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(For the Worldcons and other "Philcons" see Philcon (Disambiguation).)

A regional convention sponsored by PSFS in the Philadelphia area since 1936. It was known as the Philco in the 40s and as Phillycon in the 50s -- it is unclear just when Philcon caught on as the name of the gathering.

Note this is not related to the comic convention Phillycon which started in 2016.

The history of Philcon is unusually vague -- Harry Warner, for instance, mentions that he was unable to find out much for his histories of the 50s and 60s. This may be why Philcon does not label its conventions by number, but instead uses years. Prior to the year 2000, a two year designation was used, e.g., Philcon 92. From 2000 forward, four digits are used - e.g, Philcon 2000.

Philcon traditionally designates the featured author guest as the "Principal Speaker" instead of using the term Guest of Honor. It is also tradition to refer to Philcon as a conference, although the term convention is used at times.

In addition, a meeting of the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society takes place Friday night during Philcon.


From Fancyclopedia 2, ca. 1959
Philco Philadelphia Conference; one of the annual gatherings held, usually in November, in Philadelphia under the sponsorship of the PSFS . The title was adopted in 1939 when "convention" had come to mean something larger than the former Eastern SF gatherings, but the annual PhilCos (the longest con-series in fandom) are numbered serially counting the First and Third Easterns as 1 and 2.
From Fancyclopedia 1, ca. 1944
Philco – Philadelphia conference. The title was adopted in 1939 when "convention" had come to mean something larger than the former Eastern S-F gatherings, but annual Philcos are numbered serially counting the First and Third Easters as 1 and 2.

Convention Date -GoHs, Notes
First Convention October 22, 1936 none
Third Eastern October 30, 1937 none
1938 Philadelphia Conference October 16, 1938 none
Philcon 1939 Fall 1939 none
Phillycon 1940 November 10, 1940
PhilCo 1942 January 1942 Belatedly announced for January 1942, but called off in favor of Boskone II.
Phillycon 1946 October 27, 1946
Phillycon 1947 1947
Phillycon 1948 November 21, 1948
Philcon 1950 1950
Philcon 1952 1952
Philcon 1956 November 10, 1956 Robert A. Lowndes, Sam Moskowitz, George O. Smith
Philcon 1957 November 9, 1957
Philcon 1958 November 15, 1958
Philcon 1959 1959 (mentioned in Warner 2)
Philcon 1960 November 5, 1960
Philcon 1961 November 17-18, 1961 Theodore Sturgeon
Philcon 1962 November 3, 1962
Philcon 1963 November 9, 1963 Fred Pohl
Philcon 1964 November 14-15, 1964
Philcon 1965 November 13-14, 1965 L. Sprague de Camp
Philcon 1966 November 12-13, 1966 Isaac Asimov
Philcon 1967 November 13-14, 1967 Willy Ley, Hal Clement
Philcon 1968 November 9-10, 1968 James Blish
Philcon 1969 November 14-16, 1969 Anne McCaffrey
Philcon 1970 November 13-15, 1970 Larry Niven
Philcon 1971 December 3-5, 1971 Keith Laumer
Philcon 1972 November 17-17 1972 John Brunner
Philcon 1973 November 9-11, 1973 Keith Laumer
Philcon 1974 November 8-10, 1974 Alfred Bester
Philcon 1975 November 14-16, 1975 Samuel R. Delany
Philcon 1976.1 January 14-16, 1977 (really) Don Wollheim, Hal Clement, L. Sprague de Camp, Milt Rothman
Philcon 1977 November 11-13, 1977 Hal Clement
Philcon 1978 October 27-29, 1978 Michael Bishop, MIke Hinge
Philcon 1979 November 9-11, 1979 Joan Vinge, Karl Kofoed
Philcon 1980 November 14-16, 1980 Ben Bova, Kelly Freas, Robert Sheckley
Philcon 1981 December 4-6, 1981 Joe Haldeman, Darrell Sweet
Philcon 1982.1 January 14-16, 1983 C. J. Cherryh, Carl Lundgren
Philcon 1983 November 18-20, 1983 James Hogan, Real Musgrave
Philcon 1984 November 16-18, 1984 Larry Niven, Sean Spacher
Philcon 1985 December 13-15, 1985 L. Sprague de Camp, Catherine Crook de Camp, Joe Bergeron
Philcon 1986 November 14-16, 1986 Isaac Asimov, Michael Whelan, Frederik Pohl
Philcon 87 November 13-15, 1987 Robert Silverberg, Tim Hildebrandt, Timothy Zahn
Philcon 88 November 4-6, 1988 Orson Scott Card, Robin Wood, George R. R. Martin
Philcon 89 November 17-19, 1989 Philip José Farmer, Don Maitz, Poul Anderson Lois McMaster Bujold
Philcon 1990 November 16-18, 1990 Fritz Leiber, Frank Kelly Freas, Michael Bishop, Ellen Kushner
Philcon 1991 November 15-17, 1991 David Brin, Jean Giraud (Moebius) , Julian May, R. A. MacAvoy
Philcon 1992 November 13-15, 1992 Greg Bear, Boris Vallejo, Ray Harryhausen, Pamela Sargent, Tom Smith
Philcon 1993 November 12-14, 1993 Fred Saberhagen, David Cherry, Ian Watson, Emma Bull, Will Shetterly
Philcon 1994 November 18-20, 1994 Larry Niven, Jim Burns, C. J. Cherryh, Tom Smith
Philcon 1996 November 22-24, 1996 Frederik Pohl, Tom Kidd, Joan Vinge, Terry Bisson
Philcon 1997 November 14-16, 1997 Dan Simmons, Alan M. Clark, Gardner Dozois, Nancy Kress, Clam Chowder
Philcon 1998 November 13-15, 1998 Bruce Sterling, Bruce Jensen, Tom Savini, Walter Jon Williams
Philcon 1999 November 12-14, 1999 Katherine Kurtz, Jill Bauman
Philcon 2000 November 17-19, 2000 Vernor Vinge, Bob Walters, Poul Anderson, Karen Anderson
2001 not held due to MilPhil
Philcon 2002 December 13-15, 2002 Connie Willis, Donato Giancola, David Gerrold, Nalo Hopkinson, Spider and Jeanne Robinson
Philcon 2003 December 12-14, 2003 Jack McDevitt, Greg Hildebrandt, Tim Hildebrandt, Peter David, Harry Harrison
Philcon 2004 December 10-12, 2004 Brian Aldiss and Joe DeVito
Philcon 2005 December 9-11, 2005 David Weber, David Mattingly
Philcon 2006 November 17-19, 2006 Charles Stross, Karl Kofoed, Tom Smith
Philcon 2007 November 16-18, 2007 Eric Flint, Sue Dawe, Kevin Roche, Andrew Trembley, Voltaire
Philcon 2008 November 21-23, 2008 Tim Powers, John Picacio, Scott Christian Sava, The Chromatics
Philcon 2009 November 20-22, 2009 Catherine Asaro, Frank Wu, L. A. Banks, Cory Doctorow
Philcon 2010 November 19-21, 2010 Peter S. Beagle
Philcon 2011 November 18-20, 2011 Cory Doctorow, Boris Vallejo, Julie Bell, S. J. Tucker
Philcon 2012 November 9-11, 2012 Catherynne Valente, Phil Foglio, David Kyle
Philcon 2013 November 8-10, 2013 Allen Steele, Charles Vess, Bob Madle, The Heather Dale Band with S. J. Tucker
Philcon 2014 November 21-23, 2014 Sharon Lee, Steve Miller, Bob Eggleton, Kyle Cassidy
Philcon 2015 November 20-22, 2015 Wen Spencer, Richard Hescox, Murder Ballads
Philcon 2016 November 18-20, 2016 C. J. Cherryh, Dave Seeley, L. E. Modesitt, Jr.
Philcon 2017 November 10-12, 2017 Seanan McGuire, Don Maitz, Janny Wurts, Bed & Breakfast
Philcon 2018 November 16-18, 2018 Steven Brust, Gary Lippincott, Marshall Ryan Maresca
Philcon 2019 November 8-10, 2019 Tim Pratt, Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, Heather Shaw, This Way to the Egress
Philcon 2020 November 20-22, 2020 (virtual) Max Gladstone, Romas Kukalis
Philcon 2021 November 19-21, 2021 Fran Wilde, Sara Henya
Philcon 2022 November 18-20, 2022 Keith DeCandido, Charles Urbach
Philcon 2023 November 17-19, 2023 Jonathan Maberry, Rob Carlos, and Kelley Armstrong
Philcon 2024 November 22-24, 2024 Max Gladstone, Matthew Stewart, Gina Matarazzo, Nghi Vo, Cecilia Eng

This is a convention page. Please extend it by adding information about the convention, including dates, GoHs, convention chairman, locale, sponsoring organization, external links to convention pages, awards given, the program, notable events, anecdotes, pictures, scans of publications, pictures of T-shirts, con reports, etc.