
From Fancyclopedia 3
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The editor of a fanzine, commonly called a faned or Fan Editor, labors for egoboo and the usual, not filthy lucre -- although the occasional subscription, sticky quarters (or in these times of high postal rates, sticky $5 bills) or sheet of postage stamps is always welcome. In most cases, the faneditor is also the fanzine's publisher, not to mention its art director, printer, collator and distributor.

The job of creating a fanzine varies depending on the type -- perzine, newszine, genzine, clubzine -- and its means of repro.

The Official Editor of an apa takes on a thankless job.

The people who edit prozines, semiprozines and books are also editors. They, however, are professional editors, a notch below faneds, as the Fancyclopedia 1 entry, below, attests.

From Fancyclopedia 2, ca. 1959
The jerk who founds a fanzine, names it, decides what kind of material it shall carry, selects and puts together material for an issue, and/ or publishes it; and his successors. There are also positions called art editor, assistant editor, contributing editor, etc, which may mean much assistance in the dirty work or none at all.

Much blood has been shed over the question whether an editor should be allowed to make any changes in the mss of his writers before publishing them. many competent writers resent it as unnecessary interference with their communication to the readership; it is defended as taking the place of the drafting and rewriting that the authors ought to do and don't.

Added in Fancy 2: Some editors delight in interjecting their own comments before, during, and after contributors' material. This is a tradition in CULTzines.

Pages mentioning editors:

1944 Best Fanzine Retro Hugo - 4M - A. Graham Boak - Alan Hunter - Alden H. Norton - Alembic - Alexander Phillips - Alexis Gilliland - Alistair Paterson - Allison Williams - Allyn Cadogan - Ann Dietz - Annish - Archie Mercer - Art Rapp - Arthur D. Hlavaty - Arthur L. Selikowitz - Arthur Williams - Astroneer - Aubrey MacDermott on the Origins of Fandom - Bay State Science Club - Ben Bova - Bert Campbell - Beverly Friend - Bill Blackbeard - Bill Congreve - Bill Grant - Bill Harry - Bill Nelder - Bill Roper - Blick in die Zukunft - Bo Stenfors - Bob Sabella - Bob Studley - Bob Tucker - Brian W. Aldiss - Bruce Gillespie - Burt Satz - Camille Cazedessus, Jr. - Campbell Award - Carol M. Peters - Charles Anderson - Charles Hornig - Charles R. Tanner - Cheryl Morgan - Christopher Evans - Christopher J. Garcia - Claire Voyant - Club Cosmos - Clubzine - CoA - Colophon - Columnists - Conrad H. Ruppert - Cosmag - Cosmos News - Craig Chrissinger - Curtain Call - Cy Chauvin - Cytricon II - DNQ - Danny Oz - Darroll Pardoe - Dave Gardner - Dave Langford - Dave Truesdale - Dave Vendelmans - David D. McGirr - David V. Barrett - DeepSouthCon 6 - Denny Lien - Deviant - Diane Terwilleger - Dick Plotz - Don Day - Don Markstein - Donald A. Wollheim - Donald Moore - Door - Dorothy Hartwell - Dorothy J. Heydt - Douglas W. F. Mayer - Duane W. Rimel - E. Everett Evans - ERB-dom - Early Femmefen - Eclipse - Edith Furcsik - Editorial Stuff - Edward Elmer Campbell - Edward L. Ferman - Eleanor Daugherty - Elizabeth Garrott - Ella Parker - Ellen Datlow - Elliot Shorter - Emily Pohl-Weary - Eric Needham - Eva Hauser - Evelyn Chappell - FAN-EDS - FAPA - Faircon - Fan-Scent - Fanac - Fancyclopedia 1 - Fancyclopedia 2 - Fantasiae - Fantasy Review - Fantasy Review - Fantasy-News - Fanzine - Felice Rolfe - Femizine - First Fandom - First Sydney Conference - Frances Alberti Sykora - Frank R. Prieto, Jr. - Fred Smith - Freddie Hershey - Gardner Dozois - Garth Spencer - Gene Lees - General Technics - Geoff Lewis - George Hay - George Scithers - George Sjöberg - Gertrude M. Carr - Goontact - Gordon Van Gelder - Guy Lillian - Hal Haag - Harvey Inman - Helen Cloukey - Helen Winick - Henry Burwell - Honcke - Honey Wood - Hyacinthe Hill - Hyphen - I. O. Evans - Ian Nichols - Individ Fanzine - Ionisphere - Jack Speer - James Allen - James Ashe - Jane Tucker - Janice Marcus - Janie Lamb - Jean Young - Jeff Duntemann - Jessica Amanda Salmonson - Jim Avery - Jim Baen - Jim Shull - Jim Young - Joe Walter - John Piggott - Jonathan Strahan - Joyce Slater - Juanita Coulson - Judy-Lynn del Rey - Jules Lazar - Junior Fanatics - Karen Schaffer - Karen Trego - Kay Tarrant - Keep Watching the Skies - Keith Seddon - Knights of St. Fantony - Kristine Kathryn Rusch - Kyril Bonfiglioli - L. Jerome Stanton - Landis Shepherd - Larry Nielson - Larry Tucker - Lars Erik Helin - Laurie Mann - Leah Zeldes Smith - Lee Hoffman - Leslie J. Johnson - Leslie Turek - Lettercol - London in 1957 - Lora Crozetti - Los Angeles Clubs - Lynne M. Thomas - Mailing Comments - Marc Ortlieb - Marjorie Pickles - Mark Rich - Martha Matner - Mats Linder - Maurice T. Crowley - Maurice Z. Ingher - Max Keasler - Michael J. Walsh - Michael O'Brien - Midwestcon 5 - Mike Bracken - Mike Glyer - Misfits - Missouri Science Fiction Association - Morgan Botts - Mutant - Nan Gerding - Nepenthe - Niall Harrison - Nic Oosterbaan - Noel Chidwick - Norma Hemming - North Texas Association of Fen - Odd Tales - Oklacon I - Olexandr Vasylkivsky - Orma McCormick - Oscar J. Friend - Pamela Bulmer - Pamela J. Boal - Paul Freehafer - Paul Klingbiel - Paul Mittelbuscher - Peder Carlsson - Per Insulander - Pete Young - Peter Crowther - Peter J. Vorzimer - Phil Schumann - Philcon - Phoenix - Phoxphyre - Publishing - Rats on Fire - Robert Conquest - Robert Lichtman - Roger Dard - Romenna Meeting Reports - Ron Bennett - Ron Clyne - Ron Ellik - Rosemary Pardoe - Rubaiyat of a Science Fiction Fan - Russ Hodgkins - S. Fowler Wright - SFRevu - SFScope - STF and FSY Songbook - Samuel R. Delany - Sandy Sanderson - Sarah Gulde - Science Fiction League - Science Fiction Times - Scientifiction: The First Fandom Report - Scott Edelman - Second British Convention - Seetee - Sharon Bohner - Shawna McCarthy - Sheila Williams - Slant - Soggies - Spacehounds - Spacewarp - Spellbinders - Stanley Schmidt - Star*Line - Stephen Dedman - Steve Johnson - Sture Sedolin - Taurendor - Ted Carnell - Ted Johnstone - Terry Adamski - Terry Carr - The Asteroid - The Fanscient - The Musquite Kid Rides Again - The Science Fiction Fan - The Stranger Club by Art Widner - The Terrans - The Turning Worm - The Westmarch Messenger - The Willis Papers - Third Foundation - Thyril Ladd - Tolkien Society of Peekskill - Tom White - Tyrann - University of Chicago Science Fiction Club - Ursula K. Le Guin - Valma Brown - Vampire - Van Splawn - Vargo Statten Fan League - Venom - Victoria Vayne - Vin¢ Clarke - Vladimír Veverka - WCSFAzine - Wally Weber - Walt Dunkelberger - Walt Sullivan - Walter Dennis - Walter J. Daugherty - William Dellenback - William F. Temple - William James - Xenern Bulletin - Ycz - Ye Ed - Yggdrasil - Élisabeth Vonarburg

This is a fanspeak page. Please extend it by adding information about when and by whom it was coined, whether it’s still in use, etc.