Novae Terrae

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Novae Terrae was a UK fanzine edited by Maurice K. Hanson and others. It was initially the clubzine of the Nuneaton SFL and from #10 became the Official Organ of the Science Fiction Association. It is generally regarded as the first true British fanzine.

The first ten issues were edited by Hanson and Dennis Jacques. #11 saw Jacques listed as associate along with Maurice T. Crowley. #16 continued with the same team albeit with Hanson relocated to London and #18 saw Jacques and Crowley replaced by Arthur C. Clarke and John Carnell. #25 added William Temple as an associate and #26 dropped Carnell.

After #29, Hanson handed the title to Carnell who launched New Worlds, the precursor to the prozine New Worlds which launched in 1946 has continued in various forms into the twenty-first century.

Entry in The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction.

Issue Date Pages -Notes
V1.1 March 1936 9
V1.2 April 1936 10
V1.3 May 1936 18
V1.4 June 1936 12
V1.5 July 1936 14
V1.6 August 1936 20
V1.7 September 1936 16
V1.8 November 1936 20
V1.9 December 1937 -- January 1937 32 Includes supplement
#10 V1.10 February 1937 24 Includes untitled pamphlet
#11 V1.11 April 1937 20
#12 V1.12 May 1937 20
#13 V2.1 June 1937 20
#14 V2.2 June 1937 18
#15 V2.3 July 1937 20
#16 V2.4 August-September 1937 20
#17 V2.5 October 1937 24
#18 V2.6 November 1937 20
#19 V2.7 December 1937 20
#20 V2.8 January 1938 24
#21 V2.9 March 1938 20
#22 V2.10 April 1938 20
#23 V2.11 May 1938 20
#24 V2.12 June 1938 20
#25 V3.1 August 1938 48
#26 V3.2 September 1938 26
#27 V3.3 November 1938 26 Includes supplement #1
#28 V3.4 December 1938 24 Includes supplement #2
#29 V3.4 January 1939 24 Includes supplement #3

The three numbered supplements were:

Publication 19361939
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