February 6 | -Lee Hoffman dies |
Easter | Contemplation |
May 28 | Clifton Amsbury, who according to Fred Pohl was the "first organized fan, anywhere", dies. |
June 14 | Walter J. Daugherty dies |
August 2 -- 5 | Archon 31 Tuckercon (NASFiC) |
August 30 -- Sept 3 | Nippon 2007 (Worldcon) |
CUFF: Peter Jarvis | |
GUFF: Ang Rosin (South) | |
FFANZ: David Cake | |
NAFF: Ju Landéesse |
Births and Deaths:
Bert Lewis - Bev Clark - Calvin Demmon - Charles L. Fontenay - Clifton Amsbury - Colin Kapp - Dave Ish - Dave Wood - David I. Masson - Djinn Faine - Don Dailey - Doug Friauf - Douglas Hill - Elly Bloch - Fred Saberhagen - Hank Reinhardt - Jack Agnew - Joe Grillot - Joe L. Hensley - Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. - Lee Hoffman - Lenny Wenshe - Les Flood - Lloyd Alexander - Madeleine L'Engle - Margaret Crawford - Mary Kornbluth - Mary Martin - Mike Lalor - Paul Doerr - Paul Walker - Peter Haining - Richard A. Hauptmann - Richard Schultz - Robert Anton Wilson - Robert Jordan - Roderick Gaetz - Roger Elwood - Roy Lavender - Sidney Coleman - Walter J. Daugherty
Convention series started or ended:
Conspiracy - Convergence - Crescent City Con - GrangeCon - La-La Con - Nullus Anxietas - Opus - SMASH! - Satellite - ShowMeCon - Åcon
Publications started or ended:
A Rude Brief Recitative - Ah! Sweet Laney! - American Kindness - Askance - Bellissimo! The Harry Bell Fan Art Anthology - Clues and Gropes - Commot Sense - ConNotation - Consonant Enigma - Die Zukunft in der Tasche - Dreamberry Wine - Fangle - Fans Across the World - Gotterdammerung Redux - I Knew the Porridge Was Trying to Tell Me Something - Infinity Plus - Locs - Lost Car Park - Nebulae - Peter Jackson - Physicality of Words on Paper - Pixel - PrintZine - Rasterman Blues - SFScope - SMOFTalmud - Sailing North - Sense of Wonder Stories - Shiny - The 2007 GUFF Losers' Fanzine - The Lovecraft Annual - Tortoise - Trufen.net - Twilight Zine - WCSFAzine - Wonderwaan
Awards made, started or ended:
Clubs founded or disbanded:
A Rude Brief Recitative - Alphane Moon - ArmadaCon 19 - Bellissimo! The Harry Bell Fan Art Anthology - Bert Lewis - Clues and Gropes - Colin Kapp - ConNotation - Contemplation - Convoy - D'Zenove Convention - Dave Wood - David I. Masson - Douglas Hill - Dreamberry Wine - Fans Across the World - FantasyCon 2007 - Get Harry! Fan Fund - Gotterdammerung Redux - HarmUni III - I Knew the Porridge Was Trying to Tell Me Something - Infinity Plus - Les Flood - Lost Car Park - Memory Hole Annex - Microcon 27 - Novacon 37 - Oxonmoot 2007 - Pendragon Press - Peter Haining - Picocon 24 - Recombination - Redemption '07 - Sailing North - Satellite - Satellite 1 - Tortoise - Wegenheim
2007 NASFiC Site Selection - 2Pi-Con - AggieCon XXXVIII - Ah! Sweet Laney! - Apollocon 2007 - Arcana 37 - Archon 31 Tuckercon - Arisia '07 - ArmadilloCon 29 - Askance - Balticon 41 - Baltimore in 2007 - Baycon 2007 - Bev Clark - Boskone 44 - Bubonicon 39 - CONduit 17 - COSine 2007 - Calvin Demmon - Capclave 2007 - Capricon 27 - ChambanaCon 37 - Charles L. Fontenay - Chattacon XXXII - Clifton Amsbury - Coastcon 30 - Columbus in 2007 - Commot Sense - Con*Stellation XXVI - ConChord 20 - ConClave 32 - ConComCon 14 - ConDFW VI - ConDor XIV - ConQuesT 38 - Concave 28 - Conestoga 11 - Confluence 2007 - Conglomeration 2007 - Conjecture 6 - Consonance 2007 - Consonant Enigma - Conterpoint 2007 - Context 20 - Convivial 2 - CopperCon 27 - Corflu 24 - Costume-Con 25 - Crescent City Con - DC in 007 - DNA Publications - DarkCon 4 - Darkover Grand Council 30 - Dave Ish - DeepSouthCon 45 - DemiCon 18 - Ditto 19 - Diversicon 15 - Djinn Faine - Don Dailey - Doug Friauf - DucKon 16 - EerieCon 9 - Elly Bloch - Fangle - Farmer Awards - Farmercon II - FenCon IV - Foolscap IX - Fred Saberhagen - GAFilk 9 - Genericon XX - Get Harry! Fan Fund - Gnomeward Bound - GrangeCon - Hank Reinhardt - Heinlein Centennial - I-Con XXVI - ICFA 28 - ICON 32 - InConJunction XXVII - InstaCon 6 - Jack Agnew - Joe Grillot - Joe L. Hensley - Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. - La-La Con - Lee Hoffman - Lenny Wenshe - LepreCon 33 - LibertyCon 20 - Life, the Universe, & Everything 25 - Lloyd Alexander - Locs - Loscon 34 - Lunacon 50 - Madeleine L'Engle - Maker of Universes Lifetime Achievement Award - Marcon 42 - Margaret Crawford - MarsCon 2007 - Mary Kornbluth - Mary Martin - MidSouthCon 25 - Midwestcon 58 - Midwestcon 59 - Mike Lalor - MileHiCon 39 - Millennicon 21 - Minicon 42 - MisCon 21 - MoonBase ConFusion - Mythcon 38 - Necon 27 - Necon Hall of Fame - Necronomicon 2007 - NonCon 7 - Norwescon XXX - OASIS 19 - OVFF 23 - Odyssey Con VII - Opus - OryCon 29 - Outsidecon 20 - Paul Doerr - Paul Walker - Philcon 2007 - Physicality of Words on Paper - Pixel - Potlatch 16 - PrintZine - Pulpcon 36 - RadCon 4C - Rasterman Blues - RavenCon 2007 - Readercon 18 - Richard A. Hauptmann - Richard Schultz - Robert Anton Wilson - Robert Jordan - Roderick Gaetz - Roger Elwood - Roy Lavender - Rustycon 24 - SFScope - SMOFTalmud - San Jose In 2007 - Sense of Wonder Stories - Shirley Jackson Award - ShowMeCon - ShowMeCon 5 - Sidney Coleman - Smofcon 25 - SoonerCon 2007 - St. Louis in 2007 - StellarCon 31 - The Baker's Dozen of LA-LA CON - The Lovecraft Annual - Trinoc*coN 2007 - Trufen.net - TusCon 34 - Twilight Zine - Valleycon 33 - WCSFAzine - WSFA Small Press Award - Walter J. Daugherty - WillyCon IX - Windy City Pulp & Paper Convention 7 - WindyCon 34 - WisCon 31 - World Fantasy Convention 2007
2006 | 2007 | 2008 |