Fannish Plays and Musicals

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Fannish plays and musicals are most commonly parodies of mundane plays and movies. They are frequently faan fiction.


(ordered by date)

Play Perpetrated by Presented at -Notes
Legions of Legions Art Widner and L. R. Chauvenet Boskone II (1942) First fannish play ever performed.
The Birth of a Notion Robert Bloch and Karen Anderson 1950s
Who Goes Where S-F Soap Opera Company Festivention, May 1951
The Demolished Null-A and Now You Don't Bill Venable and Jack Harness, Fanvariety Enterprises and the Pittsburgh Science Fiction Association‎ Chicon II, September 1, 1952
The Fall of Fen, or Paradise Lost Dave Hammond and Sol Levin, PSFS Chicon II, September 1, 1952
Christmas play Damon Knight, Anthony Boucher, Fritz Leiber, and Robert Bloch Clevention (1955) See Sam Moskowitz' Clevention reminiscence for a description.
The March of Slime Liverpool Group’s MaD Productions First Kettering (1955) A tapera
Mag Net Karen Anderson 1956
Alice in Thrillingwonderland Karen Anderson Solacon (1958)
Beyond the Unknown Unknown Detention (1959)
The Purple Pastures Carl Brandon Pittcon (1960) First published at Solacon
Stage Wars and other skits Moebius Theatre Windycon 4 (1977) and other Windycons and Minicon 13 (1978)
Star Wars' Roots Alexis Gilliland Disclave 22 (1978) Avedon Carol played Darth (wheeze, wheeze) Vader.
The Greatest Gondorian Hero Chicon IV (1981)
Faans Larry Tucker ConFusion 101 (1983) A fannish video shot at various cons in 1981–82
Fanotchka Andy Hooper L.A.Con III (1996) and Corflu Wave (1997)
Lucas Back in Anger Phil Raines & Ian Sorensen Interaction (2005) nominated for the 2006 Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form Hugo
Shattered Like a Clockwork Orange Meade Frierson and Penny Frierson


Fannish musicals (also called filk operettas) are usually spoofs of mundane musicals with fannish or stfnal themes, and have a long and honored history in fandom.

Title Composer Performed -Notes
1986 Richard Kolker Lunacon 23, March 14-16, 1980
Asteroid Julian May and Bob Johnson Chicon II, September 1, 1952 A ballet danced by the Univer­sity of Chicago Knights of the Ballet, under the direction of Guy Bassett.
Another Part of the Trilogy John M. Ford Boskone 34, 25th World Fantasy Convention
Back to Rivets or, Mik Ado About Nothing Mark Keller and Sue Anderson Boskone 14 Collected in Rivets!
The Booze Brothers Ian Sorensen
Captain Future Meets Gilbert and Sullivan Steve and Virginia Schultheis 1967: Westercon XX, 1972: Boskone 9
The Decomposers; or, Rivets Has Risen from the Grave Mark Keller and Sue Anderson Boskone 16 Collected in Rivets!
Enterprise Minicon 9
Faans II Book and lyrics by Leah Zeldes Smith Published as a script in 1988
The Fandoliers, or the King of BaraTAFFia Ruth Berman
Fundament! Maria Hamilton Conine
The Galactic Gaieties Hal Lynch, Steve Schultheis, and Virginia Schultheis Pittcon 1960 (Worldcon)
Happy Birthday Doctor! Katherine Phelps 2014 Melbourne International Comedy Festival
Hatty, or St. Simon's Bride Karen Anderson 1995
H.M.S. Trek-a-Star Karen Anderson Baycon What a Star Trek episode might have been if it had been scripted by Gilbert & Sullivan
Inside 2001: A Space Opera Alexis Gilliland
Joe Phaust Lee Harding Eastercon '73
Jophan! Filthy Pierre Based on The Enchanted Duplicator
Midwest Side Story Minicon 12, Minicon 33 First performed in 1977. Script published in Midwestside Story
The Mimeo Man Debbie Notkin, Eli Cohen, Moshe Feder Minicon 11, Disclave 19, PgHLANGE VI
My Claire Lady Ian Sorensen Novacon 28 A send-up of Croydon Fandom
My Fair Femmefan Carl Brandon 1957 Never performed but widely published
The Pirates of Fenzance John Pomeranz (with additional lyrics by Mary Bentley) LoneStarCon II (revived at BucConeer)
Requiem for a Fake Fan Jim O'Meara Pittcon (1960) Performed by CHIAC and LASFS
Rivets Redux; or, What Ever Happened to Helminth of Boskone? Mark Keller and Sue Anderson Boskone 15 Collected in Rivets!
Smoflahoma John Pomeranz Noreascon 3
Songs from Space Laurence Sandfield 1957 Not performed as a musical but a collection of songs with a fannish SF frame
Spock in Manacles Kate Davies & Ian Sorensen BECCON '85 Collected in The Beccon Plays
Stringworld Shelby Bush III and Bernard J. Willinger Rivercon III
Untitled Christmas musical Damon Knight, Anthony Boucher, Fritz Leiber, and Robert Bloch Clevention A fannish version of A Christmas Carol. See Sam Moskowitz' Clevention Reminiscence for details.

See also Fannish Film, Tapera, Burlesques, Drama, Ian Sorensen.

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