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Offtrails Magazine Publishers Association was organized by Ken Bulmer and Vin¢ Clarke on June 19, 1954. Founding members included Chuck Harris, Joan Carr, Ron Bennett and Archie Mercer. The Official Organ was Off Trails. OMPA lasted into the late 70s and was dead by 1981.

Some of the OEs were:

1954/55 Vincent Clarke
1955/56 Joy Clarke
1956/57 Archie Mercer
1959/60 Ron Bennett
1960/61 Daphne Buckmaster
1962/63 Ken Cheslin
1963/64 Ethel Lindsay
1978/79 Keith Walker

Contrbutors and APAzines:[edit]

From Fancyclopedia 2, ca. 1959
The Off-Trail Magazine Publisher's Association, formed 19 June 1954 to provide British fen wit an equivalent of FAPA. Ken Bulmer and Vin¢ Clarke organized it, and were first president and first Association Editor (respectively) of the group. "We weren't proud", says Vin¢; "we borrowed wholesale from the rules of FAPA." This isn't quite right, since FAPA's Secretary and Vice-President duties were combined with, respectively, the Association Editor's and President's, and the group was smaller (45 members plus the Keeper of the Printed Books British Copyright repository, carried as "Member #0"]). Founder members included eminent Anglofen like Chuck Harris (first Treasurer), Joan Carr, Ron Bennett, and Archie Mercer. The group grew rapidly; original membership of 25 had to be increased to 29 with the first mailing and later to its present level. Beginning in 1956 it became extensively infiltrated with Americans and some alarm and despondency over possible loss of British character was heard.

Publication 19541981
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