Small Friendly Dog

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Small Friendly Dog (previously known as Inferno and abbreviated as SFD) was a fanzine published by Paul Skelton and Cas Skelton of Stockport, UK. The Inferno title was used for the first thirteen issues, some of which were included in OMPA.

Issue Date Pages OMPA mailing -Notes
1 October 1973 16 71 Co-edited with Brian Robinson. Titled Inferno.
2 January 1974 24 72 Co-edited with Brian Robinson
3 April 1974 24 73
4 July 1973 30 74
5 October 1974 32
6 March 1974 48
7 March 1975 52
8 June 1975 44
9 September 1975 50
10 December 1975 48
11 March 1976 26
12 June 1976 44
13 September 1976 28 Final issue titled Inferno
14 February 1977 38 New title Small Friendly Dog
15 May 1978 26
16 March 1979 36
17 December 1979 30
18 March 1980 30
19 August 1980 50
20 August 1981 40
21 January 1982 44
22 April 1983 50 Mis-numbered as #21
23 December 1983 54
24 November 1984 40 Final issue?

Publication 19731984
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