Adelaide, SA

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A city in South Australia. Adelaidean fanhistory began in the late 1930s.

A Brief Chronology[edit]

Date -Event
ca. 1938 Adelaide SFL founded
1939, Feb 1 John Gregor's Science Fiction Review (fanzine) published (as by John Devern)
1954 Adelaide Science Fiction Association officially formed
1970, July Jeff Harris ran a discussion weekend on his chosen topic of "science fiction" for the Adelaide University Science Association
1971 Adelaide University Science Fiction Association formed
1971, Dec 31 - 1972, Jan 3 First Advention
1973, Aug 17-19 Advention 2 (Adelaide's first Australian Natcon)
1976 APES (apa) started
1976 Omegacon
1977 Sastrek founded (as S.A.S.T.F.C.)
1977, Easter Unicon III
1977, July 29-31 A-Con 7 (Natcon)
1978 Black Hole Bookshop opened.
1980, June 1 South Australian Doctor Who Fan Club founded
1981, June 6-8 Advention '81 (Natcon)
1983, Oct 8-10 Conpanion (Doctor Who convention)
1985, Apr 5-8 Advention '85 (Natcon)
1986 Aphelion first published (from a town in the Adelaide Hills)
1986 Black Hole Bookshop closed
1987 Known Space Books shop opened
1987, Oct Critical Mass founded
1990 Known Space Books shop moved to 96 Gowler Place
1991, Sept ConFictionary
1992, Feb 14 The Contract convention (in the Adelaide Hills)
1992, June 6-8 HongCon '92 (Media Natcon)
2000, Sept 30 ConVex
2001, Oct 1 Addercon
2003, Apr 5 John Foyster died
2006, Jan Starship Mawson founded
2008, July 20 Masscon
2009, June, 5-8 Conjecture (Natcon)
2011, Oct 8 Octacon
2012, July 6-8 Unseen University Convivium
2012, Nov 25 Wellscon
2016, May 7-8 SA Writers Centre Spec Fic and Fantasy Festival
2017, Aug 4-6 Nullus Anxietas VI
2021, Jan Masscon
2024, July 12-14 Nullus Anxietas 9

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