No. |
Date |
Convention |
Location |
-Guests of Honour
1 |
March 22, 1952 |
First Australian Science Fiction Convention |
Sydney |
2 |
May 1-3, 1953 |
Second Australian Science Fiction Convention |
Sydney |
3 |
April 17-18, 1954 |
Third Australian Science Fiction Convention |
Sydney |
4 |
March 18-20, 1955 |
Fourth Australian Science Fiction Convention |
Sydney |
Arthur C. Clarke
5 |
December 8-9, 1956 |
Olympicon |
Melbourne |
Frank Bryning
6 |
April 5-6, 1958 |
Sixth Australian Science Fiction Convention |
Melbourne |
7 |
April 8-11, 1966 |
Seventh Australian Science Fiction Convention |
Melbourne |
8 |
April 4-6, 1969 |
Eighth Australian Science Fiction Convention |
Melbourne |
Lee Harding and (fan) John Foyster
9 |
March 27-30, 1970 |
Ninth Australian Science Fiction Convention |
Melbourne |
10 |
January 1-2, 1971 |
Tenth Australian Science Fiction Convention |
Melbourne |
(fan) Robin Johnson
11 |
August 11-13, 1972 |
Syncon 2 |
Sydney |
Lesleigh Luttrell
12 |
August 17-19, 1973 |
Advention 2 |
Adelaide |
John Foyster
13 |
August 16-18, 1974 |
Ozcon |
Melbourne |
Merv Binns and (fan) John Bangsund
14 |
January 24-27, 1975 |
Syncon '75 |
Sydney |
15 |
August 13-15, 1976 |
Bofcon |
Melbourne |
16 |
July 29-31, 1977 |
A-Con 7 |
Adelaide |
Bill Rotsler
17 |
March 24-27, 1978 |
Unicon IV |
Melbourne |
Brian Aldiss, Roger Zelazny
18 |
August 10-13, 1979 |
Syncon '79 |
Sydney |
Gordon R. Dickson, Ken Fletcher, Linda Lounsbury, Kouichi Yamamoto
19 |
August 15-18, 1980 |
Swancon 5 |
Perth |
Anne McCaffrey, Shayne McCormack, Grant Stone
20 |
June 6-8, 1981 |
Advention '81 |
Adelaide |
Frank Herbert, John Ossian (John Foyster), K. U. F. Widdershins (John Foyster)
21 |
April 9-12, 1982 |
Tschaicon |
Melbourne |
Jack Vance, Leanne Frahm, Eric Lindsay
22 |
June 10-13, 1983 |
Syncon '83 |
Sydney |
Harlan Ellison, Van Ikin
23 |
April 20-23, 1984 |
Eureka!con |
Melbourne |
George Turner
24 |
April 5-8, 1985 |
Advention '85 |
Adelaide |
Lee Harding
25 |
March 28-31, 1986 |
Swancon XI |
Perth |
C. J. Cherryh, Jack Herman
26 |
April 24-27, 1987 |
Capcon |
Canberra |
Robert Asprin, Lynn Abbey, and (fan) John Newman
27 |
June 10-13, 1988 |
Conviction (Syncon '88) |
Sydney |
Spider Robinson, Jeanne Robinson, Carey Handfield
28 |
March 23-27, 1989 |
Swancon 14 |
Perth |
John Varley and (fan) Paul J. Stevens
29 |
April 13-16, 1990 |
Danse Macabre |
Melbourne |
George R. R. Martin, Eric Lindsay
30 |
March 29 - April 1, 1991 |
SunCon |
Brisbane |
Patrick Tilley, Harlan Ellison (absent), Leigh Edmonds
31 |
April 17-20, 1992 |
Syncon '92 |
Sydney |
Michael Whelan, Nick Stathopoulos
32 |
April 8-12, 1993 |
Swancon 18 |
Perth |
Terry Pratchett and (fan) Craig Hilton
33 |
April 1-4, 1994 |
Constantinople |
Melbourne |
William Gibson, Kate Orman, and (fans) Bruce Gillespie, and Julie Edge & Martin Edge
34 |
June 9-12, 1995 |
Thylacon 1 |
Hobart |
Kim Stanley Robinson, Peter Nicholls, Grant Stone
35 |
April 4-8, 1996 |
Festival of the Imagination 1996 |
Perth |
Storm Constantine, Neil Gaiman
36 |
Sept 27-28, 1997 |
Basicon 2 |
Melbourne |
(no one or everyone)
37 |
June 5-8, 1998 |
Thylacon 2 |
Hobart |
George R. R. Martin, Leanne Frahm
38 |
Sept 2-6, 1999 |
SpawnCon Two |
Melbourne |
39 |
April 20-24, 2000 |
Swancon 2000 (Swancon 25) |
Perth |
Connie Willis, Robin Hobb, Garth Nix, Ian Nichols
40 |
April 12-16, 2001 |
Swancon 2001: Masquerade |
Perth |
Robert Silverberg, Karen Haber, Rosaleen Love, Marilyn Pride, Lewis Morley, Kate Orman, Sue Ackermann
41 |
June 7-10, 2002 |
Convergence 2002 |
Melbourne |
Joe Haldeman, Gay Haldeman, Lucy Sussex, Sean Williams, and (fan) Race Mathews
42 |
April 17-21, 2003 |
Swancon 2003 |
Perth |
Lynn Flewelling, Tony Shillitoe, Fiona McIntosh, and (fan) Justin Ackroyd
43 |
April 23-26, 2004 |
Conflux 1 |
Canberra |
Greg Benford, Sean McMullen, and (fan) Karen Herkes
44 |
June 10-13, 2005 |
Thylacon 2005 (Thylacon IV) |
Hobart |
Anne Bishop, Marianne de Pierres, and (fan) Merv Binns
45 |
April 14-17, 2006 |
Conjure |
Brisbane |
Cory Doctorow, Bruce Sterling, Sean Williams, Jonathan Strahan, and (fan) Erika Maria Lacey
46 |
June 8–11, 2007 |
Convergence 2 |
Melbourne |
Isobelle Carmody, Fred Gallagher, Dave Freer, and (fan) Cath Ortlieb
47 |
March 20–24, 2008 |
Swancon 2008: State of the Art |
Perth |
Ken Macleod, Rob Shearman, Glenda Larke, and (fan) Zara Baxter
48 |
June 5–8, 2009 |
Conjecture |
Adelaide |
Julie E. Czerneda, and (fans) Steve Scholz & Catherine Scholz
49 |
Sept 2–6, 2010 |
Dudcon III |
Melbourne |
Peter Watts, Helen Merrick, and (fan) Jacob Blake
50 |
April 21–25, 2011 |
Swancon Thirty Six / Natcon Fifty |
Perth |
Ellen Datlow, Justina Robson, Sean Williams, and (fan) Sarah Xu
51 |
June 8-11, 2012 |
Continuum 8: Craftonomicon |
Melbourne |
Kelly Link, Alison Goodman, and (fan) Sue Ann Barber
52 |
April 25-28, 2013 |
Conflux 9 |
Canberra |
Nalo Hopkinson, Marc Gascoigne, Karen Miller, and (fan) Rose Mitchell
53 |
June 6-9, 2014 |
Continuum X: Carnival of Lost Souls |
Melbourne |
Jim C. Hines, Ambelin Kwaymullina, and (fans) Danny Oz & Sharon Moseley
54 |
April 2-6, 2015 |
Swancon 40 |
Perth |
John Scalzi, Kylie Chan, and (fan) Anthony Peacey
55 |
March 25-28, 2016 |
Contact2016 |
Brisbane |
Ben Aaronovitch, Keri Arthur, Maria Lewis and (fans) Jill Pantozzi and Kirilee Barker
56 |
June 9-12, 2017 |
Continuum 13: Triskaidekaphilia |
Melbourne |
Seanan McGuire/Mira Grant and Likhain, DUFF Delegate: Paul Weimer
57 |
March 29 - April 2, 2018 |
Swancon 2018 |
Perth |
Kameron Hurley, Ryan Griffen, Emily Smith, Foz Meadows, and (fan) Barb de la Hunty
58 |
June 7-10, 2019 |
Continuum 15: Other Worlds |
Melbourne |
Kate Elliott, Ken Liu
59 |
April 25-27, 2020 (cancelled due to the Covid-19 epidemic) |
Swancon 2020 |
Perth |
Nalini Singh, John Robertson
60 |
October 2-4, 2020 October 1-4, 2021 September 30-October 3, 2022 |
Conflux 16: Visions of Time |
Canberra |
John Birmingham, Amie Kaufman, Daniel O'Malley, Lisa Fuller, Tom Buckland
61 |
September 29-October 2, 2023 |
Conflux 17: Passages and Portals |
Canberra |
Amie Kaufman, Grace Chan, Lisa Fuller, Ellen Datlow, Helen Marshall, and (fan) Perry Middlemiss
62 |
May 17-19, 2024 |
Continuum 16: Reboot |
Melbourne |
Shannon Chakraborty, Vanessa Len, and Cienan Muir
63 |
May 16-18, 2025 |
Continuum 17: Horizons |
Melbourne |