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Fanzine edited by Roy Tackett, with Chrystal Tackett also credited on some issues. He started it in the 1960s when he was a Marine serving in Japan and published a hundred issues over three decades. Takumi Shibano contributed to it.

Issue Date Pages FAPA mailing -Notes
1 September 1960 10
2 October 1960 22
2 extra November 25, 1960 2
3 January 1961 24
4 March 1961 30
5 May 1961 20
6 July 1961 20
7 September 1961 20
8 November 1961 24
9 January 1962 25
10 March 1962 25
11 May 1962 24
12 July 1962 30
13 September 1962 22
14 November 1962 26
15 January 1963
16 March 1963 20 “By Roy and Chrystal Tackett,” from Albuquerque.
17 May 1963 20
18-19 July/September 1963 40 double issue
20 March 1964 24
21 June 1964 24
22 August 1964 24
23 October 1964 24
24 January 1965 30
25 May 1965 34
25 supplement 1965 12 Reprints Jack Speer's Fantasy Fiction Decimal Classification
26 August 1965 20
27 February 1966 38
28 May 1966 20
29 September 1966 21
30 December 1966 18
31 March 1967 26
32 May 1967 20
33 November 1967 16
34 December 1967
35 February 1968 22 122
36 May 1968 20 123
37 August 1968 22
38 November 1968 20
39 May 1969 24
40 August 1969 22
41 November 1969 20
42 May 1970 12
43 November 1970 16
44 February 1971 1971 18
45 May 1967 18
46 August 1967 20
47 November 1967 23
48 February 1972 19
49 May 1972 18
50 September 1972 36 Cover by Harry Morris; illos by Doug Lovenstein. "What Am I Doing Here?" by Len Moffatt (his Westercon 25 Fan GoH speech); "A Fan-Annish Carol" (Filksong) by Bob Vardeman; "Tokyo File" by Takumi Shibano (newsnotes from Japan); "Kinnison”, by René Tackett (full-page illo); "E. E. Smith's Literary Offenses" by Mike Glyer; "The Arisian Connection" by Alexis Gilliland; "Damn the Beanies! Full Speed Ahead!" by Aljo Svoboda; lettercolumn.
51 November 1972 6 141
52 February 1973 16 142
53 July 1973 8 144
54 September 1973 6
55 October 1973 20
56 November 1973 6
57 January 1974 22
58 March 1974 8
59 June 1974 16
60 September 1974 20
61 January 1975 20
62 May 1975 20
63 September 1975 20
64 November 1975 20
65 October 1976 20
66 November 1977 8 161
67 February 1978 12
68 April 1978 24
69 February 1979 16
70 May 1979 18
71 June 1979 8
72 November 1979 12
73 September 1980 20
74 February 1981 14
75 1981
76 1981
77 February 1983 20
78 November 1983 10
79 August 1983 8
80 February 1984 12
81 June 1984 10
82 November 1984 6 190
83 May 1985 8 191
84 August 1985 7 192
85 August 1986 10
86 August 1987 12 200
87 1987
90 1989
91 1989
92 1989
93 November 1989 10
94 May 1990 8
95 May 1991 10
96 September 1991 20
97 1991
98 1991
99 November 1991 10 219
100 December 1991 22

Publication 19601991
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