Liverpool Group

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(Did you mean the Long Island Science Fiction Society?)

The Liverpool Science Fiction Society (LāSFāS, see below for explanation) was a club in Liverpool, UK founded in 1951. Around 1960 they became known simply as the Liverpool Group (LiG).

It published the clubzines Bastion and Space Diversions and its MaD Productions produced the taperas The March of Slime (coining blog), Last and First Fen and others. The club motto was "Thought, Time & Space".

Eric Bentcliffe wrote a tribute to the club in Waldo 1 (1959), noting:

Towards the end of 1951 a Liverpool fan by the name of Jeff Espley had the idea of asking the Milcross Book Service (which at that time was being run by old time fen Frank Milnes and Les Johnstone) for the addresses of other s-f readers in the city. On Monday the 12th of November, 1951, LaSFaS held its first meeting. Present were John Roles, Norman Shorrock, Lew Conway, Trevor Donnan, and probably Frank Milnes, Les Johnstone, and Norman Weedall[1]. Other early members were Jim Mooney, Tom Owens, Stan Nuttall, and Dave Gardner. Plus Ina Shorrock, Norman's wife.

The Society met "at the rear of the Milcross Book Shop" (then at 205 Brownlow Hill) for some two months[2] before obtaining the Space Dive, 13A St. Vincent St., "a minuscule cellar rented for the use of club members and … decorated with s-f magazine 'covers,' and several model rockets."

Bentcliffe included mini-profiles of the 1959 members (Norman Shorrock, Ina Shorrock, Eddie Jones, H. Stanley Nuttall, John Owen, John Roles, Norman Weedall, Frank Milnes, Pat Milnes, Pete Daniels, Jeff Collins and Nancy Pooley). According to Bentcliffe:

One other fannish innovation which can be placed on the LaSFaS doorstep is that of the 'Fannish Ceremony' now being carried on by the Cheltenham Circle with their Knights of St. Fantony award for Good Fansmanship. A couple of years ago Eric Jones and myself wore honoured at a most impressive ceremony, and dubbed E.C.L.S.F.S. — Ex-Chairman of LaSFaS. Reason for the title was that it was deemed a high honour to become an ex-Chairman without first having had to indulge the trials and tribulations of the office. 

This idea was independently re-conceived by Ted White in US in 1984 creating the Past President of fwa.


A membership list of uncertain date although likely early in the group's existence lists the first 34 members of 'LāSFāS. This includes several people about whom nothing else is known other than that they were members and their names appear below in italics. Membership numbers where known are included in brackets and honorary members are marked H. Members without numbers are those who joined at some later date.

From Fancyclopedia 2, ca. 1959
LiSFS The Liverpool Science Fiction Society, of England. Prime spirit Dave Newman till he went gafia; other notable members include John Roles and Norman Shorrock. They brought the art-form of the tapera to its greatest height, and have recognized fannish eminence by award of the designation of Ex-Chairman (ECLSFS). They are not noted as fanzine publishers, but rather go in for local social activities such as formed the basis of their famous symposium on Sex and Sadism and for the productions noted under Movies.
From Fancyclopedia 2 Supplement, ca. 1960
My spelling here was incorrect; they actually prefer LāSFāS, with the null a's to distinguish the group from the Los Angeles outfit.


  1. If Weedall was present it seems he didn't join initially as he was not among the first 34 members.
  2. Tom Owens quoted at "Millcross Book Services" page at
  3. As was often the case, MacKay's name was rendered as "McKay" on the membership list.
  4. Quinn was a New York fan.
  5. Shallcross appeared on the first membership list but the entry was annotated "Resigned, reason; Preparation for Exams".
  6. While Norman Shorrock was one of the first 34 members, Ina wasn't explicitly listed. It's at least possible if not likely that in the Manner Of The Time Ina's membership was supposed to be implicit in Norman's.

Club 1951
This is a club page. Please extend it by adding information about when and where the club met, when and by whom it was founded, how long it was active, notable accomplishments, well-known members, clubzines, any conventions it ran, external links to the club's website, other club pages, etc.

When there's a floreat (Fl.), this indicates the time or times for which we have found evidence that the club existed. This is probably not going to represent the club's full lifetime, so please update it if you can!