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Hello, world![1]

Time to introduce myself: Name's Vaněk, Jan Vaněk jr.[2]

When I registered here in January 2022,[3] I justified myself (a. o.; copypasted warts, missing articles and all):

I'm a Czech fan now nearer 50 than anything else, sometimes active internationally, especially on (they even made me an entry[4] due to my brief contribution to NYRSF). My one-off one-sheet zine for Dublin Worldcon was included in WOOF 44 (though seems not available online).[5] You may also check my existence, and mutual friends, at

For more details[6] see my autobiography in the second, 2022 issue of my perzine, which turned out not to be that one-off after all.[7]

The system's default link Special:Contributions/JVjr you can encounter elsewhere currently does not work:[8] After you get there, you have to click again on "Search", even without filling out anything else, and only then it will take you to which, I think,[9] speaks for itself.[10][11]

Still, more will come later.[12] --JVjr (talk) 21:00, 10 August 2024 (PDT)

  1. Hello, fandom, my old friend, I've come to talk with you again…
  2. That is, of course the legal name is just the former; as a foolish youth, so many decades ago, I appended a disambiguator. I write it the Czech way – no comma, lowercase J, despite what anybody else does or you see anywhere.
  3. To fix/expand a Czech-related article I haven't got to yet, of course.
  4. Jan_Vaněk,_Jr. in Internet Speculative Fiction Database
  5. Since, I made sure it is.
  6. Should you happen to be curious about such inconsequentialities.
  7. Available at or within WOOF,
  8. Due to a peculiar bug
  9. Hell, daresay!
  10. Yes, some of my best (fan)writing is contained in edit summaries.
  11. Yes, I love digressions, parentheses and footnotes; thanks for asking. (But no, somehow I never liked Pterry.) Alas, the current state/version of the Fancy MediaWiki does not allow nesting them… but soon!
  12. And I mean rather sooner than later!