January | -Don Cook dies |
January 23 | Ursula K. Le Guin dies |
February 12 | Bill Crider dies |
February 13 | Victor Milán dies |
March 3 | Lars-Olov Strandberg dies |
March 5 | Peter Nicholls dies |
March 8 | Kate Wilhelm dies |
March 17 | Karen Kruse Anderson dies |
March 20 | Earl Cooley III dies |
Easter, April 1 | Follycon |
May 27 | Gardner Dozois dies |
May 31 | June Moffatt dies |
June 7 | Lucy Zinkiewicz dies |
June 9 | Shelby Vick dies |
June 28 | Harlan Ellison dies |
July 1 | Jack Gonzalez dies |
August 3 | Vicky Wyman dies |
August 16-20 | Worldcon 76 in San Jose |
October 18 | Pat Lupoff dies |
October 26 | Harold Stein dies |
November 4 | Bertil Mårtensson dies |
November 12 | Fred Patten dies |
December 4 | Claire Anderson dies |
December 8 | Gary Tesser dies |
December 26 | Fred Isaacs dies |
TAFF: Johan Anglemark | |
DUFF: Marlee Jane Ward | |
GUFF: Marcin Klak |
Births and Deaths:
Al Babcock - Anne Cox - Bertil Mårtensson - Betty Rosenblum - Bill Crider - Christopher Stasheff - Claire Anderson - Dave Duncan - David Bischoff - David Palter - Don Cook - Earl Cooley III - Eddy C. Bertin - Fred Isaacs - Fred Patten - Gardner Dozois - Gary Nelson - Gary Tesser - Graham Connor - Harlan Ellison - Harold Stein - Jack Gonzalez - Jack Ketchum - June Moffatt - Jörgen Peterzén - Karen Kruse Anderson - Kate Wilhelm - Lars-Olov Strandberg - Lee Billings - Lucy Zinkiewicz - Mary Rosenblum - Maurine Dorris - Michael Scott Rohan - Ned McKeown - Pat Lupoff - Peter Coene - Peter Eisler - Peter Nicholls - Shelby Vick - Stan Lee - Steve Lopata - Steve Sneyd - Ursula K. Le Guin - Vicky Wyman - Victor Milán - Walter Velez - Wendy Freeman
Convention series started or ended:
CoKoCon - Conclave - Durhamcon - Nine Worlds - Scintillation - Speculate - StellarCon - The Continuum
Publications started or ended:
Awards made, started or ended:
Clubs founded or disbanded:
Armadacon 2018 - Betty Rosenblum - Bristol-Con 2018 - Discworld Convention 2018 - Durhamcon - Durhamcon 2 - Enharmonicon - FantasyCon 2018 - Follycon - Graham Connor - Lulzine - Michael Scott Rohan - Nine Worlds - Nine Worlds 2018 - Novacon 48 - Oxonmoot 2018 - Pendragon Press - Picocon 35 - Satellite 6 - Steve Sneyd - The David Gemmell Awards For Fantasy - TitanCon 2018 - University of York Science Fiction and Fantasy Society - Wendy Freeman - Wherever I Lay My Hat - Zardoz Books
AggieCon 49 - Al Babcock - Anne Cox - Archon 42 - Arisia '18 - ArmadilloCon 40 - Balticon 52 - Baycon 2018 - Bill Crider - Boskone 55 - Bubonicon 50 - CAPTAIN FLASHBACK - CONtraflow VIII - COSine 2018 - Capclave 2018 - Capricon 38 - Chambanacon 48 - Chattacon 43 - Chessiecon 2018 - Christopher Stasheff - Claire Anderson - CoKoCon - CoKoCon 2018 - Coastcon 41 - ConCertino 2018 - ConComCon 25 - ConDFW XVII - ConDor XXV - ConFusion Through the Looking Glass - ConGregate 5 - ConQuesT 49 - ConStellation 9 - Concave 39 - Conflikt 11 - Confluence 2018 - Conglomeration 2018 - Consonance 2018 - David Bischoff - DemiCon 29 - Diversicon 26 - Don Cook - Earl Cooley III - Exhibition Hall - FOGcon 8 - FenCon XV - Films Fantastic - First Fandom Experience - Fourth Street Fantasy 2018 - Fred Isaacs - Fred Patten - GAFilk 2018 - Gardner Dozois - Gary Nelson - Gary Tesser - Genericon XXXI - HELIOsphere 2018 - Harlan Ellison - Harold Stein - ICFA 39 - ICON 43 - IllogiCon vii - InConJunction XXXVIII - Jack Gonzalez - Jack Ketchum - JordanCon X - June Moffatt - Karen Kruse Anderson - Kate Wilhelm - LaffCon 3 - Lee Billings - Leo Awards - LepreCon 44 - LibertyCon 31 - Life, the Universe, & Everything 2018 - Lodestar Award - Lontar - Lunarians - Marcon 53 - MarsCon 2018 - Mary Rosenblum - Maurine Dorris - MidSouthCon 36 - Midwestcon 69 - MileHiCon 50 - Minicon 53 - MisCon 32 - MystiCon 2018 - Mythcon 49 - Necronomicon 2018 - New Orleans in 2018 - Norwescon 41 - OVFF 34 - Origin - OryCon 40 - Pat Lupoff - Philcon 2018 - PulpFest 2018 - Rainbow Con 2.1 - RavenCon 13 - RavenCon 13.5 - Readercon 29 - Rustycon 35 - SF Site - Shelby Vick - Smofcon 36 - SoonerCon 27 - Stan Lee - StellarCon - StellarCon 2018 - Steve Lopata - The Cathartic Route - The Continuum - The Science Fiction Fanzine Reader: Focal Points 1930-1960 - Traincon 4 - TusCon 45 - Ursula K. Le Guin - Utah Fandom Organization - Valleycon 44 - Vicky Wyman - Victor Milán - Walter Velez - Westercon 71 - Westercon 71: The Denver Bid - WillyCon XX - Windy City Pulp & Paper Convention 18 - Windycon 45 - WisCon 42 - World Fantasy Convention 2018 - Worldcon 76 in San Jose
2017 | 2018 | 2019 |