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The Year of the Jackpot[edit]

1958 was known as The Year of the Jackpot because of the previously unheard-of number of deaths.

February -4E Ackerman publicizes "sci-fi" in Famous Monsters of Filmland #1
February 4 Henry Kuttner dies
February 23 WSFS, Inc., formally incorporated in New York
February 24 Fanac by Terry Carr and Ron Ellik begins publication
early Mutual lawsuits between Dave Kyle and the Dietz-Raybin faction over NYCon II funds and WSFS, Inc.
March 15 2000th anniversary of the death of Julius Caesar
March 21 Cyril Kornbluth dies
March CRAP formed
Easter Cytricon IV, British Science Fiction Association organized
June 8 F. Towner Laney dies
June 10 Vernon McCain dies
mid Second Futurian Society of New York formed
July 6 Dallas Futurian Society disbanded
August 29 - September 1 (Labor Day) Solacon (Worldcon), the culmination of South Gate in '58
August 31 WSFS, Inc., effectively killed by Anna Moffatt at Solacon
October 13 Kent Moomaw suicide
December 2 E. E. Evans dies
Ron Bennett TAFF trip


Convention series started or ended:


Publications started or ended:

A David English SketchbookA Foggy DayA L'AbandonA Propos de RienAWOLAgamenon WeeklyAmbrosiaAporrhetaAustralian Science Fiction NewsletterBEMBEMBell the CatBest of FandomBlue MoonBrilligBurroughsaniaCanadian FandomChulaChumshotChux OwnCole FaxComedy of ErrorsComplete FaanCriFanAcDaily DynamicDetentionDiablerieDjellabahDriftwoodFIJAGHFafhrdFafhrdFamous Monsters of FilmlandFanacFANannIAFantasiffmFhan SF FanzineFixFoutFringeFuturistic Science StoriesGAFIA Recovery AdministrationGafiaGoojie PublicationsGreen ExpressionHarris School of MotoringHenry Kuttner: A Memorial SymposiumHiHow!I Wish I Knew What 'Nuces Tibi' MeantImaginationImpasseImpossibleIncompleat BurbeeInfinity Science FictionInnavigable MouthJazz FanKettering '58Kettering 1958Launching SiteLaundryLighthouseLimboLocoMammonMarsoloMoorparkMoveMovie MusicMunich Round UpNew FuturianNoise LevelNorthlightObOff the Cuff for GertrudePamphreyPealsPeregrinations in BluePerihelionPerindeusPot PourriProFANityProdigalRURReasonRoad BashRon Bennett AppreciationRumbleSFSatelliteScience Fiction NyttScience Fiction QuarterlyScience Fiction TimesSome Important Information Concerning Unicorn ProductionsSpace TravelSpasmodicStar DustSulphurycSuper-FantasiTake-OffTales from the OublietteTeddy BearThe Bosses SongbookThe Chairman SpeaksThe Fantasy CollectorThe Goon LibraryThe Hairy BeastThe Last SplotchThe Purple PasturesThisTra-LaUmglickVanguard Science FictionVectorVile Deeds at MidnightVoice of the ProphetWhen a Trufan DiesWho Is This Man?WozZymic


Publishers founded or closed:


Stores opened or closed:


New fanspeak coined:





1958 Open ESFAA David English SketchbookA Foggy DayAgamenon WeeklyAl KaterinskyAlan GutierrezAlice in ThrillingwonderlandAllen M. SteeleAmbrosiaAmy ThomsonBEMBell the CatBest of FandomBobbie DuFaultBradley DentonBrett CoxBrilligC. M. KornbluthCRAPCarl BrandonCarl SlaughterChulaCole FaxColleen SavitzkyCriFanAcDaily DynamicDallas Futurian SocietyDebbie HughesDetentionDiablerieDiana Harlan SteinDjellabahDon AyresE. Everett EvansElizabeth Klein-LebbinkEllen 'Blade' McMickingFIJAGHFafhrdFafhrdFamous Monsters of FilmlandFanacFanarconFapaconForry-FortyTwo ConFoutFrancis Towner LaneyFrank CatalanoGafiaGary FarberGoojie PublicationsHenry JenkinsHenry KuttnerHenry Kuttner: A Memorial SymposiumHiIllwisconImaginationImpasseImpossibleIncompleat BurbeeInfinity Science FictionJames Branch CabellJames GurneyJeff CanfieldJody LeeJohn BlakerJohn G. McDaidJulie BellKaren SchafferKate ElliottKate WorleyKeith ParkinsonKen JosenhansKent MoomawLaundryLeah Dillon GadzikowskiLeslie SmithLighthouseLimboLindsay CrawfordLisa Snellings ClarkLou AronicaLunacon 2MammonMarc SchirmeisterMark RichMarsoloMegaCon 1MetroconMetrocon IIMetrofenMidwestcon 9MoorparkNYSFCircleNic FareyObOutstanding Movie HugoPat Sayre McCoyPatty PetersPaul CherryPealsPhilcon 1958ProFANityR. DeWitt MillerRURRace to the StarsRichard BinzelRoad BashRoslee OrndorffRumbleS. T. JoshiSFScience Fiction QuarterlySodaconSolaconSam Moskowitz' Solacon ReminiscenceSome Important Information Concerning Unicorn ProductionsSouth Gate in '58Southwestercon VISpace TravelSteve DavidsonSuzanne FeldmanTeddy BearTerri WindlingThe Bosses SongbookThe Fantasy CollectorThe Goon LibraryThe Purple PasturesThisTim MarionTra-LaTravelcon to the SolaconUmglickVanguard Science FictionVernon McCainVile Deeds at MidnightVoice of the ProphetWAW and Mate to the Gate in '58Wayne BarloweWho Is This Man?


Rest of the World:

1957 | 1958 | 1959