Jack Chalker

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Jack Chalker at the Mimosa Live event at Chattacon XIII in 1984. Photo by Rich Lynch.

(December 17, 1944 – February 11, 2005)

Jack Laurence Chalker, a long-time Baltimore area fan, fanzine publisher, and later pro, discovered fandom in 1957. In his early fannish life, he was a member of the N3F and the SFG.

He was active in local fandom, a member of WSFA and one of the founders of BSFS (of which he was many times an officer) He co-chaired Disclave 26 with his wife, Eva Whitley, and Balticon 2, Balticon 3, and Balticon 4. He was Vice-Chair of Discon II and chaired the Baltimore in '67 bid. He was part of the Philadelphia in 1977 Worldcon bid. He chaired Lunacon 18.

He was twice nominated for the Hugo: the 1963 Best Fanzine Hugo for Mirage (at age 18) and the 1992 Best Non-Fiction Book Hugo (with Mark Owings) for The Science-Fantasy Publishers: A Critical & Bibliographic History (they also received the 1992 Readercon Award for it). With Owings, he wrote The Revised H. P. Lovecraft Bibliography (1973).

He was a member of SAPS and of FAPA (Viewpoint was his FAPAzine). He published the fanzines Mirage (which was also called Centaur and Kaleidoscope early in its run), Qasar, and Interjection. He also published Ibex, and Everyfan's Guide to the Auctions. His fanzine Barad-Dur was a postal Diplomacy zine.

He had a 30-year career as a popular sf writer, writing over 50 books, and was nominated for the 1977 Campbell Award and the 1978 Campbell Award. He was treasurer of SFWA for three terms.

He may have been first to use the initialism SMOF and might have been the youngest person ever nominated for a Hugo Award.

Fanzines and Apazines:

Awards, Honors and GoHships:

Mirage Press[edit]

In 1961, Chalker founded and operated Mirage Press, a small press named after his fanzine. After Chalker's writing career became successful, Mirage Press went dormant other than publishing a number of supplements to The Science-Fantasy Publishers.

Author Book -Year
Jack Chalker The New H. P. Lovecraft Bibliography 1961
David H. Keller "A Figment of a Dream" 1962
W. Paul Cook H. P. Lovecraft, a Portrait 1969
L. Sprague de Camp The Conan Reader (collection of articles from Amra) 1968
Robert Bloch Dragons and Nightmares 1969
L. Sprague de Camp & George Scithers eds. The Conan Swordbook (collection of articles from Amra) 1969
Seabury Quinn Is the Devil a Gentleman? 1970
Robert Foster A Guide to Middle Earth 1971
L. Sprague de Camp & George Scithers eds. The Conan Grimoire (collection of articles from Amra) 1972
Neil Goble Asimov Analyzed 1972
L. Sprague de Camp Phantoms & Fancies 1972
Clark Ashton Smith Planets and Dimensions 1973
Mark Owings & Jack L. Chalker The Revised H. P. Lovecraft Bibliography 1973
Jack Williamson H. G. Wells: Critic of Progress 1973
J. B. Post An Atlas of Fantasy 1973
Dennis Rickard The Fantastic Art of Clark Ashton Smith 1973
Ruth S. Noel The Languages of Middle-Earth 1974
Jack L. Chalker An Informal Biography of Scrooge McDuck 1974
Grendel Briarton The Compleat Feghoot: The Many Lives and Greatest Exploits of History's Punniest Space-Time Traveller 1975
Irving Binkin & Mark Owings A Catalog of Lovecraftiana: The Grill/Binkin Collection 1975
Richard A. Lupoff Barsoom: Edgar Rice Burroughs and the Martian Vision 1976
Richard Eney Fancyclopedia II (second edition) 1979
Grendel Briarton The (Even More) Compleat Feghoot 1990
Harlan Ellison The Harlan Ellison Hornbook 1990
Harlan Ellison Harlan Ellison's Movie 1990
Jack Chalker & Mark Owings The Science-Fantasy Publishers 1991

Person 19442005
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