Boskone II

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Boskone II was an early convention held February 22, 1942, at the Ritz Plaza Hall on Huntingdon Ave in Boston, MA. Sponsored by the Stranger Club and chaired by Art Widner who welcomed the members -- attendance was about 25, including the Spiritrip by the majority of Columbia, SC's fandom and Bob Jones from Columbus, OH.

Widner announced his marriage, and that he had made a sale to Weird Tales. Fans discussed local club affiliation with the N3F, sponsoring a convention in Philadelphia, if the War caused the postponement of the Pacificon. John W. Campbell, Jr., Mary Gnaedinger, and Robert W. Lowndes provided original illustrations for an auction. Suddsy Schwartz impressed many when he spent $5.25 (half of his worldly wealth) on a Finlay cover.

The first fannish play, Widner's adaptation of L. R. Chauvenet's "Legions of Legions," a theater-in-the-round parody of the Jack Williamson novel, The Legion of Space, was performed. (Scripts were handed out to the audience who were happy to shout out prompts when the cast forgot its lines.)

From Fancyclopedia 1, ca. 1944
From Conference – Another Philco was belatedly announced for January 1942, but called off in favor of Boskone II. B2 was well attended, witnessed the dramatization of Legion of Legions, and discussed the NFFF and the problem of the Pacificon.

Boskone I Boskone Boskone III
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