Easter | -Olympus (Eastercon 63) |
Labor Day | Chicon 7 (Worldcon) |
TAFF: Jacqueline Monahan | |
CUFF: Debra Yeung | |
FFANZ: Edwina Harvey | |
GUFF: Kylie Ding | |
NAFF: Sarah Parker |
Births and Deaths:
Alan Hunter - Archie Roy - Ardath Mayhar - Ben Singer - Bob Lovell - Boris Strugatsky - Carol Ballard - Carol Kendall - Cathy Ball - Cynthia Goldstone - Danny Lieberman - Dave Locke - David D. McGirr - Dick Spelman - Don Markstein - E. R. James - Gene DeWeese - Gerry Anderson - Harry Harrison - Ian Crozier - Ian Macauley - Israel Krenzel - Jan Penney - Jay Kay Klein - Jim Young - Joe Pilati - John Christopher - John Piggott - Josepha Sherman - Judith Brownlee - K. D. Wentworth - Kathryn Daugherty - Ken Hunt - Kevin O'Donnell, Jr. - Leo Dillon - Margaret Mahy - Margaret Wells - Michael Deckinger - Pam Fremon - Ray Beam - Ray Bradbury - Richard Dorsett - Richard Harter - Roger Waddington - Rosco E. Wright - Theron Raines - Wendall Ing
Convention series started or ended:
Publications started or ended:
A Rude Brief Recitative - All Jacq'd Up - Broken Toys - Corflu Memories - Eric the Mole - FAANEDS - FAN-EDS - Fanstuff - James Gunn's Ad Astra - Last Short Story - Lontar - Motley - Motorway Dreamer - Quantum B*llocks - QuasiQuote - Revenant - Society for the Perpetuation of Fannish Fandom - Steam Engine Time - The Frenetic Fanac Review - The Hannes Bok Illustration Index - The Little Book of 42s - The Other Side of the Wood - The Slan of Baker Street - Unreliable Narrator - VConversation
Awards made, started or ended:
Clubs founded or disbanded:
A Rude Brief Recitative - A Short Visual History of British Fandom - Alan Hunter - All Jacq'd Up - Archie Roy - ArmadaCon 24 - Bristol-Con '12 - Congenial - Discworld Convention 2012 - Duple Time - E. R. James - Eric the Mole - FantasyCon 2012 - Gerry Anderson - HalswayCon Days 2012 - Ian Macauley - John Christopher - John Piggott - Microcon 2012 - Novacon 42 - Olympus 2012 - Oxonmoot 2012 - Picocon 29 - Polytechnic Science Fiction and Fantasy Association - Quantum B*llocks - QuasiQuote - Return of the Ring - Roger Waddington - Satellite 3 - Steam Engine Time - The House of Rumour - The Little Book of 42s - The Other Side of the Wood - TitanCon 2012 - Unicon - Unreliable Narrator
3rd Conference on Middle Earth Part 2 - 7Pi-Con - AggieCon 43 - Albacon 2012 - Apollocon 2012 - Arcana 42 - Archon 36 - Ardath Mayhar - Arisia '12 - ArmadilloCon 34 - Balticon 46 - Baycon 2012 - Ben Singer - Bob Lovell - Boskone 49 - Broken Toys - Bubonicon 44 - CONduit 22 - CONtraflow II - COSine 2012 - Capclave 2012 - Capricon 32 - Carol Ballard - Carol Kendall - Cathy Ball - ChambanaCon 42 - Chattacon XXXVII - Chicago in 2012 - Chicon 7 - Coastcon 35 - Con*Stellation XXXI - Con-Dor 19 - ConCarolinas 2012 - ConCertino 2012 - ConChord 24 - ConChord 26 - ConClusion - ConComCon 19 - ConDFW XI - ConQuesT 43 - ConStellation III - Concave 33 - Conflikt 5 - Confluence 2012 - Conglomeration 2012 - Conjecture 3 - Conjecture 2012 - Consonance 2012 - Context 25 - Convolution - Convolution 2012 - CopperCon 32 - Corflu 29 - Corflu Memories - Costume-Con 30 - Cynthia Goldstone - Cóyotl Awards - Danny Lieberman - DarkCon 6 - Darkover Grand Council 35 - Dave Locke - David D. McGirr - DeepSouthCon 50 - DemiCon 23 - Dick Spelman - Diversicon 20 - Don Markstein - DucKon 21 - EerieCon 14 - Epic ConFusion - FOGcon 2 - Fanstuff - FenCon IX - Foolscap 14 - Fourth Street Fantasy 2012 - GAFilk 2012 - Gene DeWeese - Genericon XXV - Harry Harrison - ICFA 33 - ICON 37 - Ian Macauley - IllogiCon - InConJunction XXXII - InstaCon - InstaCon 9 - Israel Krenzel - James Gunn's Ad Astra - Jan Penney - Jay Kay Klein - Jim Young - Joe Pilati - JordanCon IV - Josepha Sherman - Judith Brownlee - K. D. Wentworth - Kathryn Daugherty - Ken Hunt - Kevin O'Donnell, Jr. - Leo Dillon - LepreCon 38 - LibertyCon 25 - Life, the Universe, & Everything 30 - Lontar - Loscon 39 - Lunacon 55 - Marcon 47 - Margaret Wells - MarsCon 2012 - Michael Deckinger - MidSouthCon 30 - Midwestcon 63 - MileHiCon 44 - Millennicon 26 - Milwaukee Steampunk Society - Minicon 47 - MisCon 26 - Motley - Motorway Dreamer - MystiCon 2012 - Mythcon 43 - Mythmoot - Necon 32 - Necronomicon 2012 - NonCon 12 - Norwescon XXXV - OASIS 25 - OVFF 28 - Odyssey Con XII - OryCon 34 - Pam Fremon - Philcon 2012 - Phoenix Vul-Con - Potlatch 21 - PulpFest 2012 - RadCon 6 - RavenCon 2012 - Ray Beam - Ray Bradbury - Readercon 23 - Revenant - Richard Dorsett - Richard Harter - Rosco E. Wright - Rusty Hevelin Service Award - Rustycon 29 - Smofcon 30 - SoonerCon 21 - Sprawl Library - StellarCon 36 - The Forrest J Ackerman Oeuvre - The Frenetic Fanac Review - The Hannes Bok Illustration Index - The Slan of Baker Street - Theron Raines - TusCon 39 - Valleycon 38 - Vericon XII - Wendall Ing - WillyCon XIV - Windy City Pulp & Paper Convention 12 - Windycon 39 - WisCon 36 - World Fantasy Convention 2012
2011 | 2012 | 2013 |