March 3 | -FPWESFC |
April 6–7 | First Post-Radar-Contact-with-the-Moon Con |
April 28 | The Null-A Men reorganized to form the ESFA |
July 4–7 | Pacificon I (Worldcon) |
August 13 | H. G. Wells dies |
October 27 | Phillycon 1946 |
“A Year in Fandom: 1946” by First Fandom Experience.
Births and Deaths:
Alan Dean Foster - Andrew Stephenson - Andy Porter - Arnie Katz - Barry Gold - Barry R. Levin - Bernie Evans - Binker Hughes - Bob Passovoy - Bruce Robbins - Cas Skelton - Catherine Mintz - Charles Ryan - Chris Foss - Cora Buhlert - David Redd - Diana Gallagher Wu - Don D'Ammassa - Eclare Hannifen - Elizabeth A. Lynn - Eric S. Rabkin - F. Paul Wilson - Flieg Hollander - Francis Flagg - Gary Alan Ruse - Gary K. Wolfe - George Proctor - George W. Proctor - Graham Charnock - Graham Masterton - H. G. Wells - Hal Haag - Howard Waldrop - Ian Miller - Jack Ketchum - Janet Kagan - Joe Bethancourt - John D. Owen - John D. Taylor - John DeChancie - John Gribbin - Jon White - Josepha Sherman - Ken Fletcher - L. Neil Smith - Larry McCaffrey, Jr. - Larry Smith - Larry Williams - Lenny Bailes - Lenny Kaye - Leslie Turek - Lois Mangan - Marty Massoglia - Marv Wolfman - Michael Shea - Mike Glicksohn - Mike Horvat - Nancy Kilpatrick - Otis Adelbert Kline - P. J. Beese - Patricia Williams-King - Pauline Jones - Perri Corrick - Peter Darling - Philip Pullman - Phyllis Eisenstein - Rafael Levchin - Ramsey Campbell - Reed Andrus - Rich Wannen - Richie Benyo - Robert Asprin - Robert Weinberg - Robin Postal White - Roger Waddington - Rosemary Ullyot - Rudy Rucker - Sharyn McCrumb - Sheryl Birkhead - Steve Perrin - Stuart David Schiff - Sue Anderson - Terry Adamski - Thomas D. Sadler - Thomas F. Monteleone - Tom Collins - Tom Veal - Yale Edeiken
Publications started or ended:
2B or Not 2B? - a - Ad Interim - Apollo - Assorted Musings - Bay Area News - Beyond - Black Flames - Booklist - British Fantasy Society Bulletin - Browsing - Chanticleer - Chaos - Cosmic Cuts - Creep, Shadow! - Dirty Word - Ember - En Garde - Facts in the Case of W. Dunkelberger - Fan - Fanorama - Fantast's Folly - Fantasy Critic - Fanzine Readers Review - ForLo Kon - Googol - Grulzak - Guteto - I Bequeath - Ichor - In Memoriam: H. G. Wells, 1866 - 1946 - Inspiration - Jabberwocky - Joe's Jottings - Micron - Milty's Mag - Monsters of the Moon - Mutant - New Worlds - Outlands - Pacificon Combozine - Plenum - QX - Rider - Rosebud - Scarab - Science*Fiction - Slantasy - Space Flight...When? - Sparx - Spectra - Speculations - Stephan the STFAN - Sun Spots - Tails of Passionate Fans - The (Unspeakable) Thing - The Acolyte - The Anti-Michelist Omnibus Dummy - The Beyond - The Grotesque - The Kaymar Trader - The Muse - The Phantagraph - The Reader and Collector - The Rider - The Science Fiction Savant - The Science-Fiction World - The Timebinder - Tumbrils - Voice
Clubs founded or disbanded:
Andrew Stephenson - Bernie Evans - Booklist - British Fantasy Society Bulletin - British Fantasy Society membership 1942–1946 - Browsing - Cas Skelton - Chris Foss - Cosmic Cuts - David Redd - Fantast's Folly - First Thursday - Graham Charnock - Graham Masterton - H. G. Wells - Ian Miller - John D. Owen - John Gribbin - New Worlds - Pauline Jones - Philip Pullman - Ramsey Campbell - Roger Waddington - Science Fantasy Society membership 1948-1951 - The Beyond
2B or Not 2B? - a - Ad Interim - Adventures in Time and Space - Alan Dean Foster - Andy Porter - Apollo - Arnie Katz - Assorted Musings - Barry Gold - Barry R. Levin - Bay Area News - Beyond - Binker Hughes - Black Flames - Bob Passovoy - Bruce Robbins - Catherine Mintz - Centracon - Chanticleer - Chaos - Charles Ryan - Chicon 8 - Creep, Shadow! - Diana Gallagher Wu - Dirty Word - Don D'Ammassa - Eclare Hannifen - Elizabeth A. Lynn - Ember - En Garde - Eric S. Rabkin - F. Paul Wilson - FPWESFC - Facts in the Case of W. Dunkelberger - Fan - Fanorama - Fantasy Critic - Fantasy Foundation - Fanzine Readers Review - First Post-Radar-Contact-with-the-Moon Con - Flieg Hollander - ForLo Kon - Francis Flagg - Gary Alan Ruse - Gary K. Wolfe - George Proctor - George W. Proctor - Googol - Grulzak - Guteto - Hal Haag - Howard Waldrop - I Bequeath - Ichor - In Memoriam: H. G. Wells, 1866 - 1946 - Inspiration - Jabberwocky - Jack Ketchum - Janet Kagan - Joe Bethancourt - Joe's Jottings - John D. Taylor - John DeChancie - Jon White - Josepha Sherman - Ken Fletcher - L. Neil Smith - Larry McCaffrey, Jr. - Larry Smith - Larry Williams - Lenny Bailes - Lenny Kaye - Leslie Turek - Lois Mangan - Los Angeles in 1942 - Marty Massoglia - Marv Wolfman - Michael Shea - Micron - Mike Horvat - Milty's Mag - Monsters of the Moon - Mutant - New Worlds - Open ESFA - Operation Futurian - Otis Adelbert Kline - Outlands - P. J. Beese - Pacificon - Pacificon Combozine - Forrest J Ackerman's Pacificon I Reminiscence - Patricia Williams-King - Perri Corrick - Phillycon 1946 - Phyllis Eisenstein - Plenum - QX - Rafael Levchin - Reed Andrus - Rich Wannen - Richie Benyo - Rider - Robert Asprin - Robert Weinberg - Robin Postal White - Rosebud - Rudy Rucker - Scarab - Science*Fiction - Sharyn McCrumb - Sheryl Birkhead - Slantasy - Space Flight...When? - Sparx - Speculations - Stephan the STFAN - Steve Perrin - Stuart David Schiff - Sue Anderson - Sun Spots - Tails of Passionate Fans - Terry Adamski - The (Unspeakable) Thing - The Acolyte - The Anti-Michelist Omnibus Dummy - The Grotesque - The Kaymar Trader - The Muse - The Phantagraph - The Reader and Collector - The Rider - The Science Fiction Savant - The Science-Fiction World - The Timebinder - Thomas D. Sadler - Thomas F. Monteleone - Tom Collins - Tom Veal - Tumbrils - Yale Edeiken
1945 | 1946 | 1947 |