March 14-31 | -Chris Garcia's TAFF trip |
March 18 | Arthur C. Clarke dies |
Easter | Orbital 2008 |
June 28 | Jack Speer dies |
August 6-10 | Denvention 3 (Worldcon) |
December 4 | Forrest J Ackerman dies. |
CUFF: Lance Sibley | |
DUFF: Steve & Sue Francis | |
NAFF: Edwina Harvey |
Births and Deaths:
4e - 4sj - ACC - Al Curry - Algis Budrys - Ann Green - Arthur C. Clarke - Barrington J. Bayley - Bill Payne - Brian M. Thomsen - Bruce Dane - Chris Cooper - Christine Haycock - Clive Newall - Derek Pickles - Donald Westlake - Edd Cartier - Edward D. Hoch - Forrest J Ackerman - Gary Gygax - George C. Chesbro - George Proctor - J. T. McIntosh - Jack Speer - James Killus - Janet Kagan - Jean Barnard - Jim Cawthorn - Jim Mooney - John Berkey - John Salthouse - Julius Fast - Ken Slater - Laurence Sandfield - Leo Frankowski - Lois Mangan - Masahiro Noda - Michael Crichton - Milton Lesser - Ray Bradbury - Richard W. Dodson - Robert Asprin - Robert W. Chambers - Thomas M. Disch - Tommy Bullett
Convention series started or ended:
Publications started or ended:
BEAM - Critical Wave - Electric Velocipede - Eurosmof - FanDominion - Fanlore - IShoes - Ish - Journey Planet - Mallorn - Midnight Echo - Mr Monster: A Tribute to Forrest J Ackerman - No Award - Peregrine Nations - PrintZine - Speculations - The Book Smugglers - The Brentford Mercury - The Descent of Fan - The Infinite Matrix - The Journal of Human Suffering and Pez - Tits, Sausages and Ballet Shoes - Virtual Tucker Hotel
Awards made, started or ended:
2t0nic - ACC - Ann Green - ArmadaCon 20 - Arthur C. Clarke - Barrington J. Bayley - Chris Cooper - ConRunner - ConRunner 1 - Critical Wave - Cytricon - Cytricon V - Derek Pickles - Discworld Convention 2008 - FantasyCon 2008 - IShoes - J. T. McIntosh - Jim Cawthorn - John Salthouse - Ken Slater - Knights of St. Fantony - Laurence Sandfield - Mallorn - Microcon 28 - NewCon 4 - Novacon 38 - Orbital 2008 - Oxonmoot 2008 - Picocon 25 - Ray Bradbury - The Book Smugglers - The Brentford Mercury - The David Gemmell Awards For Fantasy - Tommy Bullett - ZombieCon
Ad Astra 27 - Boréal 2008 - Con*Cept 2008 - Con-Version 24 - FilKONtario 18 - Ish - Keycon 25 - VCON 33
3Pi-Con - 4e - 4sj - ACC - Adventures in Crime and Space - AggieCon XXXIX - Al Curry - Albacon 2008 - Algis Budrys - Apollocon 2008 - Arcana 38 - Archon 32 - Arisia '08 - ArmadilloCon 30 - BEAM - Balticon 42 - Baycon 2008 - Bill Payne - Boskone 45 - Brian M. Thomsen - Bruce Dane - Bubonicon 40 - CONduit 18 - COSine 2008 - Capclave 2008 - Capricon 28 - ChambanaCon 38 - Chattacon XXXIII - Chicago in 2008 - Christine Haycock - Coastcon 31 - Columbus in 2008 - Con*Stellation XXVII - ConChord 21 - ConClave 33 - ConComCon 15 - ConDFW VII - ConDor XV - ConQuesT 39 - Concave 29 - Conestoga 12 - Conflikt - Conflikt I - Confluence 2008 - Conglomeration 2008 - Conjecture 7 - Consonance 2008 - Contata 5 - Context 21 - Context 22 - Convivial 3 - CopperCon 28 - Corflu 25 - Costume-Con 26 - Darkover Grand Council 31 - DatClave 2 - DeepSouthCon 46 - DemiCon 19 - Denvention 3 - Denver in 2008 - Diversicon 16 - Donald Westlake - DucKon 17 - Edd Cartier - Edward D. Hoch - EerieCon 10 - Electric Velocipede - FanDominion - Farmercon III - FenCon V - Foolscap 10 - Forrest J Ackerman - Fourth Street Fantasy 2008 - FranHurst - GAFilk 10 - Gary Gygax - Genericon XXI - George C. Chesbro - George Proctor - High-Voltage ConFusion - Hollister in 2008 - I-Con XXVII - ICFA 29 - ICON 33 - InConJunction XXVIII - InstaCon 7 - International Horror Guild Award - Jack Speer - James Killus - Janet Kagan - Jean Barnard - Jim Mooney - John Berkey - Journey Planet - Julius Fast - Leo Frankowski - LepreCon 34 - LibertyCon 21 - Life, the Universe, & Everything 26 - Lois Mangan - Loscon 35 - Lunacon 51 - Marcon 43 - MarsCon 2008 - Michael Crichton - MidSouthCon 26 - MileHiCon 40 - Millennicon 22 - Milton Lesser - Minicon 43 - MisCon 22 - Mr Monster: A Tribute to Forrest J Ackerman - Mythcon 39 - Necon 28 - Necronomicon 2008 - No Award - NonCon 8 - Norwescon XXXI - OASIS 20 - OVFF 24 - Odyssey Con VIII - OryCon 30 - Peregrine Nations - Philcon 2008 - Potlatch 17 - PrintZine - Pulpcon 37 - RadCon 5 - RavenCon 2008 - Readercon 19 - Richard W. Dodson - Robert Asprin - Robert W. Chambers - Rustycon 25 - SF Pornography - Smofcon 26 - Solstice Award - SoonerCon 2008 - Speculations - SpoCon 2008 - The Book Smugglers - The Descent of Fan - The Infinite Matrix - The Journal of Human Suffering and Pez - Thomas M. Disch - Tits, Sausages and Ballet Shoes - Trinoc*coN 2008 - TusCon 35 - Valleycon 34 - Virtual Tucker Hotel - Vulkon - Wedcon - Westercon 61 - WillyCon X - Windy City Pulp & Paper Convention 8 - WindyCon 35 - WisCon 32 - World Fantasy Convention 2008
2007 | 2008 | 2009 |