Songs from Space

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Songs from Space was a 22-page filk songbook published in the UK in August 1957 for Loncon. It was a Triode Plus publication. Words by Laurence Sandfield, production by Eric Bentcliffe, VinĀ¢ Clarke, and Terry Jeeves and art by Eddie Jones. This seems to be the first UK filk book and perhaps the first book of filk songs published anywhere, although the term isn't explicitly used, even though it had been coined in the US a few years earlier.

The idea of the book was to be a collection of folk songs from space, ostensibly compiled by 'Laurence Sandfield 5th', a descendant of Sandfield. The last song, 'Space Club Drag', is inspired by Helen Winick's ultimately unsuccessful scheme to use the upstairs room of a club she co-owned in London's Berwick Street as a kind of sf club.

Publication 1957
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