Easter | Speculation (Eastercon) |
April 11 | James V. Taurasi dies. |
April | First FilKONtario held. |
August 29–September 2 (Labor Day) | Chicon V (Worldcon) |
Fanfunds — TAFF:Pam Wells; DUFF: Art Widner (South); FFANZ: Alan Stewart (East). | |
December 26 | Soviet Union dissolves. |
Births and Deaths:
A. J. Donnell - Agnes Rundle - Alan Barclay - Albert Magarian - Alexander Phillips - Alicia Feather - Arkady Strugatsky - Benson Herbert - Bert Barton - Cathie Youden - Dick Ellington - Doll Gilliland - Gene Roddenberry - Hal Curtis - Henry Andrew Ackermann - Isaac Bashevis Singer - James J. Butcher - James V. Taurasi - John Newman - Leslie F. Stone - Lisa Conesa - Meg Frank - Orville W. Mosher - Sadie Shaw - T. E. Dikty - Terry Overton - Walter Shedlofsky
Convention series started or ended:
Onetime conventions:
Altercon 666 - BARCON '91 - CON/FUSION - ConFictionary - Eroticon Six - German X-Con - NoSF3 - Philip K. Dick Celebration - Reconnaissance - Rhino - Soupçon - Twentycon - Vampiricon - Victoricon
Publications started or ended:
A Fan's Christmas in Ireland - Alex's Restaurant - Apples Be Ripe - Australian Science Fiction Review - Beyond - Beyond the Enchanted Duplicator ... To the Enchanted Convention - Bob - Chernobylization - Chicago: Confidential! - Desert Island Eric - Dragon's Breath - Dynatron - Elostirion - Fanthology '87 - Filklore - Flaf - Götterdämmerung - It Must Be the Sixties -- Bernie's Pregnant! - Lagoon - Let's Fanac - Light Stuff - Lip - Maw - Meshuggah - Minstrel's Hall of Filk - Nexus - No Award - Nyctalops - Opuntia - Outhouse - PFJ - Postcon Poctsarcd - Psychodaleks - Pulp - Quantum - Redback - Running Convention Films - Sisters - Slubberdegullion - Stave the Wails - Terminal Tales - The Michel Delving Mail - Thingummybob - This Never Happens - Time-Tea - Up Around the Bend
Publishers founded or closed:
Awards made, started or ended:
Stores opened or closed:
Clubs founded or disbanded:
New fanspeak coined:
Alan Barclay - Albacon 91 - Alex's Restaurant - Alicia Feather - Altercon 666 - Apples Be Ripe - ArmadaCon III - Benson Herbert - Bert Barton - Bob - Cathie Youden - Desert Island Eric - Dragon's Breath - Earth Calling Biscuit Barrel - Eroticon Six - Fantasycon XVI - Filklore - Götterdämmerung - It Must Be the Sixties -- Bernie's Pregnant! - John Newman - Lagoon - Light Stuff - Lip - Lisa Conesa - Lucon III - MabinogiCon - Mexicon IV - Microcon 11 - Midnight Rose - Minstrel's Hall of Filk - Nexus - Novacon 21 - Outhouse - Oxonmoot 1991 - Philip K. Dick Celebration - Picocon 9 - Pulp - Reconnaissance - Running Convention Films - Sadie Shaw - Shoestringcon 13 - Slubberdegullion - Soupçon - Speculation - Terry Overton - The Michel Delving Mail - Thingummybob - This Never Happens - Treble - Twentycon - Up Around the Bend - Wincon II - World Horror Convention - X-asm
Ad Astra 11 - Communicon - Con*Cept '91 - Con-Version VIII - Con-Version X - ConText '91 - FilKONtario - FilKONtario 1 - I-Con '93 - I-Con II - Keycon 8 - Opuntia - Rhino - VCON 18.5 - Westercon 44 - Wilfcon VII - World Horror Convention
New Zealand:
17th World Fantasy Convention - A Change of Hobbit - A Fan's Christmas in Ireland - A. J. Donnell - AggieCon XXII - Agnes Rundle - Albert Magarian - Alexander Phillips - Arcana 21 - Archon 15 - Arisia '91 - ArmadilloCon 13 - Astronomicon - Astronomicon 1 - Atlanta Fantasy Fair 1991 - Balticon 25 - Baycon '91 - Beyond - Beyond the Enchanted Duplicator ... To the Enchanted Convention - Boskone 28 - Bubonicon 23 - CON/FUSION - CONduit - CONduit 1 - Capricon 11 - ChambanaCon 21 - Chattacon XVI - Chicago in '91 - Chicago: Confidential! - Chicon V - Coastcon XIV - Con*Stellation X - ConChord 7 - ConClave 16 - ConQuesT 22 - ConTact 9 - Concave 12 - Confluence 4 - Consonance 1991 - Context IV - Contradiction 11 - CopperCon 11 - Corflu 8 - Costume-Con 9 - Darkover Grand Council 14 - DeepSouthCon 29 - DefCon IV - DemiCon 2 - Dick Ellington - Disclave 35 - Ditto 4 - Doll Gilliland - Dreamcon 6 - Dynatron - Fallen Angels - Flaf - Fourth Street Fantasy 1991 - Futurespeak: Fan's Guide to the Language of Science Fiction - Gene Roddenberry - Genericon VII - HOMer Award - Hal Curtis - Henry Andrew Ackermann - HexaCon - I-Con X - ICFA 12 - ICON 16 - Immaculate ConFusion - InCon '91 - InConJunction XI - Isaac Bashevis Singer - James J. Butcher - James Tiptree, Jr. Memorial Award - James V. Taurasi - KWEST*Con - Kubla 1991 Albuk - LepreCon 17 - LepriCon '91 - Lepricon '91 - Leslie F. Stone - Let's Fanac - LibertyCon 5 - Life, the Universe, & Everything 9 - Loscon 18 - Lunacon 34 - Marcon 26 - Maw - Meg Frank - Meshuggah - MidSouthCon 10 - Midwestcon 42 - MileHiCon 23 - Millennicon -10 - Minicon 26 - MisCon 6 - MosCon XIII - MythCon XXII - NJAC 7 - Necon 11 - Necronomicon '91 - No Award - NoSF3 - Noreascon 3 Memory Book - Norwescon 14.5 - Norwescon XIV - Nyctalops - OASIS 4 - OKon 14 - OVFF 7 - Octocon 28 - Octocon II - Orville W. Mosher - OryCon 13 - Philcon 1991 - Phoenixcon 6 - Postcon Poctsarcd - Pulpcon 20 - Quantum - Readercon 4 - Redback - ReinCONation 1 - Rivercon XVI - Roc*Kon 15 - Rovacon - Rovacon 16 - Rustycon 8 - Sacramento SF and Fantasy Society - Sacramento in 1991 - Sci-Con 13 - Sercon 5 - Silicon '91 - Silicon - Smofcon 8 - SoonerCon 7 - Stave the Wails - T. E. Dikty - Terminal Tales - The Franson Award - Time-Tea - Tropicon X - TusCon 18 - UpperSouthClave 21 - Valleycon 16 - Vikingcon 12 - Walter Shedlofsky - Windycon XVIII - WisCon 15 - World Horror Convention - X-Con 15
Rest of the World:
1990 | 1991 | 1992 |