From Fancyclopedia 3
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Date -Event
April 7–10 Conversation (Eastercon)
May 5 The World Health Organization declared Covid-19 no longer a "global health emergency." Fans continue to post photos of positive tests on Facebook.
May 6 Coronation of UK’s King Charles III and Queen Camilla.
June 2 Early femmefan Allison Williams Phillips died at 94.
July 20–23 Pemmi-con 2023, first NASFiC in Canada.
October 7 Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and other terrorists attacked Israeli civilians, starting the Israel–Hamas War.
October 18–22 Chengdu Worldcon, first Worldcon in China.


Convention series started or ended:


Onetime conventions:


Publishers founded or closed:


Awards made, started or ended:


Stores opened or closed:


New fanspeak coined:




New Zealand:



Aggiecon 52Albacon 2023Allison WilliamsArcana 2023Archon 46Arisia 2023Arisia 2024ArmadilloCon 2023Astronomicon 14Avatar: The Legend of ConFusionBalticon 57Baycon 2023Bill EllernBill LaubenheimerBoskone 60Bruce CoulsonBubonicon 54CONFelicity 1COSine 2023Capclave 2023Capricon 43ChambanaConChambanacon 52Chattacon 48CoKoCon 2023Coastcon 45ConGregate 9ConQuesT 54ConStellation 12Concave 42Conflikt 14Confluence 2023Consonance 2023Costume-Con 39D. G. ComptonDaphne Eftychia ArthurDark Matter MagazineDavid DrakeDavid K. M. KlausDenny LienDiversicon 30Ed HutnikEd ZedFoolscapFoolscap 2023Fourth Street Fantasy 2023Fuzzy Pink NivenGAFilk 2023Grant McCormickGreater Columbia Fantasy Costumers GuildGregg TrendHELIOsphere 2023Herbert GoldICON 48InConJunction 42Ira Mitchel ThornhillJack HeazlittJerry LapidusJohn DouglasJohn JakesJohn TeehanJordanCon 2023Joseph WrzosLA in 2026Leslie SmithLienZineLife, the Universe, & Everything 41Loscon 49Marcon 2023MarsCon 2023Marty CantorMemphis in 2023Michael A. BanksMichael BishopMichael F. FlynnMike BlakeMileHiCon 55Minicon 56Miscon 37Mysticon 2023NY/NJ in 2023Necronomicon 42New Orleans in 2023Norwescon 45OVFF 39Orlando in 2023Orycon 43P-CON 2023Pat PricePhilcon 2023Portable StorageProvidence in 2023PulpFest 2023Rachel PollackRadCon 8CRavenCon 16Readercon 32Ric BergmanRichard BowesRickey SheppardRobert OsbandShelley Adrienne Mimi BelskySmofcon 40Society for the Promotion of Speculative FictionSpiral Con 2Spokane in 2023Steve NorrisStockholm in 2023Suzy McKee CharnasTempe in 2023The Harp That Once or TwiceThomas D. SadlerTim UnderwoodTusCon 50Windy City Pulp & Paper Convention 22Windycon 49WisCon 46World Fantasy Convention 2023


Rest of the World:

2022 | 2023 | 2024