From Fancyclopedia 3
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January 22 U.S. Supreme Court decides Roe v. Wade, legalizing abortion.
Easter OMPAcon '73 (Eastercon).
April The Esoteric Order of Dagon founded.
May 14 Skylab, the first space station, launched.
August 31 - September 3 (Labor Day) Torcon II (Worldcon)
September 2 J. R. R. Tolkien dies.
September-November Stilyagi Air Corps formed.
Len & June Moffatt TAFF trip.
ISFiC founded.
First Nova Awards presented.
First Kubla Khan held.
LASFS buys its first clubhouse.

Convention series started or ended:

Onetime conventions:

Publications started or ended:

'Ayn Ran' Is Narnya Spelled Backwards30% Bran (with Raisins)A Fanzine In...A Few Lost WordsAlong the Causey RoadAmblesnyde & Tiddleycover R. R. GazetteAmong the YankersAmorAntithesisAspidistraB. C.BalthusBalthus ReviewBluntBranstockChronicleCipherDangerous CrudzinesDefenestrationDiehardDiplophobiaEnergumenEtherlineEulogyFAPA BookFOSFAXFantasiaeFrankfurt Amateur ReviewGannetscrapbookGathering CloudsGerbish AnnualGirl's Own FanzineGrand BalloonGrimling BoschHello AgainInworldsJoeDJoyKangaroo FeathersKing KonKnightsKosmic City KapersKwalhioquaLocomotiveMagic PuddingMary Brunori's Mailing Bureau Memory BuzzerMaule's WellMidwest Side StoryNemesisNolazineNotes from the Chemistry DepartmentOPMAgressOrganleggerOur YesterdaysParenthesisPerigeePhoenixProspectusQuantumRaving Paranoid FascistRaving Timmie GgazzetteRevolting Tales of Sex and Super-ScienceScabSensawonder!SeptentrionalisSfärenShimmering SilhouettesSmall Friendly DogSo It GoesSouthwest Trip of Sir Galavant, 1972-1973SpeculationSpirit of FanStarfireStatement of PurposeSunshine SpreaderTabebuianTale of the Tarnished PlainTandemThe Gafiate's IntelligencerThe Grimling BoschThe Holy QuailThe Hutto Has a Going-Away OneshotThe Moffatt House AbroadThe Silent PlanetThe UnnamableThe WeddingThe York Science Fiction Club PresentsThis Is a ?This Way OutTomorrow And...Tropical Torcon TalesTrue RatVertexViewpointVorpalWadezineWe're Torcon to YouWhispersWooden NickelYellow BananaYellow TangerineYellowed Memories

Publishers founded or closed:

Clubs founded or disbanded:

New fanspeak coined:




New Zealand:


'Ayn Ran' Is Narnya Spelled BackwardsA Fanzine In...A Few Lost WordsAggieCon IVAkonAlong the Causey RoadAmblesnyde & Tiddleycover R. R. GazetteAmong the YankersAntithesisB. C.BYOB-Con 3BYOB-Con 4Balticon 7Barry R. Levin Science Fiction & Fantasy LiteratureBig D in '73Boskone 10Bozo Bus BuildingBranstockBruce ElliottBubonicon 5Campbell Award RulesCarcosaCarrie VaughnChambanaCon 3ChronicleCipherCloak and RocketDapa-EmDeepSouthCon 11DefenestrationDesertconDiehardDiplophobiaDisclave 17Embassy ConEquicon '73FAPA BookFOSFAXFantasiaeGrand BalloonHalfaconHeath RowHello AgainISFiCInworldsJason K. BurnettJoeDJohn W. Campbell, Jr. Memorial AwardKarl Edward Wagner AwardKnightsKosmic City KapersKubla KhanKubla Khan ClaveKwalhioquaLocomotiveLunacon 16Marcon VIIIMary Brunori's Mailing Bureau Memory BuzzerMary JamesonMidwest Side StoryMidwestcon 24MileHiCon 5Milwaukee's Spree in 'Seventy-ThreeMinicon 7Minneapolis in '73Mur LaffertyMythcon IVNaomi KritzerNaomi NovikNaomi PostalNemesisNew Orleans in '73NolazineNotes from the Chemistry DepartmentNovaNovacon 1OrganleggerOur YesterdaysOwlswick PressParenthesisPatrick RothfussPerigeePgHLANGE VPhilcon 1973PhoenixProspectusPulpcon 2QuantumRaving Paranoid FascistRaving Timmie GgazzetteRevenge!SFConSUNYconScience Fiction and Fantasy PseudonymsSecondary UniverseSecondary Universe VISensawonder!SeptentrionalisShimmering SilhouettesSo It GoesSouthwest Trip of Sir Galavant, 1972-1973StarfireStatement of PurposeStephanie BurkeStilyagi Air CorpsSunshine SpreaderT-K GraphicsTSRTabebuianTale of the Tarnished PlainTandemThe Esoteric Order of DagonThe Gafiate's IntelligencerThe Holy QuailThe Hutto Has a Going-Away OneshotThe Moffatt House AbroadThe Science Fiction ShopThe UnnamableThe World of FanzinesThe York Science Fiction Club PresentsThis Is a ?This Way OutTomorrow And...Tropical Torcon TalesTurkey City Writer's WorkshopVan SplawnVertexViewpointVincent ManningVorpalVul-ConWhispersWooden NickelYellow BananaYellow TangerineYellowed Memories

Rest of the World:

1972 | 1973 | 1974