
9 1984 Dick Smith 42 L.A.con II with help of Robert Sacks
10 1985 Jack Herman 16 Aussiecon 2
11 1986 Robert Sacks 23 ConFederation
1987 not published Conspiracy '87 "WOOF #12 encountered obstacles in Brighton and was not collated; contributions were saved by Robert Sacks and combined with #13 in New Orleans. Separately, #12 and #13 would have 31 and 13 pages."[1]
12–13 1988 Robert Sacks 44 Nolacon II of which 12 pages were uncollated the previous Worldcon (obviously, either this number or the above one is switched)
14 1989 Robert Sacks 29 Noreascon 3
15 1990 Robert Sacks 8 ConFiction
16 1991 Victoria Smith 29 Chicon V
17 1992 Victoria Smith 7 MagiCon
18 1993 Victoria Smith 11 ConFrancisco
19 1994 Victoria Smith 37 ConAdian
20 1995 Victoria Smith 19 Intersection
21 1996 Victoria Smith 23 L.A.con III
22 1997 Victoria Smith 16 LoneStarCon 2
23 1998 Victoria Smith 17 BucConeer
24 1999 Alan Stewart 26 Aussiecon 3
25 2000 Victoria Smith 8 Chicon 2000
26 2001 Victoria Smith ? MilPhil
27 2002 Victoria Smith ? ConJosé
28 2003 Victoria Smith ? Torcon 3
29 2004 Victoria Smith ? Noreascon 4
2005 not published Interaction
30? 2006 Victoria Smith ? L.A.con IV
2007 not published Nippon 2007
2008 not published Denvention 3
2009? 2009 Lloyd Penney 26 or 22 Anticipation Cover by Brad Foster; reportedly without serial issue number but denoted "2009"[1]
35 2010 Alan Stewart 9 Aussiecon 4 note the issue number skipping forward as if no year was left out[1]
36 2011 Randy Byers 77 Renovation Stu Shiffman cover, photos from Alan Stewart's 1994 DUFF trip and contributions from David Cake, John Coxon, Claire Brialey & Mark Plummer, Chris Garcia, Guy Lillian, Lloyd Penney, Dean Gahlon and Roger Hill, among others
37 2012 Chris Garcia ~62 Chicon 7
2013? 2013 John Purcell 70 or 108 LoneStarCon 3 cover by Valerie Purcell plus contributions from Chris Garcia, Guy Lillian, John Purcell, Bill Wright, Jim Mowatt, Nic Farey, and numerous others
2014 not published Loncon III
2015? 2015 Andy Hooper 33 Sasquan
? 2016 Murray Moore 54 MidAmeriCon II Cover heading by Marc Schirmeister. Cover and Bob Tucker pages electro-stenciled by, respectively, Colin Hinz and Jeff Schalles; pages printed on Gestetner 360. Fan Lounge Hosts: Geri Sullivan, Pat Virzi. Contributors: Laurraine Tutihasi, Murray Moore, Alan Stewart, Guy Lillian, Mark L. Blackman, Andy Hooper, Roger Hill, Dean C. Gahlon, Juan Sanmiguel (issue of OASFiS club newsletter), Bob Tucker (unpublished two pages dating to MidAmeriCon I), C. D. Carson, Colin Hinz (two-colour mimeo). Officially 40 copies but only 39 copies collated during MidAmeriCon II
42? 2017 Simo Suntila 67 Worldcon 75 [1] gives Suntila as Purcell's co-editor and the issue as "2017"
43 2018 Guy Lillian 75 ConJosé
44 2019 Kees van Toorn 69 Dublin 2019 cover by Sue Mason; 10 contributions, collated primarily electronically, "distribution: via WeTransfer, printed copies (2)"
45 2020 Guy Lillian 163 CoNZealand As Covid-19 drove the con virtual, WOOF was done online, though print copies were available. This brought "the largest WOOF mailing, ever, with new contributors and great variety"
46 2021 Rich Lynch 87 Discon III Back to 11 contributions, all submitted electronically – no one brought paper at the Worldcon, "collated during the final week of December"
47 2022 Christopher J. Garcia 190 Chicon 8
48 2023 Don Eastlake 78 Chengdu 2023
49 2024 Christina Lake 127 Glasgow 2024 "Page Count: 125 from 20 contributors" (1 page cover Alison Scott, second contents); paper/print version shorter by 14/2
  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 From a brief overview "THE W.O.O.F. PAST assembled by Roger Hill (with additions by GHLIII)" in the latter's Three-Eyed Frog, WOOF 45/2020 issue

Publication 1976
This is a publication page. Please extend it by adding information about when and by whom it was published, how many issues it has had, (including adding a partial or complete checklist), its contents (including perhaps a ToC listing), its size and repro method, regular columnists, its impact on fandom, or by adding scans or links to scans. See Standards for Publications.