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Woz was an apazine published for OMPA by Walt Willis.

In its first issue, included in OMPA mailing #2, Willis explained his absence from the first mailing:

OMPA is a very fine thing, and Ken Bulmer and Vin¢ Clarke deserve an accolade (you know accolade – Arthur C. Clarke's favourite drink) for having started it. I've been in FAPA for some years now and I've seen several SAPS mailings, and I'd say that this first OMPA mailing surpassed both of then in general quality. I think you can all be very proud of yourselves. I wish I could too, but the first mailing came during my estivation period, or tennis season, and the plans I had for a twenty-page mag for this mailing were held up through no fault of mine; so I'm typing this hastily straight on the stencil the weekend before the deadline just to show that the spirit is willing though the mind be weak.
Issue Date Pages OMPA mailing Notes
1 December 1954 6 2
2 February 1955 10 3
3 May 1955 8 4
4 February 1957 16 11
5 May 1957 12 12
6 November 1957 10 14
7 Summer 1958 8 17 Final issue

Publication 19541958
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