From Fancyclopedia 3
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February 22-24 -Last Penulticon
March First Concave
March 7-9 First Canvention
Easter Albacon 80, the first Scottish Albacon
May Science Fiction and Fantasy Workshop founded
May 3–5 First ConQuesT
May 23–24 Disclave 24 at Hostility House invaded by SWAT Team
June 13-15 First Ad Astra
June 20-22 First MidSouthCon
Summer First Necon
July 4-6 First MystiCon
July 4-7 First British Unicon
August 28–September 11 Dave Langford TAFF trip.
August 29–September 2 (Labor Day) Noreascon Two (Worldcon)
September 12 Susan Wood dies
October North Alabama Science Fiction Association founded.
DUFF: Keith Curtis (North)
Lee Schneider established Lytheria in Milwaukee


Publications started or ended:

&1986A Foreign FanzineA PaulingAPA-JeffAcnestisAeonsAirgedlamhAladab Kalle AnkaAmanitaAnother EarthAssegai and VoortrekkerAstron MagazineCacciatoreCalma MindonCatnipChimeraDead HedgehogDevil Take the HindmostDr FaustensteinDriftwoodDrygulchElectronic Thumb PianoEniznafEternity Science FictionFantasy MediaFast and LooseFinlay FunniesForbidden WorldsFornostForthGUFF-aweGalaxy Science FictionGalileoGannetscrapbookGorbash and Thunder the Lame NewtGritbinHanrahanHarlotHawai'iHigbo the BearHindmostI Got It at ASFICONIl BicheInsufficient FundsIntermediate Vector BosonsJanusJimmy Carter. Warlord of MarsKlactoveesedsteneLines of OccurrenceLobster TalesMasqueradeMein Tochas DazwischenMen With Big SwordsMoonstoneMotaNaginataNapalm in the MorningNew ChurchNew Gwent ReviewNew Tolkien NewsletterNew VariantNews from BreeNon SequiturNorthern LightsOne-OffOur ClubPax OrtygiaPerihelionPhoenixPongPrinked MatterPulpPungentlyQuettarQuodlibetResolutionRule 42Science Fiction & Fantasy Book ReviewScuddickSeacon Behind Closed DoorsSecond-Hand WaveSeeing-StoneSing Me a Song I KnowSkiffy ThymeSnorkelSongsSpang BlahSpeaking Out (An Agony Column)Stulticiae LausSummertime BlueSupernovaSweetmeats: The Best of Sandra MieselTelosThe Book of MazarbulThe House at Puh-Puh Platter CornerThe Magic FanThe Middle-Earth LibraryThe Monthly MonthlyThe Northern GuffblowerThe Voice of the LobsterThe Water ClosetThis FarceThis Sure as Hell Ain't DNQTime to Pick Up a GerbilTo Start Things OffTwenty-ThirdUsenetVertigoVheckans ÄvfentyrWaifWorld SF NewsletterWorlds BeyondXenophile


Publishers founded or closed:


Stores opened or closed:


New fanspeak coined:








New Zealand:



19866th World Fantasy ConventionAPA-JeffAPA-πAPA-SlobboviaASFiConAggieCon XIAlec Nevala-LeeAlex OsheroffAlterConAlterCon 1Ambercon 2Apricon 3Apricon 7Apricon 8Apricon 9Archon 4ArmadilloCon 2Arthur R. TofteAstron MagazineAutoClave 4Balticon 1Balticon 14Boskone 17Boston in 1980Bubonicon 12CacciatoreCapriconCatnipChambanaCon 10Chattacon VCoastcon '80Codclave VIConClave VConFusion 6 and/or 7ConQuesT 1980ConcaveConcave 1Daniel Jose OlderDarkover Grand Council 1980DatClaveDatClave 1DeepSouthCon 18Denebian Slime DevilsDevil Take the HindmostDisclave 24Doris Pitkin BuckEmpiricon 2EniznafEternity Science FictionFanaticsFantasy Faire TenFantasy Showcase Tarot DeckFantasy Worlds Midwinter FestivalFast and LooseFilkCon IIFinlay FunniesFlushing in '80Fool-Con IIIGalaxy Science FictionGalileoGeorge PalGeorge R. StewartGlyptocon 2Gorbash and Thunder the Lame NewtGraham HallHarlotHawai'iHexacon 2Hoosier ConHouston Science Fiction SocietyI Got It at ASFICONICFA 1ICON 5Il BicheImaginitzaconInsufficient FundsIntermediate Vector BosonsInternational Conference on the Fantastic in the ArtsInterstellar Mercenaries GuildIntervention BetaInvisible Little Man AwardJanusJimmy Carter. Warlord of MarsJohn CollierJohn McGeehanKameron HurleyKay TarrantKris NevilleKubla Khan AteLA in '80LasfapaconLeapconLepreCon 6Lines of OccurrenceLobster TalesLora CrozettiLoscon 7Lunacon 23LytheriaMarcon XVMarie BrennanMasqueradeMayBelle AnshutzMein Tochas DazwischenMidSouthConMidSouthCon 1Midwestcon 31MileHiCon 12Milford AwardMinicon 16MoonstoneMosCon IIMotaMystiConMystiCon 1Mythcon XINaginataNeconNecon 1New VariantNoreascon TwoTony Lewis' Noreascon Two ReminiscenceNorth Alabama Science Fiction AssociationNorwescon 3.5Norwescon IIINot-Anokon 1Octocon IIIOff Centaur PublicationsOryCon '80Othercon IVOur ClubPatrick S. TomlinsonPenulticonPenulticon 3Philcon 1980PhoenixPhoenix in '80PongPrinked MatterPulpPulpcon 9PungentlyQuodlibetReadercon Small Press AwardResolutionRivercon VRoc*Kon 5Rochester Fantasy Fair 1Rovacon 5S. J. TuckerSaga of the NESFA ClubhouseSampo AwardSaville SaxSci-Con 2Science Fiction & Fantasy Book ReviewScience Fiction HappeningSkiffy ThymeSolarconSon of ParaconSpacecon 2Spang BlahStar WhoresStellarCon VSummertime BlueSusan PetreySwampconSweetmeats: The Best of Sandra MieselSyracuse University Science Fiction SocietyTelosThe Book of MazarbulThe House at Puh-Puh Platter CornerThe Recent FutureThe Voice of the LobsterThe Water ClosetThe Westerfilk CollectionThis Sure as Hell Ain't DNQTo Start Things OffTom GodwinTusCon 7URCON IIUnicon 6Valleycon 5VertigoVikingconVikingcon 1Wallace WestWestercon 33Western Pennsylvania SF AssociationWhatcon IIWilliam MorrisonWindycon VIIWisCon 4X-Con 4Xenophile


Rest of the World:

1979 | 1980 | 1981