Dave Locke

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(May 5, 1944 -- October 30, 2012)

Dave Locke was a fan from New York, California and later Cincinnati, a member of SFPA and, early in his fannish life, was a member of the N3F's Welcommittee. He was a member of The Petards and the CFG, a founding contributor to e-APA and a member of Stobcler, Gestalt, and FAPA. He helped run Corflu 4. He was very active on-line, often serving as a list-manager.

With Jackie Causgrove, he was prominent in the TAFF Wars, and a co-founder of FLAP. They were together from the 1970s until her death.

He was a frequent fanwriter and sometime fanartist.

In 1963, he was the subject of a death hoax, which he started himself in a letter to Bill Plott; Plott either missed or disregarded the “April Fool!” in the missive and spread the news, which made it into the June ish of Fantasy Fiction Field, among other fanzines:

FIRST, THIS BIT OF UNPLEASANT NEWS, as quoted from a letter by Bill Plott, dated April 5: "Dave Locke was killed in an automobile accident on Friday, March 29. I received a letter from his mother this morning in which she requested that I circulate the news to those who knew him. The steady influx of mail from those who do not know of his death will be a constant source of pain to her as she attempts to adjust her life to this tragedy. Dave was a wonderful correspondent and friend. He and I had made plans to share a hotel room together at the Discon in Septem­ber, Mrs. Locke enclosed an unfinished letter that Dave had addressed to me. She says that these are probably the last words that he put on paper before his untimely death. This, of course, adds immensely to my own grief."

Juanita Coulson was scathing about the “sicksick” joke as she dispelled the rumors in Yandro 123.

Fanzines and Apazines:

Person 19442012
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