Neffy Awards

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The National Fantasy Fan Federation Speculative Fiction Awards, called the Neffy Awards or the Laureate Awards, has been awarded by the N3F annually since 2005 for works from the previous year. The award categories fluctuate from year-to-year with new categories being added and old ones dropped according to nomination votes.


Year Presented Category -Recipient
2005 Best Animation Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
Best Pro Artist Donato Giancola
Best Pro Author C. J. Cherryh - Forge of Heaven
Best Collector's Edition (video) Star Wars Trilogy Boxed Set - 20th Century Fox
Best Comic Fantastic Four - Marvel
Best Game Star Wars Trading Card Game, Lucasfilm * Wizards of the Coast
Best Movie Spiderman 2, Columbia
Best Web Site or Reference Locus Online
Best Classic Reprint Glory Road, Robert A. Heinlein
Best TV Stargate: SG-1, SCI FI, (MGM)
Best Video Game Halo 2, Bungie Software
Fan Of the Year Janine Stinson
Best Fanzine Ansible
Fan Web Site Fanac Fan History Project
2006 Best TV Animation Inuyahar
Best Animation - Film Wallace and Grommit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit
Best Pro Artist Melissa Gay
Best Comic Supergirl
Best Fan Artist Lynn Masamitsu
Best SF Author John Varley - Mammoth
Best Fan Writer Jefferson Swycaffer
Best Fantasy Author J. K. Rowling - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Best Reprint C. S. Lewis - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Best Board/RPG Game Serenity RPG
Best Video Game Eve Online
Best SF Movie Serenity
Best Fantasy Movie Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Best Classic on DVD Wizard of Oz box set
Best SF TV The 4400 - USA
Best Fantasy TV Lost - ABC
Best Pro Website
Best Fansite
Best Print Fanzine Locus
Best eZine Emerald City
Fan of the Year Howard DeVore
2007 Best Animation Tripping the Rift - SCIFI
Best Pro Artist Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell (tie)
Best Fan Artist Brad Foster
Best SF/F Author Naomi Novik, His Majesty's Dragon, Throne of Jade, Black Powder War
Best SF/F Movie Pan's Labrynth
Best Website
Best SF/F TV Doctor Who
Fan of the Year Joy Beeson
Best Fanzine Science Fiction Five-Yearly
2008 Best Animation Ratatouille
Best Pro Artist Tom Kidd
Best SF/F Author J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Best SF/F Movie The Golden Compass
Best SF/F TV Supernatural
Fan of the Year Jacqueline Lichtenberg
Best Fanzine The Drink Tank - Chris Garcia
Best Fansite
2009 Best Animation Wall-E
Best SF/F Author Greg Bear - City at the End of Time
Best SF/F Movie The Dark Knight
Best Website
Best SF/F TV Torchwood
Fan of the Year Heath Row
Best Fanzine FAPA
2010 Best TV Animation Star Wars:// Clone Wars - TOON
Best Film Animation Avatar
Best Pro Artist Frank Frazetta
Best SF Author Stephen King, Under the Dome
Best Fantasy Author China Miéville, The City & The City
Best Comic Robert Kirkman, The Walking Dead
Best Video Game Batman: Arkham Asylum
Best SF Movie Star Trek
Best Fantasy Movie Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Best SF TV Doctor Who - BBC
Best Fantasy TV True Blood - HBO
Best Website
Best Pro Zine Weird Tales
Best Fansite
Best Fanzine The National Fantasy Fan - Heath Row
Fan of the Year Patricia King
2011 Best SF/F Animation Despicable Me
Best SF/F Author Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay
Best SF/F Movie Inception
Best SF/F TV Dollhouse
Best Website
Best Fansite
Best Fanzine eI - Earl Kemp
2012 Best Fantasy Movie Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2
Best SF Movie Contagion
Best Super Hero/Comics Movie Captain America: The First Avenger
Best SF TV Doctor Who - BBC
Best Horror TV The Walking Dead - AMC
Best Fantasy TV A Game of Thrones
Best Horror Author Jim Butcher, Ghost Story
Best SF Author China Miéville, Embassy Town
Best YA SF-F Author Ransom Riggs, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
Best Fanzine File 770, Mike Glyer
2015 Heroic Commendation All of Hugo Fandom for Reviving the Fan Feud
Best Editor Toni Weiskopf

Award 1941
This is an award page. If you know something about it, such as who awarded it, who the winners were, what the criteria were, and when it was awarded, please add it! See Standards for Awards.