Transactions of the Cosmos Club

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Transactions of the Cosmos Club was a fanzine published by Gordon Holbrow (#1) and Bruce Gaffron (#2) in the UK and, at the risk of stating the obvious, on behalf of the Cosmos Club of Teddington.

In Futurian War Digest #34 (April 1944), J. Michael Rosenblum said its purpose was

to print articles of a more serious nature than appear in any of the club's other publications. It is hoped that these articles will be by authors who can speak with some authority on the subjects they have chosen. The first subject that has been chosen is 'The Future of Civilisation' and three papers read at a symposium held on February 19th are printed in the Spring 1944 edition. They are 'The Future of Photography' by G. L. Holbrow, 'The Future of Mechanical Engineering' by D. R. Smith and 'The Future of Literature' which was given by Frank Parker. All three papers are competent and authoritative, setting up a high standard in this new type of fan endeavour. I hope that more such papers will appear in the future, especially the one read by Harry Kay at the same meeting on 'The Future of Medicine'.
Issue Date Pages -Notes
1 Spring 1944 20
2 Summer 1944 10

Publication 19441944
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