January 6 | -First Minicon. |
January 27 | Ron Ellik dies. |
February 17 | PenSFA formed. |
Easter | Thirdmancon. |
April 4 | Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., assassinated. |
April 6 | Steve Stiles commences TAFF trip. |
April 29 | Anthony Boucher dies. |
May 10 | Locus begins publication as a Boston in 71 bidzine. |
May | WPSFA founded. |
May | Science Fiction Club of London disbands. |
July | New Orleans Science Fiction Association holds its first election. |
August | Myriad founded. |
August 29–September 2 (Labor Day) | Baycon (Worldcon). |
October | ANZAPA first mailing. |
October 12 | The first BSFA ceases. |
Late December | John Michel dies. |
December 21 | DASFA founded. |
Births and Deaths:
A. M. Dellamonica - Anthony Boucher - Arthur Sellings - Charles Lee Riddle - Chris Moriarty - Clare Winger Harris - Cornell Woolrich - D. Alberti - Dave McIntee - David Speakman - Ed Dravecky - Farah Mendlesohn - Frank Owen - Gavin Smith - Gerald Kersh - Groff Conklin - Harl Vincent - Howard Tayler - J. Lloyd Eaton - Jeff VanderMeer - Jesse Sheidlower - John B. Michel - John Bray - Justina Robson - Karen Lord - Kate Orman - Kelley Armstrong - Ken McIntyre - Kurt Miller - Laurie Penny - Lee Jacobs - Lewis Grant, Jr. - Marcel Theroux - Mark Bould - Mark Nelson - Max Keasler - Melissa Gay - Mervyn Peake - Mike Brotherton - Omar Rayyan - Paul Melko - Peadar Ó Guilín - Peter Eisler - Ron Ellik - Sergey Lukianenko - Shane Tourtellotte - Suzanne Palmer - Travis S. Taylor - Tricia Sullivan - Vox Day - Warren Ellis
Convention series started or ended:
Clarion - Eastercon - FUNcon - Fan Fair - London Minicon - Minicon - Octocon - Secondary Universe
Onetime conventions:
Publications started or ended:
520 07 0328 - A Handbook of the Current Middle Ages - ASP - Advocates of the Infinite - Arioch - Ash-Wing - Badinage - Barefoot Contessa - BeABohema - Bixel - Bybyn-Bubyn - Cacoethes - Checkpoint - Cinder - Cinquefoil - Coprofile - Coprophile - David Malone's SF Fanzine - Debb'nshire Crame and Scrumpy - Den Haag Niewsblaadje - Dipsomania - Ecco - Eclipse - Effell - Egoboo - Einblatt! - Elbereth - Ennui - Eos - FMZ - First Fandom News Letter - Flip - Freewheelin' - Glamdring - Granfalloon - Grimwab - Grok - Harlan Ellison: The Man, The Writer - Haunted - Holbytla - Hotel of Usher - Hydrophobia - Hyperdrive - I. Barad - Id - It Ain't Me Babe - Kevas and Trillium - L'Ange Jacque - Little Supo Deluxe - Locus - Loki - Lowdown - Marzabul - Mazarbul - Meteor - Mondaily Guru - Mor-Farch - Nargothrond - Neutron - Not Much'a Nothin' - Nozdrovia - Nyarlathotep - OS - Orcrist - Oxo-Beppo - Pablo - Pegasus - Periphrasis - Plinth - Poems to Astronauts - Pot Pourri - Quendi - Rataplan - Replay - Return of Imk - Rosemary - Ruffcut - Rune - ST-Phile - Science Fantasy News Bulletin - Selected Writings of Lee Jacobs - Snorkel - Son of New Futurian - Son of Tightbeam - Songs from the Isenfiri - Star Trek Concordance - Stardock - Syzygy - TAFF Progress Report - Tension - The Ecco Ryder - The Legal Rules - The MISFITS Bulletin - The Middle Earthworm - The New Millennial Harbinger - The S. F. Critic - The Vorpal Sword - Thirdmancon Combozine - Tomorrow And... - Tykky-Dew - Unicorn - Wadezine - Weirdbook - Yac'sone - Yoric - Yrch!
Clubs founded or disbanded:
Arthur Sellings - Badinage - Bristol and District Group - Bristol and District SF Club - Bybyn-Bubyn - Checkpoint - Dave McIntee - Debb'nshire Crame and Scrumpy - Eclipse - Effell - Farah Mendlesohn - Freewheelin' - Gavin Smith - Gerald Kersh - Grimwab - John Bray - Justina Robson - Ken McIntyre - Laurie Penny - London Minicon - London Minicon 2 - Marcel Theroux - Mark Bould - Mark Nelson - Mervyn Peake - Meteor - Mor-Farch - Pablo - Plinth - Rosemary - Ruffcut - Science Fiction Club of London - Son of New Futurian - The Middle Earthworm - Thirdmancon - Thirdmancon Combozine - Tricia Sullivan - Tykky-Dew - Wadezine - Warren Ellis - Yac'sone
1968 Belknap College Tolkien Conference - 1968 Detroit Triple Fan Fair - 1968 Hugo Ceremony Transcript - 1968 Open ESFA - 1968 Southwestercon - 520 07 0328 - A Handbook of the Current Middle Ages - ASP - Advocates of the Infinite - Alpha * Omega: A New Year's Convention - Anthony Boucher - Arioch - Ash-Wing - Balticon 2 - Baltimore in '71 - Barefoot Contessa - Bay Area in '68 - Baycon - Fred Pohl's Baycon Reminiscence - BeABohema - Bixel - Blue's Apa - Boskone 5 - Cacoethes - Charles Lee Riddle - Chicago in '73 - Chris Moriarty - Cinder - Cinquefoil - Clare Winger Harris - Clarion - Convention Annual No 4 - Coprofile - Cornell Woolrich - D. Alberti - Dallas SF Society - David Malone's SF Fanzine - David Speakman - DeepSouthCon 6 - Dipsomania - Eastercon - Ecco - Ed Dravecky - Egoboo - Einblatt! - Elbereth - Ennui - FMZ - FUNcon - FUNcon 1 - Fanatics - First Fandom News Letter - Flip - Frank Owen - Gerald Kersh - Gestalt - Glamdring - Granfalloon - Groff Conklin - Grok - Harl Vincent - Harlan Ellison: The Man, The Writer - Haunted - Holbytla - Hotel of Usher - Howard Tayler - Hydrophobia - Hyperdrive - I've Had No Sleep and I Must Giggle - I. Barad - Id - Increase in Convention Sizes in the 1970s - It Ain't Me Babe - J. Lloyd Eaton - Jeff VanderMeer - Jesse Sheidlower - John B. Michel - Kurt Miller - L'Ange Jacque - Las Vegas in '68 - Lee Jacobs - Lewis Grant, Jr. - Locus - Loki - Lunacon 11 - MASF - Marcon III - Marzabul - Max Keasler - Mazarbul - Melissa Gay - Meskcon - Midwestcon 19 - Mike Brotherton - Minicon - Minicon 1 - Mondaily Guru - NEOSFS New Years Con - Nargothrond - Neutron - Not Much'a Nothin' - Nozdrovia - Nyarlathotep - OS - Octocon - Omar Rayyan - Orcrist - Oxo-Beppo - Ozarkon III - PanPacificon - Paul Melko - Pegasus - Peninsula Science Fantasy Association - Periphrasis - Philcon 1968 - Quendi - Replay - Return With Us Now - Return of Imk - Ron Ellik - Rune - ST-Phile - Science Fantasy News Bulletin - Science Fiction Forum - Seattle in '68 - Secondary Universe - Secondary Universe I - Selected Writings of Lee Jacobs - Shane Tourtellotte - Snorkel - Son of Tightbeam - Star Trek Concordance - Stardock - Suzanne Palmer - Syracuse University Science Fiction Society - Syzygy - TAFF Progress Report - Tension - The Ecco Ryder - The Hill - The Index of Science Fiction Magazines 1951-1965 - The Legal Rules - The MISFITS Bulletin - The S. F. Critic - The Vorpal Sword - Tomorrow And... - Trans Oceanic Fan Fund - Travis S. Taylor - Unicorn - Vox Day - Weirdbook - Yoric - Yrch!
1967 | 1968 | 1969 |