The Timebinder

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Fanzine published in the mid-40s by E. Everett Evans.

Issue Date Pages -Notes
Vol I.I 1944 26 Reprinted 1945. The first issue was mimeographed and reprinted, stating "2nd Edition" on the contents page but still dated 1945. Copies of the reprint were still available in 1946. 24 numbered pages, with unnumbered pages of front (4) and end (1) matter. Mimeographed on Twiltone. Articles by Evans: an introduction (2 pages), "Achieving 'Personal Adequacy' through Time-Binding" (13 pages), "Concerning the Teaching of History" (4 pages), and "Ideas on Statesmanship" (5 pages).
#2 Vol I.II April 1945 35
#3 Vol I.III July 1945 32 Volume 2 #3 is dated Summer 1946, and mentions that this is the seventh issue. Print run is stated to have been about 200 copies for each issue, with this one having 50 extra copies run off for the Pacificon. Body of fanzine mimeographed, wrap-around cover (by Jack Wiedenbeck) printed. 32 numbered pages, plus cover. Introductory editorial on conscientious objectors, and on the culture of fear; articles by Gus Willmorth ("Heavenly Discourses", on atheism) and Charles D. Hornig ("A Conscientious Objector Speaks"); letters from Donald B. Thompson, Joseph J. Fortier, Russell Wood, Gerald W. Mahsmann, and Etta Hitt. Poetry by D. B. Thompson and Ollie Vane.
#4 Vol I.IV 1945 34
#5 Vol II.I 1946 31 for FAPA 34
#6 Vol II.II Spring 1946 33
#7 Vol II.III Summer 1946 32
#7A Vol II.III-A Summer 1946 7 Included in Pacificon Combozine, this may have been selected pages from the VII.III issue. A special issue in July 1946, which included an index to the issues to date.

Publication 19441946
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