February | The Enchanted Duplicator published. |
Whitsun | Supermancon (Eastercon). |
May 21 | Midwestcon Incident. |
June 19 | OMPA formed. |
July | First Swedish fanzine Cosmos Bulletin published. |
August 29 | The Cult founded. |
September 4–6 (Labor Day) | SFCon (Worldcon). |
Births and Deaths:
A. Hyatt Verrill - Alan Brennert - Allan Beatty - Andy England - Anne Charnock - Astrid Bear - Betsy Mitchell - Bill Higgins - Bruce Sterling - Bruce Townley - C. Kay Hinchliffe - Carol Kabakjian - Colin Greenland - Craig Miller - Darrah Chavey - David Dyer-Bennet - David Wingrove - Dick Clarkson - Ed Zed - Edwin Baird - Elayne Pelz - Elessar Tetramariner - Ellen Greene - Ellen Klages - Emma Bull - Eva Hauser - Frank Johnson - Freff - Gary L. Plumlee - Gavin Claypool - Geoff Thorpe - Geri Sullivan - Graham Joyce - Gregory Maguire - Guy Gavriel Kay - Iain M. Banks - Ian Sorensen - J. Michael Straczynski - Jacob Edwards - James Cameron - James Van Pelt - Joe Maraglino - Joel Rosenberg - John Maizels - John Purcell - Jon Scieszka - Judith Hanna - Judy Voros - Karen G. Anderson - Kees van Toorn - Ken MacLeod - Kurt Erichsen - Lawrence Watt Evans - Lesley Hatch - Linda Blanchard - Linda Michaels - Lucy Synk - Maureen Garrett - Maya Bohnhoff - Melanie Rawn - Mike Chinn - Mike Couch - Morris M. Keesan - Nick Pollotta - P. N. Elrod - Paul Di Filippo - Rich Tucholka - Richard Paul Russo - Rob Hansen - Robert M. Price - Ron Lane - S. N. Lewitt - Sally Kobee - Sarah Prince - Shawna McCarthy - Stephen Gallagher - Stieg Larsson - Stu Shiffman - Tamora Pierce - Tim Merrigan - Tony Cvetko - Victor Koman - Victor Milán - Wendy Froud
Convention series started or ended:
Onetime conventions:
Publications started or ended:
ABstract - Aaah! - Archive - BEM - Bibbilty - Bleen - Bran Tub - Brennschluss - Bronc! - Burp - Caprice - Cataclysm - Chips - Collector - Con-Science - Con-vacation July 1955 - Confusion - Convention 1955 - Copies of Certain Letters... - Cosmos News - Crudbin Quarterly - Day*Star - Destiny - Deviant - Diaspar - Dizzy - Dodo - Dupe - Dyad - Dynamic Science Fiction - Dysteleology - Esprit - Eye - FANDemOnium - FANtastic Story Magazine - Fan Maggot - Fanit - Fantast Sidetrack - Fantasta - Femizine - Fission - Galactic Star - Galanty - Galaxy - Gambit - Golgotha - Hi-De-Hi! - Hiccup 3000 A.D. - How! - Häpna! - Ib Tenebo - Imaginative Tales - In Re Yours - Incantations - Itta - Jack Speer — Elder God - La Banshee - Launching Site - Meander - Medi-Eval - Mediocre - Morph - My Feathered Friends - My First Real Convention - N.S.F.S. Notesheet - Needle - New Frontiers - New Futurian - Noise Level - Now & Then - Off Trails - Omnibus - Operation Armageddon - Operation Fantast Newsletter - Orbit Science Fiction - Perhaps - Peri - Phlotsam - Platform - Plonge - Ploy - Potrzebie - Rune - Satellite - The Saturday Evening Ghost - Saucer Summary - Schnerdlites - Science Fiction Advertiser - Science Fiction Digest - S-F Review - Science Stories - Science-Fiction Fan Club Questionaire - Scintillation - Scottishe - Sidereal - Snooze - Soapbox - Space Legion - Space Times - Starlight - Steam - Stone Age Stories - SuperMancon Combozine - Tailgate - The Agthing - The Archives - The Enchanted Duplicator - The Medway Journal - The No Holds Barred Guide - Through Darkest Ireland with Knife, Fork and Spoon - Titot - Torrents - Triode - Twin Set - Ugh! - Vargo Statten Science Fiction Magazine - Vignette - WAWCRHBSJWGATWCMWPMSSACW - Woz - Xenern Index Letter - Xmas Greetings from the 'Space Divers' - Zenith - Ziz - Zymic - À Bas
Publishers founded or closed:
Awards made, started or ended:
Stores opened or closed:
Clubs founded or disbanded:
New fanspeak coined:
Alternate History - Asinine Teenagers - Canyon of Criticism - Circle of Lassitude - Desert of Indifference - First Word on Page 28 - He was an Old Fan, and Tired - Jungle of Inexperience - Kolektinbug - Mathom - Mountains of Inertia - Shield of Umor - Spirit of Fandom - Sycofan - West Cupcake - Widowers
Aaah! - Andy England - Anne Charnock - Archive - BEM - Bran Tub - Brennschluss - Burp - Colin Greenland - Con-Science - Con-vacation July 1955 - Convention 1955 - Copies of Certain Letters... - Crudbin Quarterly - David Wingrove - Dizzy - Dupe - Dysteleology - Elessar Tetramariner - Esprit - Eye - Fanit - Fantast Sidetrack - Femizine - Fission - Galactic Star - Galanty - Geoff Thorpe - Golgotha - Graham Joyce - He was an Old Fan, and Tired - Hi-De-Hi! - How! - Hum-&-Sway - Iain M. Banks - Ian Sorensen - Ib Tenebo - In Re Yours - Incantations - Judith Hanna - Ken MacLeod - Launching Site - Lesley Hatch - London in '54 - Manchester Circle - Meander - Medi-Eval - Mediocre - Mike Chinn - Morph - My Feathered Friends - My First Real Convention - Needle - New Futurian - Noise Level - Nor'west Science Fantasy Club - North East Science Fiction Society - Now & Then - OMPA - Off Trails - Omnibus - Operation Armageddon - Operation Fantast Newsletter - Peri - Platform - Plonge - Ploy - Rob Hansen - Romiley Fan Veterans & Scottish Dancing Society - Ron Lane - Rune - Satellite - Saucer Summary - Schnerdlites - Science-Fiction Fan Club Questionaire - Sidereal - Snooze - Soapbox - Space Times - Steam - Stephen Gallagher - Stone Age Stories - SuperMancon Combozine - Supermancon - The Cymrades - The Enchanted Duplicator - The Medway Journal - Through Darkest Ireland with Knife, Fork and Spoon - Torbay Happy Fan and Lampshade Makers' Society - Triode - Twin Set - Ugh! - Vargo Statten Science Fiction Magazine - Vignette - WAWCRHBSJWGATWCMWPMSSACW - West Country Science Fiction Group - Xmas Greetings from the 'Space Divers' - Yum - Zenith - Ziz - Zymic
Club Cosmos - Cosmos News - Crudbin Quarterly - Eva Hauser - Häpna! - Itta - Kees van Toorn - Stieg Larsson - Titot
New Zealand:
1954 Open ESFA - 7APA - A. Hyatt Verrill - ABstract - Alan Brennert - Allan Beatty - Astrid Bear - Betsy Mitchell - Bibbilty - Bill Higgins - Bleen - Border Cities Con - Bronc! - Bruce Sterling - Bruce Townley - Buffalo in 1955 - C. Kay Hinchliffe - Caprice - Carol Kabakjian - Cataclysm - Chips - Cleveland in '54 - Collector - Confusion - Craig Miller - Darrah Chavey - David Dyer-Bennet - Day*Star - Destiny - Deviant - Diaspar - Dick Clarkson - Dodo - Dyad - Dynamic Science Fiction - Ed Zed - Edwin Baird - Elayne Pelz - Elessar Tetramariner - Ellen Greene - Ellen Klages - Emma Bull - FANDemOnium - FANtastic Story Magazine - Fan Maggot - Fantasta - Fanvet Convention 5 - Frank Johnson - Freff - Galaxy - Gambit - Gary L. Plumlee - Gavin Claypool - Geri Sullivan - Gregory Maguire - Hiccup 3000 A.D. - Imaginative Tales - J. Michael Straczynski - Jack Speer — Elder God - Jacob Edwards - James Van Pelt - Joe Maraglino - Joel Rosenberg - John Purcell - Jon Scieszka - Judy Voros - Karen G. Anderson - Kurt Erichsen - La Banshee - Lawrence Watt Evans - Legion of P. U. - Linda Blanchard - Linda Michaels - Lucy Synk - Maureen Garrett - Maya Bohnhoff - Melanie Rawn - Metrocon - Metrocon I - Midwestcon 5 - Mike Couch - Morris M. Keesan - NAPA - New Frontiers - Nick Pollotta - Oklacon II - Orbit Science Fiction - P. N. Elrod - Paul Di Filippo - Phlotsam - Potrzebie - Rich Tucholka - Richard Paul Russo - Robert M. Price - Rotation plan - S. N. Lewitt - SFCon - Sam Moskowitz' SFCon Reminiscence - Sally Kobee - San Francisco in '54 - Sarah Prince - The Saturday Evening Ghost - Science Fiction Advertiser - Science Fiction Digest - Science Stories - Scintillation - Scottishe - Shawna McCarthy - Sheep Dip Award - Space Legion - Stardusters - Starlight - Stu Shiffman - Sycofan - Tailgate - Tamora Pierce - The Agthing - The Archives - The Cult - The Handbook of Science Fiction and Fantasy - The No Holds Barred Guide - Tim Merrigan - Tony Cvetko - Torrents - Tower to the Moon - UPD - Victor Koman - Victor Milán - Wendy Froud - West Cupcake - X-Con - Xenern Index Letter
Rest of the World:
1953 | 1954 | 1955 |