From Fancyclopedia 3
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Jan 16-18 -First COSine held
February 8 Julius Schwartz dies
Easter Concourse
April 10 Dean A. Grennell dies
April 23-26 First Conflux held
August 29 George Flynn dies
August 31-September 41 James Bacon TAFF trip
September 2-6 (Labor Day) Noreascon 4 (Worldcon)
September 24-26 First FenCon
DUFF: Norman Cates (North)
FFANZ: Maree & Matthew Pavletich (West)
GUFF: Pat McMurray (South)
NAFF: Jon Swabey
ISFiC Press started


Convention series started or ended:


Onetime conventions:


Publishers founded or closed:


Awards made, started or ended:


Stores opened or closed:


Clubs founded or disbanded:


New fanspeak coined:








New Zealand:



2BeContinued 3AggieCon XXXVAlbacon 2004Alfred CoppelAllan RothsteinApolloconApollocon 2004Arcana 34Archon 28Arisia '04ArmadilloCon 26Balticon 38Baycon 2004Boskone 41Boston in 2004Bradford M. DayBryan WebbBubonicon 36C. Stewart MetchetteCONduit 14COSineCOSine 2004Capclave 2004Capricon 24Catchpenny GazetteChambanaCon 34Charlotte in 2004Chattacon XXIXCoastcon XXVIICon*Stellation XXIIICon-Dor XIConChord 18ConClave XXIXConComCon 11ConDFW IIIConDuctConDuct 2ConFusion XXXConQuesT 35Concave 25Conestoga 8Confluence 2004Conglomeration 2004Conjecture 3ConkopelliConsonance 2004Conterpoint 2004Context 17CopperCon 24Corflu 21Costume-Con 22Cyrus B. CondraDarkCon 3Darkover Grand Council 27David HeathDean A. GrennellDebriefing of First NightDeepSouthCon 42DemiCon 15Ditto 17Diversicon 12Dorothy HasseDucKon 13Edgar's JournalEerieCon 6EveConF. L. WallaceFancestral VoicesFenConFenCon IFlickerFoolscap VIGAFilk SixGenericon XVIIGeorge FlynnGreg ShawHal Clement Science SpeakerHerb GoudketHigh HalleckHow Green Was My VegrantHugh B. CaveI-Con XXIIIICFA 25ICON 29InConJunction XXIVIt's Eney's Fault!Jack CadyJerry BurgeJon WhiteJulius SchwartzKate WorleyLepreCon 30LibertyCon 17Life, the Universe, & Everything 22Lori WolfLoscon 31Lost in La-La SpaceLunacon 47MangaverseMarcon 39MarsCon 2004Mel HunterMichael MasonMidwest Construction IIIMidwestcon 55MileHiCon 36Millennicon 18Minicon 39MisCon 18More BallsMythcon XXXVNecon 24Necronomicon '04Neither Rain, Noir Murder...Nieuw Amsterdam in 2004NonCon 4Norb ReinselNoreascon 4Norwescon XXVIIOASIS 17OVFF 20Odyssey Con IVOryCon 26Otto PfeiferPat KellyPeter GrahamPhilcon 2004PlaceholderPotlatch 13Pulpcon 33RadCon 4Roc*Kon 2004Rue the DayRuss HodgkinsRustycon 21SaFariSamuel Edward Konkin IIIShowMeCon 2Smofcon 22Smokin' RocketsSpeculative Literature FoundationStellarCon 28Stew BrownsteinSue AndersonSynapseThe BanksoniainThe Best of XeroThe JDM BibliophileThe Weekly Taff NewsTrinoc*coN 2004Trufen.netTusCon 31Valleycon 29Valleycon 30Vegas Fandom WeeklyWho Knows What Ether Lurks in the Minds of Fen?WillyCon VIWindy City Pulp & Paper Convention 4WindyCon 31WisCon 28World Fantasy Convention 2004Xanadu 7


Rest of the World:

2003 | 2004 | 2005