Perth, WA

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Perth is the capital of the state of Western Australia and its main fannish hub.

A prominent early Australian fan living in Perth was Roger Dard. He was the Australian representative of Operation Fantast, had a fanzine, Star Rover, and made contact with Eastern States fans. He is known to have attended the fourth Australian Natcon, held in Sydney in 1955.

An early club was the Western Australian Science Fantasy Society.

Grant Stone and Anthony Peacey met at the first Australian Worldcon, Aussiecon, held in Melbourne in 1975, and, the following year, with some help from Clifford R. Wind, organised the first Western Australian regional convention, Swancon.

A club, the Western Australian Science Fiction Association, resulted, and its members were active in organising early Swancons. Swancon has now been held annually since 1976. It is Australia's oldest annual regional convention, its nearest rival being Brisbane's Conquest, which was first held in 1982. Numerous fans have been awarded 20 Year Badges, in recognition of their having attended twenty Swancons, and a few have been awarded 33 Year Badges.

+ A Brief Chronology

Date -Event
1950, Nov Star Rover (fanzine) published
ca. 1953 Perth Science Fiction Group formed
1976, Oct 9-11 Swancon 1 (first Swancon)
1978 UniSFA founded (at UWA)
1979 Westrek founded
1980, Aug 15-18 Swancon 5 (Perth's first Australian Natcon)
1980, Aug Tin Duck Awards first presented, at Swancon 5
1983 The West Lodge founded
1984 The Space Merchants bookshop opened
1985 Supanova Books shop opened
1986, Mar 28-31 Swancon XI (Natcon)
1986, Mar First Silver Swan Award presented at Swancon XI
1987 CIA founded (at Curtin University of Technology)
1988 A Touch of Strange bookshop opened
1988, Jan 8-10 Who Con 4
1988, Feb Murdoch Alternative Reality Society formed (as Murdoch University Gamer's Club)
1989, Mar 23-27 Swancon 14 (Natcon)
1990, May Eidolon magazine first published
1990 JAFWA formed
1991, Jan Marge Hughes Award first presented at Swancon 16
1992, Jan WASFF formed, at The Festival of the Imagination
1993, Apr 8-12 Swancon 18 (Natcon)
ca. 1993 WASFF incorporated
1995 MAd (Murdoch Anime Directive) formed
1996 Ticonderoga Publications began publication
1996, Apr 4-8 Festival of the Imagination 1996 (Natcon and Media Natcon)
1998, Aug JAFWA incorporated
1999, Mar 8 A Touch of Strange bookshop moved from Subiaco to the city
2000 A Touch of Strange bookshop closed
2000, Apr Eidolon magazine last published
2000, Apr 20-24 Swancon 2000 (Natcon)
2000, Apr First Gynaecon (at Swancon)
2001, Apr 12-16 Swancon 2001: Masquerade (Natcon)
2001, Nov 24-25 Borderlands: The World Within convention
2002 First GenghisCon
2002, Sept 7-8 Borderlands: That Which Scares Us convention
2003, Apr 17-21 Swancon 2003 (Natcon)
2003, Aug 23-24 Borderlands: Trilogy convention
2003, Apr Borderlands magazine first published
2004, Oct 9-10 WasteLand convention
2005 Supanova Books shop closed
2005, Aug 21 Fantastic Planet bookshop opened
2005, Nov 19-20 Fandomedia 2005 convention
2006, Sept 29 - Oct 1 Fandomedia 2006 convention
2007, Nov 10-11 Night's Edge convention
2008 Twelfth Planet Press began publication.
2008, Mar 20-24 State of the Art: Swancon 2008 (Natcon)
2008, Oct 18-19 Wasteland II convention
2009 Borderlands magazine last published
2010 FableCroft Publishing began publication
2011, Apr 21-25 Swancon Thirty Six | Natcon Fifty
2011, Oct 1-2 VillainCon
2012 FableCroft Publishing re-located interstate
2013, Oct 4-6 FurWAG: The Maiden Voyage
2015, Apr 2-6 Swancon 40 (Natcon)
2018, Apr 1 Van Ikin won Peter McNamara Achievement Award
2020, Mar 9 Cancellation of Swancon 2020 announced. (It was to have been held Apr 25-27.)
2021, Nov 25 Jeremy Byrne died

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