January | -Slanapa founded |
Easter | LXICON |
April 12 | Yuri Gagarin orbits earth in Vostok 1 |
August 22 | Ella Parker begins her Parker Pond Fund trip |
September 2-4 (Labor Day) | Seacon (Worldcon) |
Mirage Press founded. | |
Ron Ellik TAFF trip. | |
Birmingham Science Fiction Group founded. |
Births and Deaths:
A. J. Brockway - Adrian Kleinbergen - Alfred Guillory, Jr. - Anders Bellis - Arthur "Doc" Weir - Bobb Waller - Carl Juarez - Chris A. Masters - Christopher James Priest - Clark Ashton Smith - Craig Chrissinger - Dave Mooring - Dave de Vries - David Levine - David Wayne Keller - Ed Kramer - Elda Wheeler - Elizabeth Huffman - Flora Jones - Gillian Polack - Greg Egan - Heather Bruton - James Nicoll - Jasper Fforde - John Dallman - Jordan Brown - Kate Yule - Kent Brewster - Lisa Hayes - Marianne de Pierres - Monica Stevens - Naomi Pardue - Nicholas Jainschigg - Norvell Page - Peter Jackson - Peter Wright - Randy Smith - Richard Garfinkle - Robert N. Stephenson - Steve Macdonald - Tim Szczesuil - Tom Cardy - Tom Holt - Tommy Silverros - Vince Docherty - William Ledbetter
Publications started or ended:
Admirable Crycon - Amazing, Thrilling, Sexy, Astounding, Analog, and Dry Dull Boring Scientific Fact Neffer Stories - Ancalagon - Ankus - Bane - Bedlam - Beyond - Bletherings - Blush - Bramble - Bulletin of the Dorcas Bagby Society, Terminus, Owlswick, & Ft. Mudge Electrick Railway Timetable - Cadenza - Churn - Colonial Excursion - Complete Story of How Not to Move - Defenstration - Defilade - Driftwood - Emanation - Envoy - EpiTAFF - Esprit - Fandoodle - Fanfaronade - Fantasmagorique - Filthy Pierre's Microfilk - G2 - Gimble - Goudy - Halfanthol - Hklplod - Influence of Science Fiction on Modern American Folk Music - Ipso Facto - Jetstream - Kota - Ktp - Lockjaw - Logarithmic - Lyddite - Miscellany - Nazgul's Bane - Norb's Notes - Obscene Matter - Ophidian - Packrat - Prose of Kilimanjaro - QRM - Quantum - Random - Rebel - Retribution - Rover - Running, Jumping, and Standing Still Fanzine - SaFari Annual - Science Fiction Club of London Club Combozine - Second Saturday After the First... - Self Preservation - Share the Rapp - Si-Fan - Souffle - Space Charge - Speculative Review - Sui! - Tau Ceti Reprints - The ATom Anthology - The Golden Apple - The Goon Goes West - The History of Irish Fandom - The Honeymooners - The Nehwon Review - The Original Science Fiction Stories - The Tattered Dragonette - The Wall - The Willis Papers - Topee or Not Topee - Two Heads Are Better Than One - Vert - Washington Guidebook - Watling Street - Who's Who in Science Fiction Fandom - YSFRG Newsletter - Zymurgy
Clubs founded or disbanded:
Arthur "Doc" Weir - Birmingham Science Fiction Group - Bletherings - Colonial Excursion - Dave Mooring - Driftwood - Elda Wheeler - EpiTAFF - Esprit - Fandoodle - Goudy - IPSO - Ipso Facto - Irlam SFA - Jasper Fforde - Jetstream - John Dallman - LXICON - Lockjaw - Miscellany - Nazgul's Bane - Packrat - Parker Pond Fund - Peter Wright - Prose of Kilimanjaro - Random - Retribution - Running, Jumping, and Standing Still Fanzine - Science Fiction Club of London Club Combozine - Second Saturday After the First... - The ATom Anthology - The Goon Goes West - The History of Irish Fandom - The Wall - Tom Holt - Vert - Vince Docherty - YSFRG Newsletter - Young Science Fiction Reading Group
1961 Open ESFA - A. J. Brockway - APA-X - Admirable Crycon - Alfred Guillory, Jr. - Amazing, Thrilling, Sexy, Astounding, Analog, and Dry Dull Boring Scientific Fact Neffer Stories - Ancalagon - Ankus - Bane - Baycon - Baycon 2002 - Bedlam - Berkeley Bhoys - Beyond - Blush - Bobb Waller - Bramble - Bulletin of the Dorcas Bagby Society, Terminus, Owlswick, & Ft. Mudge Electrick Railway Timetable - CRAP - Cadenza - Carboniferous Amateur Press Alliance - Carl Juarez - Christopher James Priest - Churn - Clark Ashton Smith - Complete Story of How Not to Move - Consolacon - Craig Chrissinger - David Levine - David Wayne Keller - Defenstration - Defilade - Disclave 7 - Ed Kramer - Egoboo for Algernon - Elizabeth Huffman - Envoy - Fanfaronade - Fantasmagorique - Filthy Pierre's Microfilk - Flora Jones - G2 - Gimble - Halfanthol - Hklplod - Index to the Science Fiction Magazines 1961 - Influence of Science Fiction on Modern American Folk Music - Jordan Brown - Kate Yule - Kent Brewster - Kota - Ktp - Lisa Hayes - Logarithmic - Lunacon 5 - Lyddite - Mathom House - Midwestcon 12 - Monica Stevens - Naomi Pardue - Nicholas Jainschigg - Norb's Notes - Norvell Page - Obscene Matter - Ophidian - Parker Pond Fund - Philcon 1961 - Philcon 1962 - QRM - Randy Smith - Rebel - Richard Garfinkle - SFPA - SaFari Annual - Seacon - Sam Moskowitz' Seacon Reminiscence - Self Preservation - Share the Rapp - Si-Fan - Space Charge - Speculative Review - Steve Macdonald - Tau Ceti Reprints - The Complete Checklist of Science-Fiction Magazines - The Golden Apple - The Honeymooners - The Nehwon Review - The Original Science Fiction Stories - The Tattered Dragonette - The Willis Papers - Tim Szczesuil - Topee or Not Topee - Two Heads Are Better Than One - Washington Guidebook - Watling Street - Who's Who in Science Fiction Fandom - William Ledbetter - Zymurgy
1960 | 1961 | 1962 |