June Moffatt

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June Moffatt at FUNcon 1, 1968.

(April 20, 1926 – May 31, 2018)

June Moffatt (previously Konigsberg, originally Poulsen) was a longtime LA area fan. She was on numerous LA area convention committees.

June and her husband Len Moffatt were TAFF winners in 1973. Dave Locke and Ed Cox published Unabashed Plug in support of their candidacy. Many of their offices, publications and accomplishments were joint.

She was a member of SCIFI, The Petards, the DREGS of L.A. Fandom, the Burroughs Bibliophiles, the Blustering Gales of the SW and the Curious Collectors of Baker St. She was one of the founders of Bouchercon and chaired three of them.

She was an associate member of the First Fandom club. O of the last five members of CAPA, she contributed June's Notes.

June joined LASFS on August 19, 1948, after attending her first meeting in 1947 — with her birth mother, Louise Leipiar (sf writer L. Major Reynolds) — and later was an officer, including president, and contributor to Apa-L. Len Moffatt wrote in Shangri-L'Affaires 77 (October 1980, p. 9):

June Poulson with her birth mother, Louise Leipiar, ca. 1949. From the LASFS Album.
Louise had brought her daughter, June, to the club in the late forties ... and June almost never came back after her first meeting. Arthur Jean Cox was director and he believed in Keeping Order during the formal meeting. Louise, who loved to talk, was doing so at a time when she didn't have the floor. Jean finally told her to shut up or words to that effect, and Louise, highly insulted, stomped out of the room, taking June with her. June, new to fandom, said that she had that I-wish-I-could-drop-through-the-floor feeling. But thanks to the ghods of fandom, June did come back and by the fifties was mariied to one of our best book reviewers, Eph Konigsberg. June and Eph co-edited an issue of SHAGGY, one of the better-looking ones as I recall.

June was adopted soon after birth by Ben and Mabelle Poulson. She reconnected with Louise as an adult; the relationship was not a close one, according to June’s son Bob Konigsberg, but Louise did introduce June to LASFS.

June met both her husbands in LASFS. She married Eph Konigsberg on December 30, 1949; they had three children — Robert (Bob), b. 1950; Catherine (Caty), b. 1952; and Jeremy (Jay), b. 1955 — before divorcing in 1964. June wasn’t very active while her children were young, but began attending meetings more frequently in the mid-1960s. She married Len Moffatt on December 10, 1966, his second wife.

June Konigsberg and Len Moffatt at Westercon 18, 1965.

Fanzines and Apazines:

Awards, Honors and GoHships:

Person 19262018
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