January 2 | -Kelly Freas dies |
February 11 | Jack Chalker dies |
March 17 | Andre Norton dies |
March 24 | Art Rapp dies |
Easter | Paragon 2 |
April 17 | Bill Bowers dies |
August 4-8 | Interaction (Worldcon) |
August 26-29 | CascadiaCon (NASFiC) |
December 31 | Howard DeVore dies |
Suzanne Tompkins TAFF trip. | |
CUFF: Brian Davis | |
DUFF: Joe Siclari (South) | |
GUFF: Damien Warman & Juliette Woods (North) | |
NAFF: Zara Baxter |
Births and Deaths:
Alastair Cameron - Andre Norton - Anna Vargo - Art Rapp - Bernice Keller - Bernie Zuber - Bill Bowers - Bobby Gear - Brian Bond - Byron Preiss - Carol Pohl - Charles L. Harness - Charles Naylor - Chris Bunch - Dénis Lindbohm - Eleanor Daugherty - F. M. Busby - Frank Kelly Freas - Gertrude M. Carr - Guy Terwilleger - Howard DeVore - Irv Koch - Jack Chalker - Jack Gillespie - John Brosnan - John Owen - Josef Nesvadba - K. V. Bailey - Karen Warnock - Keith Parkinson - Ken Bulmer - Michael G. Coney - Michael Sheard - Nick Kenealy - Noreen Shaw - Phyllisann Courtis - Ray Gish - Richard Minter - Rita Coriell - Rita Pitman - Robert Sheckley - Sonya Dorman - Sven Christer Swahn - Terri Pinckard - Travis Tea - Walter Ernsting - Warren Norwood
Convention series started or ended:
Construction - Fandomedia - Force - Lone Star Shindig - MechaCon - Midwest Construction - Olamot - Silicon - Slashcon - Thylacon - Xanadu
Onetime conventions:
Publications started or ended:
Absolute Magnitude - Apex Magazine - Australian Science Fiction News - Black Static - Bring Bruce Bayside Bulletin - Can't Get Off the Island - Erg - Implications - Memphen - Meta - Metal Dog - Motorway Dreamer - Moz - Of Physicists and Fen - On the Town with the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen - Orson Scott Card's InterGalactic Medicine Show - Pirate Writings - Quoz - Reprise - Right Up There! - Sci Fiction - The Cosmic Hairdryer - The Orphan Scrivener - The Pulsar - The Snake Den - The Sweetheart of Fanac Falls - The Third Alternative - The Unofficial Memphen Annual - Thought Experiments - Tobes TAFF Ting - Two Year TAFF-Life - Watershed - WorldconNomicon - YAFA Staffer - YAFAZine
Awards made, started or ended:
4UK - Acnestis - Andromeda Bookshop - ArmadaCon 17 - Can't Get Off the Island - Construction - Dixseption - Electrical Eggs - Erg - FantasyCon 2005 - Fforde Festival - Glasgow in 2005 - Interaction - John Brosnan - John Owen - K. V. Bailey - Ken Bulmer - Lucas Back in Anger - Meta - Metal Dog - Michael G. Coney - Michael Sheard - Microcon 25 - NewCon 3 - Novacon 35 - On the Town with the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen - Oxonmoot 2005 - Paragon 2 - Picocon 22 - Quoz - Redemption '05 - Reprise - Resurgence of Trout - Rita Pitman - TTA Press - The Audience Participation Richard III - The Cosmic Hairdryer - The Ring Goes Ever On - The Third Alternative - The Write Fantastic - Thought Experiments - Tobes TAFF Ting - Tolkien 2005 - Under Filk Wood - WorldconNomicon - YAFA - YAFA Staffer - YAFAZine
2005 NASFiC Site Selection - 2BeContinued 4 - 31 Flavors of ConFusion - Absolute Magnitude - AggieCon XXXVI - Albacon 2005 - Andre Norton - Anna Vargo - Apex Magazine - Apollocon 2005 - Arcana 35 - Archon 29 - Arisia '05 - ArmadilloCon 27 - Art Rapp - Astronomicon 2005 - Balticon 39 - Baycon 2005 - Bernice Keller - Bernie Zuber - Bill Bowers - Black Static - Bobby Gear - Boskone 42 - Brian Bond - Bring Bruce Bayside Bulletin - Bubonicon 37 - Byron Preiss - CONduit XV - COSine 2005 - Capclave 2005 - Capricon 25 - Carol Pohl - CascadiaCon - ChambanaCon 35 - Charles L. Harness - Charles Naylor - Charlotte in 2005 - Chattacon XXX - Chris Bunch - Coastcon XXVIII - Con*Stellation XXIV - ConChord 19 - ConClave XXX - ConComCon 12 - ConDFW IV - ConDor XII - ConQuesT 36 - Concave 26 - Conestoga 9 - Confluence 2005 - Conglomeration 2005 - Consonance 2005 - Construction 5 - Construction 2005 - Consume! - Contata 2005 - Context 18 - CopperCon 25 - Corflu 22 - Costume-Con 23 - Cthulhu One - Darkover Grand Council 28 - DeepSouthCon 43 - DemiCon 16 - Ditto 18 - Diversicon 13 - DucKon 14 - EerieCon 7 - Eleanor Daugherty - F. M. Busby - FenCon II - Foolscap VII - Frank Kelly Freas - GAFilk 7 - Genericon XVIII - Gertrude M. Carr - Guy Terwilleger - Howard DeVore - I-Con XXIV - ICFA 26 - ICON 30 - Implications - InConJunction XXV - InstaCon 5 - Irv Koch - Jack Chalker - Jack Gillespie - Keith Parkinson - LepreCon 31 - LibertyCon 18 - Life, the Universe, & Everything 23 - Lone Star Shindig - Loscon 32 - Lunacon 48 - Marcon 40 - MarsCon 2005 - MechaCon - Memphen - MidSouthCon 23 - Midwest Construction - Midwest Construction IV - Midwestcon 56 - MileHiCon 37 - Millennicon 19 - Minicon 40 - MisCon 19 - Motorway Dreamer - Myriad - Necon 25 - Necronomicon '05 - Nick Kenealy - NonCon 5 - Noreen Shaw - Norwescon XXVIII - Nubella Award - OASIS 18 - OVFF 21 - Odyssey Con V - Of Physicists and Fen - Orson Scott Card's InterGalactic Medicine Show - OryCon 27 - Partners in Wonder - Philcon 2005 - Phyllisann Courtis - Pirate Writings - Potlatch 14 - Pulpcon 34 - RadCon 4A - Raiders of the Lost La-La Con - Ray Gish - Readercon 16 - Richard Minter - Right Up There! - Rita Coriell - Robert Sheckley - Rustycon 22 - Sci Fiction - Seattle in 2005 - ShowMeCon 3 - Silicon - Silicon 2005 - Smofcon 23 - Sonya Dorman - SoonerCon 2005 - Terri Pinckard - The Fourth Conjecture - The Orphan Scrivener - The Pulsar - The Snake Den - The Sweetheart of Fanac Falls - The Unofficial Memphen Annual - Tolcon - Travis Tea - Trinoc*coN 2005 - TusCon 32 - Two Year TAFF-Life - Valleycon 31 - Vixy & Tony - Warren Norwood - Watershed - WillyCon VII - Windy City Pulp & Paper Convention 5 - WindyCon 32 - WisCon 29 - World Fantasy Convention 2005 - Xanadu
2004 | 2005 | 2006 |