From Fancyclopedia 3
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February 20–22 -First Capricon held
Easter Yorcon 2 (Eastercon)
April 10–24 Stu Shiffman TAFF trip
May 16 Lou Tabakow dies. May
July 3-5 First InConJunction held
August 12 First IBM PCs released.
September 3-7 (Labor Day) Denvention Two (Worldcon)
November 14–15 First Cymrucon held
November 19–21 First Contradiction held
CUFF: Michael Hall
DUFF: Joyce Scrivner (South)
GUFF: Joseph Nicholas (South)


Publications started or ended:

A Cool HeadA Very Short OSFiC NewsletterAikakoneAmazing AdventuresApas, And Why They Work That WayBeyond BreeBlatantBrassorCHATChatSFic NewsChocolates of LustClass ActCollingwood CapersConspiracy NewsletterCosmosCrazy EddieCrypt of CthulhuCullowhee CommentsCurrently RecommendedDNQDenvention Two NewsletterDestiniesDragonburstDrifting SoulDriftwoodEmpireEyeballs in the SkyFalling Whale DummiesFan Exiled From Tyne ZineFanzine DirectoryFlash PointGnu DealGraymalkinGrowing Old DisgracefullyHallwaysHard KnoxHarmonic DissonanceHickman's ScrapbookIcosahedronIgnatz!Jackie!Just SFKenningKratophanyLost PalantirMegavoreMellowMetal DogMoss on the North SideNapalm in the MorningNeldorethNeoNew Canadian FandomNew Gwent ReviewNews From the SunOald Bore's Tales of the ExpectedOcelotOld Scrodd's AlmanacOmega Science DigestOrcish BugleOvermatterPatchin ReviewPhilosophical SpeculationsPretentious Science Fiction QuarterlyProcrastinationQuartzRaaRequiemRichard E. Geis -- A Personal JournalRod Serling's The Twilight Zone MagazineScience Fiction DigestScottisheShadow of a FanSmackSome Highlights from the SFPA History of Stven CarlbergSouthpaw AwardsStaggerleeStart Breaking UpStill It MovesStop Breaking DownStrange PunchSwillTappenTasarionThe Eagle of the NorthThe Goody Gumdrop Boy at Jellybean MountainThe History of Science Fiction Fandom in ... New Zealand ....The LeafThe Montgomery PapersThe Monthly MonthlyThe Once and Future WormThe Peter PrincipleThe Piper at the Gates of DawnThe Ravin'The Space Corps ScandalsThe Tinned Milk of Human KindnessThe Yorkshire PostThymeTigreTime LoopTime to Pick Up a GerbilTirith AearTrinaryTrumpetTwo Otherwise Blank PagesVerbal VolleyballView from under a 60 Watt LampVisitor's PassWeberWoman's WrevengeWing WindowWrong StuffZed


Publishers founded or closed:


Awards made, started or ended:


New fanspeak coined:







7th World Fantasy ConventionA Mid-Winter ConventionAPA-55APA-69APA-DUDAPA-IAPATHYASFiCon 2Ada PalmerAggieCon XIIAmazing AdventuresAmber Unicorn BookshopAmbercon 3AppleApricon 4AquaconAquacon IArchon 5ArmadilloCon 3AugaconAutoClaveAutoClave VBackground NoiseBalticon 15Beyond BreeBlatantBooks of WonderBoskone 18Bozo Bus BuildingBrassorBubonicon 13CHATCapraCapricon 1Carolina Fan FederationChambanaCon 11ChatSFic NewsChattacon VIClass ActCoastcon '81Codclave VIICompton N. CrookCon*StellationConClave VIConNiptionConQuesT 2Concave 2Concave 2.5Conspiracy NewsletterContradictionContradiction 1CopperConCopperCon 1Cosmocon IICrypt of CthulhuCullowhee CommentsCurrently RecommendedDangerous VisionsDarkover Grand Council IVDatcloneDeepSouthCon 19Denvention TwoDenvention Two NewsletterLloyd Arthur Eshbach's Denvention Two ReminiscenceDenver in '81DestiniesDisclave 22Disclave 25Disneycon 1EarthconEarthcon IEd CagleElectraconElectracon IEmpireEmpiricon 3Expo '81FLAPFalling Whale DummiesFanTekFanconFanzine DirectoryFilkCon IIIFlash PointFool-Con IVFredric WerthamFuture PartyFuture Party '81Galactic EnterprisesGandalf AwardGeorge O. SmithGraymalkinGretchen SchwennGrowing Old DisgracefullyHalfaconHallwaysHard KnoxHarmonic DissonanceHarry BatesHarry L. GoldenHawaii in 1981Hexacon 3Hickman's ScrapbookHigh Plains IIHonolulu Science Fiction SocietyHyatt Regency ChicagoICFA 2ICON 6Ignatz!Imagicon '81ImagiconInConJunctionInConJunction IInterventionIntervention GammaJames H. SchmitzJanie LambJust SFKendell Foster CrossenKenningKratophanyKubla's Ninth KhanphonyLA in '81LASTConLASTCon ILee Brown CoyeLepreCon 7Leslyn HeinleinLoscon 8Lost PalantirLou TabakowLunacon 24Marcon XVIMarjorie Hope NicolsonMark ReinsbergMark of ParaconMegavoreMensa Tolkien Special Interest GroupMentatMidwestcon 32MileHiCon 13Minicon 17Mixed CompanyMosCon IIIMoss on the North SideMunchconMunchcon IMysteryKon 6MystiCon 1.5Mythcon XIINecon 2NeoNine Billion Names of ConFusionNorwescon 4.5Norwescon IVNot-Anokon 2Oald Bore's Tales of the ExpectedOmaconOmacon 1OryCon '81Othercon VPHAPAPanopticon WestPatchin ReviewPhilcon 1981Philip LathamPhilosophical SpeculationsPretentious Science Fiction QuarterlyProcrastinationPulpcon 10QuestconQuesticonREHUPARISFA-NorthRequiemRichard E. Geis -- A Personal JournalRise and Fall of the Giant BoskonesRivercon VIRoc*Kon 6Rochester Fantasy Fair 2Rod Serling's The Twilight Zone MagazineRoy PlotkinRudolpha Catherine Rigelsen PaulSacramento in '81SatyriconSatyricon IScapa FlowScience Fiction DigestScottisheShadow of a FanShadow-FAPASkyconSol KatzSome Highlights from the SFPA History of Stven CarlbergSouthpaw AwardsSpacecon 3SpinoffSpiritual FrontiersStellarCon VIStrange PunchStucon 1Swampcon IIThe Complete Index to AstoundingThe Goody Gumdrop Boy at Jellybean MountainThe Montgomery PapersThe Piper at the Gates of DawnThe Science Fiction Reference BookThe ScribbliesThe Space Corps ScandalsTigreTillamook in 1981Triciticon '81TrinaryTrumpetTusCon 8URCON IIIValleycon 6Verbal VolleyballView from under a 60 Watt LampVikingcon 2Visitor's PassWally WoodWestercon 34WichaconWichacon IWindycon VIIIWing WindowWisCon 5X-Con 5Zed


Rest of the World:

1980 | 1981 | 1982