Lee Jacobs

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(October 22, 1927 – February 15, 1968)

Clarence Lee Jacobs, also known as Leej (akin to LeeH), an LA fan active since the late 1940s, was a member of LASFS and, earlier, WSFA (one of the Elders). In the 1950s, he shared the slanshack Telekinetic Terrace with Ed Cox and for a time owned the Iron Maiden.

He had been a member and President of FAPA (the "Drunken President of FAPA" due to his succumbing to Golden Treachery). He was a member of the FATE Tape. (His alcoholic adventures are also referred to under "Nuclear Fizz" where he is credited with the invention of Silping.) He was a member of The Cult, SFPA, and of SAPS, where he wrote and published the famous Ballard Chronicles. He also scripted "Redd Boggs - Superfan" and "The Musquite Kid Rides Again." In 1951 he attended the Festivention in London.

The word "filk" was his (inadvertent) creation. He typoed "folk" in a contribution to SAPS in the 1950s: "The Influence of Science Fiction on Modern American Filk Music." The rest is history.

He was married, for a time, to Jane Gallion; they divorced about 1961. He died when he fell in the bathtub and hit his head. Lon Atkins wrote a tribute zine for SFPA, Bruce Pelz published Selected Writings of Lee Jacobs, and Lee was remembered at the annual Ellik-Jacobs Memorial Wine & Cheese Party.

Fanzines and Apazines:

Person 19271968
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