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Outsidecon is a relaxacon founded by Bob Emler and Bill Payne and held in the Nashville, TN area, usually the weekend after Labor Day. It began in the late 80s and was still running in 2024. It "appealed to Worldcon and Dragoncon attendees as a time to chill out. It also seeks to combine elements of a Society for Creative Anachronism event with a science fiction convention, offering an all-inclusive price for membership, food, and lodging. (It appears to have been, at least some of the time, a camping convention.) It motto was "Where Fandom meets Mother-Nature."

Until 2002, it was held at Camp Marymount, a Catholic youth camp west of Nashville.

In 2003 it had to move and was held in a rented house in Kentucky Dam Village State Resort Park and called That Dam Convention It was an abbreviated version of Outsidecon and basically a house party. The highlight took place when eight of the attendees drove over to the marina and rented a pontoon boat for a two hour cruise.

Beginning in 2004, it has been held at Group Camp One in Montgomery Bell State Park, also west of Nashville. It had pavilions, a lodge and cabins with electricity (but no plumbing) and bath houses. It also has a nearby hotel where the less adventurous stay.

Convention Dates -Notes
Outside Con III August 14-16, 1990
Outside Con 7 September 16-18, 1994
Outsidecon 20 September 7-9, 2007 combined with DeepSouthCon with GoHs Clifton E. Gibbs, Christina Barber, Brenna Walters
Outsidecon 2024 August 23-25, 2024 Burns, TN

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