Easter | BSFA Convention, 1960. |
August 13 | FDA approves first birth-control pills. |
September 3–5 (Labor Day) | Pittcon (Worldcon). |
November or December | Fanoclasts formed |
Astounding renamed Analog. Science Fiction is officially over. | |
Eric Bentcliffe TAFF trip. | |
Science Fiction Club of London formed. |
Births and Deaths:
Aaron Allston - Adam-Troy Castro - Amy Ranger - Bob Eggleton - Brad Parks - Charles Dye - Charles E. Gannon - Chris Baker - Chuck Shimada - Colin Harvey - D. D. Sharp - Dafydd ab Hugh - Dave Hutchinson - Elizabeth Willey - Eric Brown - Florence Magarian - Holly Lisle - Ian McDonald - Jane Johnson - Jim Hershberg - Jim Huang - John Russell Fearn - John Taine - K. Martin Carlson - Karl Lembke - Kathe Koja - Kij Johnson - Kim Marks-Brown - Kristine Kathryn Rusch - Larry Hodges - Lawrence Sterne Stevens - Lex Nakashima - Linda Nagata - Lori Wolf - Melissa Scott - Michael Mason - Michelle Paver - Nalo Hopkinson - Naveed Khan - Neil Gaiman - Nicholas A. DiChario - Nicola Griffith - Norma Hemming - Pete Young - Peter F. Hamilton - Randy Asplund - Randy Farran - Robert J. Sawyer - Selina Rosen - Steve Green - Steve Gutterman - Susan Ellison - Susan Kahn - William Tienken
Convention series started or ended:
Onetime conventions:
Publications started or ended:
A Fanzine for Karen Anderson - A Few Words About Bilbo Bentcliffe - A L'Abandon - A Sherlockian Christmas Carroll - Ad Astra - Amble - An Egoboo a Day from All Over - Aporrheta - Ascent of Next to Nothing - AtoZ - BSFA Newsletter - Bastion - Blunt - Bronc! - Burgess's Lights - Cast Your Vote for a Coffee Drinker - Convention Annual - Conversation - Cyrille - dubious - Dynatron - ERB-dom - Eldritch Dream Quest - Etwas - Ex-Inchmery Fan Diary - Eye Tracks - Fadeaway - Fanfaronade - Fans & Ethics - Fantastic Universe Science Fiction - Fanzine Review - Fapulous - Femizine - Fix - Foop - Future Science Fiction - Gardyloo - Glamdring - Griffin - Ground Zero - Habakkuk - Haverings - Hobo - Hocus - Hungry - I Palantir - Ice Age - Idle Hands - K. Martin Carlson - Karellen - Keeping Posted - Kipple - Klein Bottle - Knight's in Old Berkeley - Kraml - Ktp - LASFS Newsletter - Lesser Flea - MI - Melange - Mirage - Mobius Strip - Nazgul's Bane - No Place - Ole! Chavela - Panac - Parsection - Pilikia - Polestar Chapbooks - Polhode - Que Pasado - Quotebook - Rache - Random - Requiem for a Fake Fan - Resin - Roscoe Will Save - SAM - SF Forum - STF and FSY Songbook - SaFari Annual - Salvo - Satan's Child - Sathanas - Scatalog - Science Fantasy News - Science Fiction Age - Science Fiction Club of London Club Combozine - Science-Fiction Age - Scribble - Sercon's Bane - Serenade - Sez Who? - Some Notes on Xi Bootis - Space Diversions - Spinnaker Reach - Stymie - TAFF Baedeker - TAFF Tales - Tesseract - The Elizabeth St. Bugle - The Purple Pastures - The ScoLar - The Southern Fan - Three Chambered Heart - Tightbeam - Twig - Twilight Zine - Ul - Vert - Viper - Vorpal Glass - Waftage - William E Newmann S.F. Reader - X-trap - YSFRG Newsletter
Publishers founded or closed:
Awards made, started or ended:
Stores opened or closed:
Clubs founded or disbanded:
New fanspeak coined:
A Few Words About Bilbo Bentcliffe - Amble - Aporrheta - Ascent of Next to Nothing - AtoZ - BSFA Convention, 1960 - BSFA Newsletter - Bastion - Blunt - Burgess's Lights - Cast Your Vote for a Coffee Drinker - Chris Baker - Colin Harvey - Dave Hutchinson - Eldritch Dream Quest - Eric Brown - Ex-Inchmery Fan Diary - Eye Tracks - Fans & Ethics - Femizine - Fix - Foop - Haverings - Hobo - Hungry - Ian McDonald - Inchmery Fandom - Irlam SFA - Jane Johnson - John Russell Fearn - Keeping Posted - Kettering Minicon - Lesser Flea - MI - Medway Science and Fantasy Club - Michelle Paver - Mobius Strip - Naveed Khan - Nazgul's Bane - Neil Gaiman - Nicola Griffith - NotFans - Panac - Pete Young - Peter F. Hamilton - Random - Salvo - Satan's Child - Science Fantasy News - Science Fiction Club of London Club Combozine - Scribble - Space Diversions - Steve Green - Susan Ellison - TAFF Tales - The Elizabeth St. Bugle - The Fellowship of the Ring - The Penitentiary - Vert - YSFRG Newsletter - Young Science Fiction Reading Group
New Zealand:
1959 Eastern Science Fiction Conference - 1960 WSFS Minutes - A Fanzine for Karen Anderson - A Sherlockian Christmas Carroll - Aaron Allston - Ad Astra - Adam-Troy Castro - Amy Ranger - An Egoboo a Day from All Over - Bob Eggleton - Boycon - Brad Parks - Bronc! - Burroughs Bibliophiles - Charles Dye - Charles E. Gannon - Chicago in '60 - Chuck Shimada - Convention Annual - Conversation - Cyrille - D. D. Sharp - DC in 1960 - Dafydd ab Hugh - Disclave 6 - dubious - Dynatron - ERB-dom - Etwas - Fadeaway - Fanfaronade - Fantastic Universe Science Fiction - Fanzine Review - Fapulous - Florence Magarian - Future Science Fiction - Gardyloo - George Nims Raybin Award - Glamdring - Griffin - Ground Zero - Habakkuk - Hocus - Holly Lisle - I Palantir - Ice Age - Idle Hands - Jim Hershberg - Jim Huang - John Taine - K. Martin Carlson - Karl Lembke - Kathe Koja - Kij Johnson - Kim Marks-Brown - Kipple - Klein Bottle - Knight's in Old Berkeley - Kraml - Kristine Kathryn Rusch - Ktp - LASFS Newsletter - Larry Hodges - Lawrence Sterne Stevens - Lensman saga - Lex Nakashima - Linda Nagata - Lori Wolf - Lunacon 4 - Melange - Melissa Scott - Michael Mason - Midwestcon 11 - Mirage - Myriad - Neil Gaiman - Nicholas A. DiChario - Nicola Griffith - No Place - Ole! Chavela - Parsection - Philadelphia in 1960 - Philcon 1960 - Pilikia - Pittcon - Sam Moskowitz' Pittcon Reminiscence - Pittsburgh in '60 - Polestar Chapbooks - Polhode - Quotebook - Rache - Randy Asplund - Randy Farran - Requiem for a Fake Fan - Resin - Roscoe Will Save - SAM - STF and FSY Songbook - SaFari Annual - Sathanas - Scatalog - Science Fiction Age - Science-Fiction Age - Selina Rosen - Sercon's Bane - Serenade - Sez Who? - Shadow-FAPA - Sodacon - Some Notes on Xi Bootis - Spinnaker Reach - Steve Gutterman - Stymie - Susan Ellison - Susan Kahn - TAFF Baedeker - Tesseract - The Fanzine Foundation - The Fellowship of the Ring - The Galactic Gaieties - The Golden Halls of Mirth - The Musquite Kid Rides Again - The Purple Pastures - The ScoLar - The Southern Fan - Three Chambered Heart - Tightbeam - Twig - Twilight Zine - Ul - Viper - Vorpal Glass - Waftage - William E Newmann S.F. Reader - William Tienken - Zeepsday
Rest of the World:
1959 | 1960 | 1961 |