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'''''O'''''fftrails '''''M'''''agazine '''''P'''''ublishers '''''A'''''ssociation was organized by [[Ken Bulmer]] and [[Vince Clarke]] on June 19, 1954. Founding members included [[Chuck Harris]], [[Joan Carr]], [[Ron Bennett]] and [[Archie Mercer]]. The [[Official Organ]] was ''[[Off Trails]]''.  OMPA lasted into the late 70s and was dead by 1981.
'''OMPA''', the '''Offtrails Magazine Publishers Association''', was organized by [[Ken Bulmer]] and [[Vince Clarke]] on June 19, 1954 as the first UK [[fannish]] [[APA]]. The [[British Fantasy Amateur Press Association]] was a proposed fannish APA of the 1940s but that didn't come to anything and the [[British Amateur Press Association]] founded in 1890 was a earlier non-fannish APA in which some fans participated. Founding members included [[Chuck Harris]], [[Joan Carr]], [[Ron Bennett]] and [[Archie Mercer]]. The [[Official Organ]] was ''[[Off Trails]]''.  It was published four times a year: March, June, September and December. OMPA lasted into the late 1970s but 'faded away', as [[Rob Hansen]] put it, somewhen during that era. The last known issue of ''Off-Trails'' is #87, undated but seemingly late 1977. Many members felt that the effort of putting on [[OMPAcon '73]] (an [[Eastercon]]) sapped its energy... though it is maintained by some that OMPA still exists, just that nobody has made [[minac]] since 1977.
<blockquote>In the advertising world it would have been called a brainstorming session. It began in the late afternoon of Saturday, June 19th, 1954, and carried on into the cool of a beautiful summer evening. When it had finished, Ken Bulmer and I had roughed out the plans for the first British SF fan publisher’s association.
It’s hard to say what was the catalyst which finally acted on this particular project. The atmosphere was right. British fandom was on its feet in a burst of activity which made this, the year of the [[SuperManCon]], a small Golden Age. Numerous fans were interested in publishing, and the SF professional ’zines were bringing in new faces, throughout the year. I think it was Ken who decided that now was the moment for launching into reality the dream of years, and I think it was myself who, after various
euphonious titles had been tried out for a couple of hours, suggested that echo of a trombone, OMPA. It would, we thought, disperse any stuffiness about the introduction of an association with a real Constitution into the happily anarchic fandom of the time... and, moreover, it ran trippingly off the tongue.</blockquote>
— [[Vince Clarke]], ''[[APAthy]]'', 1959; quoted in [[Rob Hansen]], ''[[Generation Femizine]]''
== [[OEs]] ==
[[Ron Bennett]]'s ''[[Burp]]'' #24 (December 1964, and included in OMPA mailing #42) lists 'Ten years of Officialdom', providing a list of [[official-editor|editor]]s, presidents and treasurers for all years up to 1963/4.
1954/55 means a term from September 1955 to June 1955. For many years this was the standard term of an OE, as OMPA launched in the autumn. 1970–73 means the full years 1970, 71, 72, and 73.
Some of the [[OE]]s were:
Year ||OE||President||Treasurer||
1954/55 || [[Vincent Clarke]]  
1954/55 || [[Vincent Clarke]]||[[Ken Bulmer]]|| [[Chuck Harris]]
1955/56 || [[Joy Clarke]]  
1955/56 || [[Joy Clarke]]||[[Pam Bulmer]]||[[Daphne Buckmaster]]  
1956/57 || [[Archie Mercer]]  
1956/57 || [[Archie Mercer]]||[[Walt Willis]]||[[Norman Shorrock]]
1959/60 || [[Ron Bennett]]  
1957/58 || [[John Roles]]||[[Vincent Clarke]]||[[H. P. Sanderson]]
1960/61 || [[Daphne Buckmaster]]  
1958/59 || [[Roberta Gray]]||[[Ron Bennett]]||[[H. P. Sanderson]]
1962/63 || [[Ken Cheslin]]  
1959/60 || [[Ron Bennett]]||[[Roberta Gray]]||[[H. P. Sanderson]]  
1963/64 || [[Ethel Lindsay]]  
1960/61 || [[Daphne Buckmaster]]||[[Eric Bentcliffe]]||[[Ron Bennett]]
1969 || [[Beryl Mercer]]
1961/62 || [[Bruce Burn]]||[[Bob Lichtman]]||[[Ron Bennett]]  
1978/79 || [[Keith Walker]]  
1962/63 || [[Ken Cheslin]]||[[Bob Lichtman]]||[[Ron Bennett]]  
1963/64 || [[Ethel Lindsay]]||[[Bruce Burn]]||[[Ron Bennett]]
1964/65 || [[Ethel Lindsay]]|| ||
1965/66 || [[Brian Jordan]]|| ||
September 1967 || [[Archie Mercer]]|| ||
March 1968 || [[Heinrich Arenz]]|| ||
1969 || [[Beryl Mercer]]|| ||
1970-73 || [[Ken Cheslin]]|| ||
1974-75 || [[Pat Meara|Pat]] and [[Mike Meara]]|| ||
1976-77 || [[Keith Walker]]|| ||
1977/78 || [[Keith Walker]]|| [[Ken Cheslin]]|| [[David Griffin]]
1978/79 || [[Keith Walker]]||
=== Contributors and [[APAzines]]:===
== Contributors and [[APAzines]] ==
* [[Don Allen]] -- ''[[Loco (Allen)]]''
* [[Don Allen]] -- ''[[Loco (Allen)]]''
* [[Lyle Amlin]] -- ''[[Psi (Amlin)]]''
* [[Lyle Amlin]] -- ''[[Psi (Amlin)]]''
* [[Don Anderson]] -- ''[[Alces/Amer]]''
* [[Heinrich Arenz]] -- ''[[Another One]]''
* [[Heinrich Arenz]] -- ''[[Another One]]''
* [[Mike Ashley]] -- ''[[...And Behold, Cushi Came]]''
* [[Mike Ashley (Kent)]] -- ''[[...And Behold, Cushi Came]]''
* [[Mal Ashworth]] -- ''[[My First Real Convention]]'', ''[[Running, Jumping, and Standing Still Fanzine]]'', ''[[Yrautibo]]'', ''[[Ascent of Next to Nothing]]'', ''[[Dupe]]''
* [[Mal Ashworth]] -- ''[[My First Real Convention]]'', ''[[Running, Jumping, and Standing Still Fanzine]]'', ''[[Yrautibo]]'', ''[[Ascent of Next to Nothing]]'', ''[[Dupe]]''
* [[ATom]] (see Arthur Thomson, below)
* [[ATom]] (see Arthur Thomson, below)
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* [[John Bangsund]] -- ''[[Philosophical Gas]]''
* [[John Bangsund]] -- ''[[Philosophical Gas]]''
* [[Steve Barr]] -- ''[[Diablerie]]''
* [[Steve Barr]] -- ''[[Diablerie]]''
* [[Greg Benford]] --
* [[Greg Benford]]  
* [[Ron Bennett]] -- ''[[Antwerpse Letterkundige En Wettenschappelijke Gazet]]'', ''[[Burp]]'', ''[[Harrogate Crudbin Quarterly]]'', ''[[They're Off]]'', ''[[Through Darkest Belgium]]''
* [[Ron Bennett]] -- ''[[Antwerpse Letterkundige En Wettenschappelijke Gazet]]'', ''[[Burp]]'', ''[[Harrogate Crudbin Quarterly]]'', ''[[They're Off]]'', ''[[Through Darkest Belgium]]''
* [[Eric Bentcliffe]] -- ''[[Waldo (Bentcliffe)]]'', ''[[Platform]]''
* [[Eric Bentcliffe]] -- ''[[Waldo (Bentcliffe)]]'', ''[[Platform]]''
* [[John Berry]] -- ''[[Veritas]]'', ''[[This Goon for Hire]]'', ''[[The Thomson Saga]]''
* [[John Berry]] -- ''[[Veritas]]'', ''[[This Goon for Hire]]'', ''[[The Thomson Saga]]''
* [[Gerald Bishop]] -- ''[[Debb'nshire Crame and Scrumpy]]''
* [[Gerald Bishop]] -- ''[[Debb'nshire Crame and Scrumpy]]''
* [[Burkhard Bluem]] -- ''[[Pantheon]]''
* [[Graham Boak]] -- ''[[Binary]]'', ''[[Cynic]]'', ''[[Transplant]]''
* [[Graham Boak]] -- ''[[Binary]]'', ''[[Cynic]]'', ''[[Transplant]]''
* [[Redd Boggs]] -- ''[[Spirochete]]''
* [[Redd Boggs]] -- ''[[Spirochete]]''
* [[Lars Bourne]] -- ''[[Skerry]]''
* [[Lars Bourne]] -- ''[[Skerry]]''
* [[Walter Breen]] -- ''[[Olla Podrida]]''
* [[Walter Breen]] -- ''[[Olla Podrida]]''
* [[Rich Brown]] -- ''[[Transatlantic Fringe Fan]]''
* [[John Brunner]] -- ''[[Noise Level]]'', ''[[Pogrom]]'', ''[[Stopgap (Brunner)]]''
* [[John Brunner]] -- ''[[Noise Level]]'', ''[[Pogrom]]'', ''[[Stopgap (Brunner)]]''
* [[Daphne Buckmaster]] -- ''[[Esprit]]''
* [[Daphne Buckmaster]] -- ''[[Esprit]]''
* [[Ken Bulmer]] -- ''[[Dysteleology]]'', ''[[Steam]]'', ''[[Aaah!]]'', ''[[Wappoted]]'', ''[[Ziz]]''
* [[Ken Bulmer]] -- ''[[Dysteleology]]'', ''[[Steam]]'', ''[[Aaah!]]'', ''[[WAPPPOTED]]'', ''[[Ziz]]''
* [[Pam Bulmer]] -- ''[[Ugh!]]'', ''[[Ziz]]''
* [[Pam Bulmer]] -- ''[[Ugh!]]'', ''[[Ziz]]''
* [[Brian Burgess]] -- ''[[Go to Hel]]'', ''[[Burgess' Lights]]''
* [[Brian Burgess]] -- ''[[Go to Hel]]'', ''[[Burgess's Lights]]''
* [[Bruce Burn]] -- ''[[Sizar]]'', ''[[Meet]]''
* [[Bruce Burn]] -- ''[[Sizar]]'', ''[[Meet]]'', ''[[ParaFANalia]]'', ''[[Topee or Not Topee]]''
* [[Elinor Busby]] -- ''[[Dolphin]]''
* [[Elinor Busby]] -- ''[[Dolphin]]''
* [[Pete Campbell]] -- ''[[Andromeda (Campbell)]]''
* [[Pete Campbell]] -- ''[[Andromeda (Campbell)]]''
Line 45: Line 70:
* Terry and [[Miriam Carr]] -- ''[[Defenestration]]''
* Terry and [[Miriam Carr]] -- ''[[Defenestration]]''
* [[Steven C. Carrington]] -- ''[[Mdrgl]]''
* [[Steven C. Carrington]] -- ''[[Mdrgl]]''
* [[John Champion]] -- ''[[Xanadu (Champion)]]''
* [[George Charters]] -- ''[[The Scarr]]''
* [[George Charters]] -- ''[[The Scarr]]''
* [[Jim Caughran]] -- ''[[A L'Abandon]]''
* [[Jim Caughran]] -- ''[[A L'Abandon]]'', ''[[When a Trufan Dies]]''
* [[Ken Cheslin]] -- ''[[Envoy]]'', ''[[Childs Garden of Olaf]]'', ''[[Sally-Port]]''
* [[Ken Cheslin]] -- ''[[Envoy]]'', ''[[Childs Garden of Olaf]]'', ''[[Sally-Port]]''
* [[Joy Clarke]] -- ''[[Apathy]]'', ''[[Lesser Flea]]'', ''[[Bran Tub]]'', ''[[Comedy of Errors]]'', ''[[Copies of Certain Letters...]]'', ''[[This Sceptred Isle]]''
* [[Joy Clarke]] -- ''[[Apathy]]'', ''[[Lesser Flea]]'', ''[[Bran Tub]]'', ''[[Comedy of Errors]]'', ''[[Copies of Certain Letters...]]'', ''[[This Sceptred Isle]]''
Line 54: Line 80:
* [[Calvin Demmon]] -- ''[[Chicken Wagon]]''
* [[Calvin Demmon]] -- ''[[Chicken Wagon]]''
* [[Chick Derry]] -- ''[[Annex]]'', ''[[Gallery]]''
* [[Chick Derry]] -- ''[[Annex]]'', ''[[Gallery]]''
* [[Belle Dietz]] & [[Frank Deitz]] -- ''[[Ground Zero]]'', ''[[Peals]]''
* [[Belle Dietz]] & [[Frank Dietz]] -- ''[[Ground Zero]]'', ''[[Peals]]''
* [[Belle Deitz]] -- ''[[Complete Story of How Not to Move]]'', ''[[Nimbel]]'', ''[[Skimmer's Guide]]''
* [[Belle Dietz]] -- ''[[Complete Story of How Not to Move]]'', ''[[Nimbel]]'', ''[[Skimmer's Guide]]''
* [[Bill Donaho]] -- ''[[Viper]]'', ''[[ASP]]'', ''[[Habakkuk]]'', ''[[Blush]]'', ''[[Defilade]]'', ''[[The Wall]]''
* [[Bill Donaho]] -- ''[[Viper]]'', ''[[ASP]]'', ''[[Habakkuk]]'', ''[[Blush]]'', ''[[Defilade]]'', ''[[The Wall]]''
* [[Howard DeVore]] -- ''[[Ompalog]]''
* [[Howard DeVore]] -- ''[[Ompalog]]''
* [[Gordon Eklund]] -- ''[[Shadowfax]]''
* [[Gordon Eklund]] -- ''[[Shadowfax (Eklund)|Shadowfax]]''
* [[Dick Ellington]] -- ''[[FIJAGH (Ellington)]]'', ''[[Mailing Comments (Ellington)]]''
* [[Dick Ellington]] -- ''[[FIJAGH (Ellington)]]'', ''[[Mailing Comments (Ellington)]]''
* [[Paul Enever]] -- ''[[How]]''
* [[Paul Enever]] -- ''[[How]]''
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* [[Don Ford]] -- ''[[Pooka]]''
* [[Don Ford]] -- ''[[Pooka]]''
* [[Harvy Formal]] -- ''[[QS&WU Sunday Supplement]]''
* [[Harvy Formal]] -- ''[[QS&WU Sunday Supplement]]''
* [[Colin Freeman]] -- ''[[Mein Ompf]]''
* [[Colin Freeman]] -- ''[[Mein Omp-F]]''
* [[Les Gerber]] -- ''[[Romp]]''
* [[Les Gerber]] -- ''[[Romp]]''
* [[Nan Gerding]] -- ''[[Nantz]]'', ''[[Ob]]''
* [[Nan Gerding]] -- ''[[Nantz]]'', ''[[Ob]]''
* [[Roberta Gray]] -- ''[[Vargary]]''
* [[Roberta Gray]] -- ''[[Vagary]]''
* [[Jim Groves]] -- ''[[The Wall]]''
* [[Jim Groves]] -- ''[[The Wall]]'', ''[[Packrat]]''
* [[Dave Hale]] -- ''[[Plain Psycho]]'', ''[[Big Deal]]''
* [[Dave Hale]] -- ''[[Plain Psycho]]'', ''[[Big Deal]]''
* [[Barry Hall]] -- ''[[Kactus]]''
* [[Barry Hall]] -- ''[[Kactus]]''
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* [[Bill Harry]] -- ''[[Biped]]''
* [[Bill Harry]] -- ''[[Biped]]''
* [[Art Hayes]] -- ''[[Marsolo]]''
* [[Art Hayes]] -- ''[[Marsolo]]''
* [[Beryl Henley]] -- ''[[Oz]]''
* [[Beryl Henley]] (see Beryl Mercer, below)
* [[Lynn Hickman]] -- ''[[JD-Argassy]]'', ''[[Troat]]'', ''[[Scurvy]]'', ''[[Ob]]''
* [[Lynn Hickman]] -- ''[[JD-Argassy]]'', ''[[Troat]]'', ''[[Scurvy]]'', ''[[Ob]]''
* [[John Hitchcock]] -- ''[[Double Whammy]]'', ''[[Fang]]''
* [[John Hitchcock]] -- ''[[Double Whammy]]'', ''[[Fang]]''
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* [[Robert Lambeck]] -- ''[[Ompalog]]''
* [[Robert Lambeck]] -- ''[[Ompalog]]''
* [[Dave Langford]] -- ''[[Cloud Chamber]]''
* [[Dave Langford]] -- ''[[Cloud Chamber]]''
* [[Al Lewis]] -- ''[[Ompalog]]'', ''[[Ompassable Science Fiction]]'', ''[[Space Charge]]''
* [[Fred Lerner]] --
* [[Al Lewis]] -- ''[[Ompalog]]'', ''[[Ompassable Science Fiction]]'', ''[[Space Charge]]''*, ''[[Why Not]]''
* [[Robert Lichtman]] -- ''[[Zounds]]'', ''[[Some of the Best from Quandry]]''
* [[Robert Lichtman]] -- ''[[Zounds]]'', ''[[Some of the Best from Quandry]]''
* [[Ethel Lindsay]] -- ''[[Bletherings]]'', ''[[Chatterings]]'', ''[[The Wall]]''
* [[Ethel Lindsay]] -- ''[[Bletherings]]'', ''[[Chatterings]]'', ''[[The Wall]]''
* [[Nigel Lindsay]] -- ''[[Bias Binding]]'', ''[[Schnerdlites]]''
* [[Nigel Lindsay]] -- ''[[Bias Binding]]'', ''[[Schnerdlites]]''
* [[Jim Linwood]] -- ''[[Fifty-Second Street]]'', ''[[Movie Music]]'', ''[[Jetstream]]'', ''[[Son of the Fanalytic Eye]]''
* [[Jim Linwood]] -- ''[[Fifty-Second Street]]'', ''[[Movie Music]]'', ''[[Jetstream]]'', ''[[Son of the Fanalytic Eye]]''
* [[George Locke]] -- ''[[Smoke]]'', ''[[Eye Tracks]]'', ''[[The Wall]]''
* [[George Locke]] -- ''[[Smoke]]'', ''[[Eye Tracks (Locke)]]'', ''[[The Wall]]''
* [[P. Howard Lyons]] -- ''[[Ibidem]]''
* [[P. Howard Lyons]] -- ''[[Ibidem]]''
* [[Stuart MacKenzie]] -- ''[[Ib Tenebo]]''
* [[Stuart MacKenzie]] -- ''[[Ib Tenebo]]''
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* [[Ivor Mayne]] -- ''[[Vert]]''
* [[Ivor Mayne]] -- ''[[Vert]]''
* [[Archie Mercer]] -- ''[[Antwerpse Letterkundige En Wettenschappelijke Gazet]]'', ''[[Amble]]'', ''[[Second Saturday After the First...]]'', ''[[Archive]]'', ''[[Meadows of Fantasy]]''
* [[Archie Mercer]] -- ''[[Antwerpse Letterkundige En Wettenschappelijke Gazet]]'', ''[[Amble]]'', ''[[Second Saturday After the First...]]'', ''[[Archive]]'', ''[[Meadows of Fantasy]]''
* [[Beryl Mercer]] -- ''[[Oz]]''
* [[Beryl Mercer]] -- ''[[Oz (Mercer)]]''
* [[Mike Meara]] & [[Pat Meara]] -- ''[[Lurk]]''
* [[Mike Meara]] & [[Pat Meara]] -- ''[[Lurk]]''
* [[Norm Metcalf]] -- ''[[Tasa]]'', ''[[CAC]]'', ''[[Ul]]''
* [[Norm Metcalf]] -- ''[[Tasa]]'', ''[[CAC]]'', ''[[Ul]]''
* [[Ellis Mills]] -- ''[[Grist]]'', ''[[Styx]]''
* [[Ellis Mills]] -- ''[[Grist]]'', ''[[Styx]]'', ''[[Ur & Xanadu Review]]''
* [[Michael Moorcock]] -- ''[[Perindeus]]''
* [[Michael Moorcock]] -- ''[[Perindeus]]''
* [[John Muir]] -- ''[[Red Cake]]'', ''[[Two Heads Are Better Than One (Muir)]]''
* [[Darroll Pardoe]] -- ''[[Pablo]]'', ''[[The Wall]]''
* [[Darroll Pardoe]] -- ''[[Pablo]]'', ''[[The Wall]]''
* [[Rosemary Pardoe]] -- ''[[Seagull]]''
* [[Rosemary Pardoe]] -- ''[[Seagull]]''
* [[Joe Patrizio]] -- ''[[Binary]]''
* [[Joe Patrizio]] -- ''[[Binary]]''
* [[Fred Patten]] -- ''[[Lefnui]]''
* [[Fred Patten]] -- ''[[Lefnui]]''
* [[Bob Pavlat]] -- ''[[Contour]]'', ''[[Evans-Pavlat Fanzine Index]]'', ''[[Doggie]]''
* [[Bob Pavlat]] -- ''[[Contour]]'', ''[[Evans-Pavlat Fanzine Index]]'', ''[[Dogie]]''
* [[Bruce Pelz]] -- ''[[Savoyard]]''
* [[Bruce Pelz]] -- ''[[Savoyard]]''
* [[Ian Peters]] -- ''[[Haggis]]''
* [[Ian Peters]] -- ''[[Haggis]]''
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* [[Ken Potter]] -- ''[[Incantations]]'', ''[[Brennschluss]]'', ''[[Fix]]''
* [[Ken Potter]] -- ''[[Incantations]]'', ''[[Brennschluss]]'', ''[[Fix]]''
* [[John Rackham]] -- ''[[Rackhamart]]''
* [[John Rackham]] -- ''[[Rackhamart]]''
* [[Julian C. Raasveld]] -- ''[[Spirit of Fan]]''
* [[Dorothy Ratigan]] -- ''[[Satan's Child]]''
* [[Dorothy Ratigan]] -- ''[[Satan's Child]]''
* [[George Nims Raybin]] -- ''[[Ground Zero]]'', ''[[Animus Curiae]]'', ''[[Let George Say It]]'', ''[[Nimbel]]''
* [[George Nims Raybin]] -- ''[[Ground Zero]]'', ''[[Animus Curiae]]'', ''[[Let George Say It]]'', ''[[Nimbel]]''
Line 150: Line 179:
* [[Don Studebaker]] -- ''[[Ludicrous Portraits]]'', ''[[Naked Artichoke in War and Peace]]'', ''[[Naked Artichoke in the Middle Ages]]''
* [[Don Studebaker]] -- ''[[Ludicrous Portraits]]'', ''[[Naked Artichoke in War and Peace]]'', ''[[Naked Artichoke in the Middle Ages]]''
* [[Pete Taylor]] -- ''[[Tourniquet]]''
* [[Pete Taylor]] -- ''[[Tourniquet]]''
* [[Arthur Thomson]] -- ''[[Veritas]]'', ''[[Ron Bennett Appreciation]]'',  ''[[Atoz]]'', ''[[Topee or Not Topee]]''
* [[Arthur Thomson]] -- ''[[Veritas]]'', ''[[Ron Bennett Appreciation]]'',  ''[[AtoZ]]'', ''[[Topee or Not Topee]]''
* [[Tony Thorne]] -- ''[[Medi-Eval]]'', ''[[Mediocre]]''
* [[Tony Thorne]] -- ''[[Medi-Eval]]'', ''[[Mediocre]]''
* [[Bjo Trimble]] -- ''[[Bjottings]]'', ''[[Procrastinator]]'', ''[[Pipress]]''
* [[Bjo Trimble]] -- ''[[Bjottings]]'', ''[[Procrastinator]]'', ''[[Pipress]]''
Line 157: Line 186:
* [[Harry Turner]] -- ''[[Now & Then]]''
* [[Harry Turner]] -- ''[[Now & Then]]''
* [[Dave Vendelmans]] -- ''[[Titot]]'', ''[[Itta]]'', ''[[Through Darkest Belgium]]''
* [[Dave Vendelmans]] -- ''[[Titot]]'', ''[[Itta]]'', ''[[Through Darkest Belgium]]''
* [[Keith Walker]] --
* [[Keith Walker]]  
* [[Mike Wallace]] -- ''[[Imbroglio]]'', ''[[Bilfescyning]]'', ''[[Fescennine]]''
* [[Mike Wallace]] -- ''[[Imbroglio]]'', ''[[Bilfescyning]]'', ''[[Fescennine]]''
* [[Charles Wells]] -- ''[[Hex]]''
* [[Charles Wells]] -- ''[[Hex]]''
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* [[Ted White]] -- ''[[Null-F]]'', ''[[Zip]]'', ''[[Double Whammy]]''
* [[Ted White]] -- ''[[Null-F]]'', ''[[Zip]]'', ''[[Double Whammy]]''
* [[Tom White]] -- ''[[Golgotha]]''
* [[Tom White]] -- ''[[Golgotha]]''
* [[Walt Willis]] -- ''[[Woz]]'', ''[[Wappoted]]''
* [[Walt Willis]] -- ''[[Woz]]'', ''[[WAPPPOTED]]'', ''[[Willis Discovers America]]''
* [[Art Wilson]] -- ''[[Scatalog]]''
* [[Art Wilson]] -- ''[[Scatalog]]''
* [[Geoff Wingrove]] -- ''[[Snooze]]'', ''[[Io]]'', ''[[Guf]]''
* [[Geoff Wingrove]] -- ''[[Guf]]'', [[Heavyside]], ''[[Io]]'', ''[[Snooze]]''
* [[Charlie Winstone]] -- ''[[Yac'sone]]''
* [[Charlie Winstone]] -- ''[[Yac'sone]]''
* [[Andy Young]] -- ''[[Vile Deeds at Midnight]]'', ''[[Wild Pumbles]]''
* [[Andy Young]] -- ''[[Vile Deeds at Midnight]]'', ''[[Wild Pumbles]]''
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The Off-Trail Magazine Publisher's Association, formed 19 June 1954 to provide [[British]] [[fen]] wit an equivalent of [[FAPA]]. [[Ken Bulmer]] and [[Vin¢ Clarke]] organized it, and were first president and first Association Editor (respectively) of the group. "We weren't proud", says [[Vince Clarke|Vin¢]]; "we borrowed wholesale from the rules of FAPA." This isn't quite right, since FAPA's Secretary and Vice-President duties were combined with, respectively, the Association Editor's and President's, and the group was smaller (45 members plus the Keeper of the Printed Books British Copyright repository, carried as "Member #0"]). Founder members included eminent [[Anglofen]] like [[Chuck Harris]] (first Treasurer), [[Joan Carr]], [[Ron Bennett]], and [[Archie Mercer]]. The group grew rapidly; original membership of 25 had to be increased to 29 with the first mailing and later to its present level. Beginning in 1956 it became extensively infiltrated with Americans and some [[alarm and despondency]] over possible loss of British character was heard.  
The Off-Trail Magazine Publisher's Association, formed 19 June 1954 to provide [[British]] [[fen]] wit an equivalent of [[FAPA]]. [[Ken Bulmer]] and [[Vin¢ Clarke]] organized it, and were first president and first Association Editor (respectively) of the group. "We weren't proud", says [[Vince Clarke|Vin¢]]; "we borrowed wholesale from the rules of FAPA." This isn't quite right, since FAPA's Secretary and Vice-President duties were combined with, respectively, the Association Editor's and President's, and the group was smaller (45 members plus the Keeper of the Printed Books [[The Copyright Receipt Office‎|British Copyright repository]], carried as "Member #0"]). Founder members included eminent [[Anglofen]] like [[Chuck Harris]] (first Treasurer), [[Joan Carr]], [[Ron Bennett]], and [[Archie Mercer]]. The group grew rapidly; original membership of 25 had to be increased to 29 with the first mailing and later to its present level. Beginning in 1956 it became extensively infiltrated with [[American]]s and some [[alarm and despondency]] over possible loss of British character was heard.  
{{publication | start=1954 | end=1981}}
* https://fanac.org/fanzines/APA_Mailings/OMPA/
* https://fanac.org/fanzines/References/apathy_ompa_index_clarke_1959-09_ompa_21c.pdf
* [https://www.fanac.org/fanzines/Burp/Burp24.pdf ''Burp'' #24 online] at fanac.org (includes extensive details and statistics for the first ten years of OMPA).
{{publication | start=1954 | end=1978}}

Latest revision as of 09:06, 15 February 2025

OMPA, the Offtrails Magazine Publishers Association, was organized by Ken Bulmer and Vin¢ Clarke on June 19, 1954 as the first UK fannish APA. The British Fantasy Amateur Press Association was a proposed fannish APA of the 1940s but that didn't come to anything and the British Amateur Press Association founded in 1890 was a earlier non-fannish APA in which some fans participated. Founding members included Chuck Harris, Joan Carr, Ron Bennett and Archie Mercer. The Official Organ was Off Trails. It was published four times a year: March, June, September and December. OMPA lasted into the late 1970s but 'faded away', as Rob Hansen put it, somewhen during that era. The last known issue of Off-Trails is #87, undated but seemingly late 1977. Many members felt that the effort of putting on OMPAcon '73 (an Eastercon) sapped its energy... though it is maintained by some that OMPA still exists, just that nobody has made minac since 1977.

In the advertising world it would have been called a brainstorming session. It began in the late afternoon of Saturday, June 19th, 1954, and carried on into the cool of a beautiful summer evening. When it had finished, Ken Bulmer and I had roughed out the plans for the first British SF fan publisher’s association.

It’s hard to say what was the catalyst which finally acted on this particular project. The atmosphere was right. British fandom was on its feet in a burst of activity which made this, the year of the SuperManCon, a small Golden Age. Numerous fans were interested in publishing, and the SF professional ’zines were bringing in new faces, throughout the year. I think it was Ken who decided that now was the moment for launching into reality the dream of years, and I think it was myself who, after various

euphonious titles had been tried out for a couple of hours, suggested that echo of a trombone, OMPA. It would, we thought, disperse any stuffiness about the introduction of an association with a real Constitution into the happily anarchic fandom of the time... and, moreover, it ran trippingly off the tongue.

Vin¢ Clarke, APAthy, 1959; quoted in Rob Hansen, Generation Femizine


Ron Bennett's Burp #24 (December 1964, and included in OMPA mailing #42) lists 'Ten years of Officialdom', providing a list of editors, presidents and treasurers for all years up to 1963/4.

1954/55 means a term from September 1955 to June 1955. For many years this was the standard term of an OE, as OMPA launched in the autumn. 1970–73 means the full years 1970, 71, 72, and 73.

Contributors and APAzines[edit]

From Fancyclopedia 2, ca. 1959
The Off-Trail Magazine Publisher's Association, formed 19 June 1954 to provide British fen wit an equivalent of FAPA. Ken Bulmer and Vin¢ Clarke organized it, and were first president and first Association Editor (respectively) of the group. "We weren't proud", says Vin¢; "we borrowed wholesale from the rules of FAPA." This isn't quite right, since FAPA's Secretary and Vice-President duties were combined with, respectively, the Association Editor's and President's, and the group was smaller (45 members plus the Keeper of the Printed Books British Copyright repository, carried as "Member #0"]). Founder members included eminent Anglofen like Chuck Harris (first Treasurer), Joan Carr, Ron Bennett, and Archie Mercer. The group grew rapidly; original membership of 25 had to be increased to 29 with the first mailing and later to its present level. Beginning in 1956 it became extensively infiltrated with Americans and some alarm and despondency over possible loss of British character was heard.


Publication 19541978
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