Jan 16-18 | -First COSine held |
February 8 | Julius Schwartz dies |
Easter | Concourse |
April 10 | Dean A. Grennell dies |
April 23-26 | First Conflux held |
August 29 | George Flynn dies |
August 31-September 41 | James Bacon TAFF trip |
September 2-6 (Labor Day) | Noreascon 4 (Worldcon) |
September 24-26 | First FenCon |
DUFF: Norman Cates (North) | |
FFANZ: Maree & Matthew Pavletich (West) | |
GUFF: Pat McMurray (South) | |
NAFF: Jon Swabey | |
ISFiC Press started |
Births and Deaths:
Alec Dicpetris - Alfred Coppel - Allan Rothstein - Bradford M. Day - Bryan Webb - C. Stewart Metchette - Cyrus B. Condra - David Heath - Dean A. Grennell - Dorothy Hasse - Doug Webster - F. L. Wallace - George Flynn - George Sjöberg - Greg Shaw - Herb Goudket - Hugh B. Cave - Ivor Latto - Jack Cady - Jerry Burge - Joan Aiken - Jon White - Julius Schwartz - Kate Worley - Lori Wolf - Mel Hunter - Michael Mason - Norb Reinsel - Otto Pfeifer - Pat Kelly - Peter Graham - Russ Hodgkins - Samuel Edward Konkin III - Stew Brownstein - Stieg Larsson - Sue Anderson - Tetsu Yano
Convention series started or ended:
Apollocon - Aussie Gather - COSine - ConDuct - Conflux - EveCon - Fantasticon - FenCon - WasteLand
Publications started or ended:
Album - Catchpenny Gazette - Edgar's Journal - Fandom on Facebook - Flicker - Gegenschein - How Green Was My Vegrant - It's Eney's Fault! - Mangaverse - Meta - Metal Dog - More Balls - Neither Rain, Noir Murder... - Placeholder - Postscripts - Rue the Day - SFLink - SaFari - Smokin' Rockets - Synapse - The Banksoniain - The Best of Xero - The Horsed Vassal - The JDM Bibliophile - The Weekly Taff News - Thought Experiments - Trufen.net - UK Science Fiction Archive - Vegas Fandom Weekly - Who Knows What Ether Lurks in the Minds of Fen?
Aussie Gather - Conflux - Conflux 1 - Continuum 2 - Gegenschein - Swancon 2004 - WasteLand - WasteLand I
2004 Discworld Convention - Album - Alec Dicpetris - ArmadaCon 16 - Brentcon 1 - British Amateur Press Association - Concourse - Construction 3 - Construction 4 - Doug Webster - FantasyCon XXVIII - Ivor Latto - Joan Aiken - Meta - Metal Dog - Microcon 24 - Novacon 34 - Oxonmoot 2004 - Picocon 21 - plokta.con 3.0 - Postscripts - ReRepetercon - SFLink - Sixteen Tones - The Horsed Vassal - Third Row Fandom - Thought Experiments - UK Science Fiction Archive - Wegenheim - With Stars in My Eyes
2BeContinued 3 - AggieCon XXXV - Albacon 2004 - Alfred Coppel - Allan Rothstein - Apollocon - Apollocon 2004 - Arcana 34 - Archon 28 - Arisia '04 - ArmadilloCon 26 - Balticon 38 - Baycon 2004 - Boskone 41 - Boston in 2004 - Bradford M. Day - Bryan Webb - Bubonicon 36 - C. Stewart Metchette - CONduit 14 - COSine - COSine 2004 - Capclave 2004 - Capricon 24 - Catchpenny Gazette - ChambanaCon 34 - Charlotte in 2004 - Chattacon XXIX - Coastcon XXVII - Con*Stellation XXIII - Con-Dor XI - ConChord 18 - ConClave XXIX - ConComCon 11 - ConDFW III - ConDuct - ConDuct 2 - ConFusion XXX - ConQuesT 35 - Concave 25 - Conestoga 8 - Confluence 2004 - Conglomeration 2004 - Conjecture 3 - Conkopelli - Consonance 2004 - Conterpoint 2004 - Context 17 - CopperCon 24 - Corflu 21 - Costume-Con 22 - Cyrus B. Condra - DarkCon 3 - Darkover Grand Council 27 - David Heath - Dean A. Grennell - Debriefing of First Night - DeepSouthCon 42 - DemiCon 15 - Ditto 17 - Diversicon 12 - Dorothy Hasse - DucKon 13 - Edgar's Journal - EerieCon 6 - EveCon - F. L. Wallace - Fancestral Voices - FenCon - FenCon I - Flicker - Foolscap VI - GAFilk Six - Genericon XVII - George Flynn - Greg Shaw - Hal Clement Science Speaker - Herb Goudket - High Halleck - How Green Was My Vegrant - Hugh B. Cave - I-Con XXIII - ICFA 25 - ICON 29 - InConJunction XXIV - It's Eney's Fault! - Jack Cady - Jerry Burge - Jon White - Julius Schwartz - Kate Worley - LepreCon 30 - LibertyCon 17 - Life, the Universe, & Everything 22 - Lori Wolf - Loscon 31 - Lost in La-La Space - Lunacon 47 - Mangaverse - Marcon 39 - MarsCon 2004 - Mel Hunter - Michael Mason - Midwest Construction III - Midwestcon 55 - MileHiCon 36 - Millennicon 18 - Minicon 39 - MisCon 18 - More Balls - Mythcon XXXV - Necon 24 - Necronomicon '04 - Neither Rain, Noir Murder... - Nieuw Amsterdam in 2004 - NonCon 4 - Norb Reinsel - Noreascon 4 - Norwescon XXVII - OASIS 17 - OVFF 20 - Odyssey Con IV - OryCon 26 - Otto Pfeifer - Pat Kelly - Peter Graham - Philcon 2004 - Placeholder - Potlatch 13 - Pulpcon 33 - RadCon 4 - Roc*Kon 2004 - Rue the Day - Russ Hodgkins - Rustycon 21 - SaFari - Samuel Edward Konkin III - ShowMeCon 2 - Smofcon 22 - Smokin' Rockets - Speculative Literature Foundation - StellarCon 28 - Stew Brownstein - Sue Anderson - Synapse - The Banksoniain - The Best of Xero - The JDM Bibliophile - The Weekly Taff News - Trinoc*coN 2004 - Trufen.net - TusCon 31 - Valleycon 29 - Valleycon 30 - Vegas Fandom Weekly - Who Knows What Ether Lurks in the Minds of Fen? - WillyCon VI - Windy City Pulp & Paper Convention 4 - WindyCon 31 - WisCon 28 - World Fantasy Convention 2004 - Xanadu 7
2003 | 2004 | 2005 |