January 22 | U.S. Supreme Court decides Roe v. Wade, legalizing abortion. |
Easter | OMPAcon '73 (Eastercon). |
April | The Esoteric Order of Dagon founded. |
May 14 | Skylab, the first space station, launched. |
August 31 - September 3 (Labor Day) | Torcon II (Worldcon) |
September 2 | J. R. R. Tolkien dies. |
September-November | Stilyagi Air Corps formed. |
Len & June Moffatt TAFF trip. | |
ISFiC founded. | |
First Nova Awards presented. | |
First Kubla Khan held. | |
LASFS buys its first clubhouse. |
Births and Deaths:
Bruce Elliott - Carrie Vaughn - Cora Buhlert - Emily Pohl-Weary - Frances Hardinge - Heath Row - Herbert Häußler - J. R. R. Tolkien - Jason K. Burnett - Karin Lowachee - Mary Jameson - Mur Lafferty - Naomi Kritzer - Naomi Novik - Naomi Postal - Patrick Rothfuss - Stephanie Burke - Van Splawn - Vincent Manning
Convention series started or ended:
Akon - Beneluxcon - Desertcon - Halfacon - Kubla Khan - Nova - SFCon - Secondary Universe - Vul-Con
Onetime conventions:
Publications started or ended:
'Ayn Ran' Is Narnya Spelled Backwards - 30% Bran (with Raisins) - A Fanzine In... - A Few Lost Words - Along the Causey Road - Amblesnyde & Tiddleycover R. R. Gazette - Among the Yankers - Amor - Antithesis - Aspidistra - B. C. - Balthus - Balthus Review - Blunt - Branstock - Chronicle - Cipher - Dangerous Crudzines - Defenestration - Diehard - Diplophobia - Energumen - Etherline - Eulogy - FAPA Book - FOSFAX - Fantasiae - Frankfurt Amateur Review - Gannetscrapbook - Gathering Clouds - Gerbish Annual - Girl's Own Fanzine - Grand Balloon - Grimling Bosch - Hello Again - Inworlds - JoeD - Joy - Kangaroo Feathers - King Kon - Knights - Kosmic City Kapers - Kwalhioqua - Locomotive - Magic Pudding - Mary Brunori's Mailing Bureau Memory Buzzer - Maule's Well - Midwest Side Story - Nemesis - Nolazine - Notes from the Chemistry Department - OPMAgress - Organlegger - Our Yesterdays - Parenthesis - Perigee - Phoenix - Prospectus - Quantum - Raving Paranoid Fascist - Raving Timmie Ggazzette - Revolting Tales of Sex and Super-Science - Scab - Sensawonder! - Septentrionalis - Sfären - Shimmering Silhouettes - Small Friendly Dog - So It Goes - Southwest Trip of Sir Galavant, 1972-1973 - Speculation - Spirit of Fan - Starfire - Statement of Purpose - Sunshine Spreader - Tabebuian - Tale of the Tarnished Plain - Tandem - The Gafiate's Intelligencer - The Grimling Bosch - The Holy Quail - The Hutto Has a Going-Away Oneshot - The Moffatt House Abroad - The Silent Planet - The Unnamable - The Wedding - The York Science Fiction Club Presents - This Is a ? - This Way Out - Tomorrow And... - Tropical Torcon Tales - True Rat - Vertex - Viewpoint - Vorpal - Wadezine - We're Torcon to You - Whispers - Wooden Nickel - Yellow Banana - Yellow Tangerine - Yellowed Memories
Publishers founded or closed:
Carcosa - Owlswick Press - T-K Graphics - TSR
Awards made, started or ended:
Stores opened or closed:
Clubs founded or disbanded:
New fanspeak coined:
30% Bran (with Raisins) - Amor - August Derleth Award - Balthus - Balthus Review - Beyond This Horizon - Blunt - Embassy Con - Eulogy - Frances Hardinge - Gannetscrapbook - Gathering Clouds - Gerbish Annual - Grimling Bosch - J. R. R. Tolkien - Joy - King Kon - Magic Pudding - Maule's Well - Nova Award - Novacon 3 - OMPAcon '73 - OPMAgress - Scab - Small Friendly Dog - Speculation - Ted Carnell Society - The Grimling Bosch - True Rat - Wadezine
New Zealand:
'Ayn Ran' Is Narnya Spelled Backwards - A Fanzine In... - A Few Lost Words - AggieCon IV - Akon - Along the Causey Road - Amblesnyde & Tiddleycover R. R. Gazette - Among the Yankers - Antithesis - B. C. - BYOB-Con 3 - BYOB-Con 4 - Balticon 7 - Barry R. Levin Science Fiction & Fantasy Literature - Big D in '73 - Boskone 10 - Bozo Bus Building - Branstock - Bruce Elliott - Bubonicon 5 - Campbell Award Rules - Carcosa - Carrie Vaughn - ChambanaCon 3 - Chronicle - Cipher - Cloak and Rocket - Dapa-Em - DeepSouthCon 11 - Defenestration - Desertcon - Diehard - Diplophobia - Disclave 17 - Embassy Con - Equicon '73 - FAPA Book - FOSFAX - Fantasiae - Grand Balloon - Halfacon - Heath Row - Hello Again - ISFiC - Inworlds - Jason K. Burnett - JoeD - John W. Campbell, Jr. Memorial Award - Karl Edward Wagner Award - Knights - Kosmic City Kapers - Kubla Khan - Kubla Khan Clave - Kwalhioqua - Locomotive - Lunacon 16 - Marcon VIII - Mary Brunori's Mailing Bureau Memory Buzzer - Mary Jameson - Midwest Side Story - Midwestcon 24 - MileHiCon 5 - Milwaukee's Spree in 'Seventy-Three - Minicon 7 - Minneapolis in '73 - Mur Lafferty - Mythcon IV - Naomi Kritzer - Naomi Novik - Naomi Postal - Nemesis - New Orleans in '73 - Nolazine - Notes from the Chemistry Department - Nova - Novacon 1 - Organlegger - Our Yesterdays - Owlswick Press - Parenthesis - Patrick Rothfuss - Perigee - PgHLANGE V - Philcon 1973 - Phoenix - Prospectus - Pulpcon 2 - Quantum - Raving Paranoid Fascist - Raving Timmie Ggazzette - Revenge! - SFCon - SUNYcon - Science Fiction and Fantasy Pseudonyms - Secondary Universe - Secondary Universe VI - Sensawonder! - Septentrionalis - Shimmering Silhouettes - So It Goes - Southwest Trip of Sir Galavant, 1972-1973 - Starfire - Statement of Purpose - Stephanie Burke - Stilyagi Air Corps - Sunshine Spreader - T-K Graphics - TSR - Tabebuian - Tale of the Tarnished Plain - Tandem - The Esoteric Order of Dagon - The Gafiate's Intelligencer - The Holy Quail - The Hutto Has a Going-Away Oneshot - The Moffatt House Abroad - The Science Fiction Shop - The Unnamable - The World of Fanzines - The York Science Fiction Club Presents - This Is a ? - This Way Out - Tomorrow And... - Tropical Torcon Tales - Turkey City Writer's Workshop - Van Splawn - Vertex - Viewpoint - Vincent Manning - Vorpal - Vul-Con - Whispers - Wooden Nickel - Yellow Banana - Yellow Tangerine - Yellowed Memories
Rest of the World:
1972 | 1973 | 1974 |