Easter | -Helicon 2 |
April 15th | Damon Knight dies. |
May 9th | Bruce Pelz dies. |
August 29 - September 2 (Labor Day) | ConJosé (Worldcon) |
Tobes Valois TAFF trip. | |
CUFF: Colin Hinz | |
DUFF: Julian Warner (North) | |
NAFF: Emma Hawkes |
Births and Deaths:
Annette Lotz - Arthur F. Hillman - Bennett Sims - Betsy Curtis - Bruce Pelz - Cele Goldsmith - Charles Sheffield - Cherry Wilder - Chuck Jones - Dal Coger - Damon Knight - Dave Van Arnam - Dave Van Ronk - Donald Franson - Donn P. Brazier - Emrys Evans - Felix C. Gotschalk - Florence Russell - Frances Helen Sykora - Geoff Shaddock - George Alec Effinger - George Tullis - Gordon Holbrow - Harry Nadler - I. M. Vinter - Ivor Rogers - Jack C. Haldeman II - Jim Theis - Jon Gustafson - Lloyd Biggle, Jr. - Mal Ashworth - Marlene Broderick - Martha Beck - Millie Taurasi - Nan Meskys - Nancy Rapp - R. A. Lafferty - Richard Cowper - Robert F. Jones - Robert L. Forward - Ron Buckmaster - Ron Walotsky - Suzanne Vick - Tom Ölander - Walt Cole - Wynne Whiteford
Convention series started or ended:
5Con - Aussie Gather - ConCarolinas - ConDFW - Conjecture - Contraption - Convergence - GenghisCon - InCon - JerseyDevilCon - Kubla Khan - Midwest Construction - Not Just Another Con - Octocon - Omegacon
Publications started or ended:
3SF - A Bright Particular Star - Album - All the Mailing Comments That Fit in Print - All the Quotes That Didn't Fit Anywhere Else part five - Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine - Ankus - Back Brain Recluse - Burstzine - Chunga - Convers[at]ions - Dark Animus - Earisheen - Faster Than Light Radio - Fnord - Gnat's Testicles - Happy Birthday, LeeH! - Here Come the Hardy Boys - Jean and Eric 'Avalook at the UK - Joie De Vivre - Littlebrook - Long-Legged Tramp - MidFanzine - Nebula Science Fiction: 1952-1959 - Neither Rain, Noir Murder... - Old Toys: A Tarable Collection - Out of the Bin - PKD Otaku - Parakeet - Science Fiction Fandom in Melbourne as I Remember It - scopus:3007 - Splotch - The Great Haiku Shoot-Out - The Great and Terrible Voice of Oz - The Official Philip Jose Farmer Home Page - They Made Us Do It - Thyme - Tobes Stole My Brain - Travelers Tales - Velleity - Weasel Crossing - Zoo Nation
Awards made, started or ended:
Clubs founded or disbanded:
A Bright Particular Star - Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine - Aussie Gather - Convergence - Convergence 2002 - Dark Animus - GenghisCon - How to Start a Worldcon Bid in 24 Hours or Less - Jean and Eric 'Avalook at the UK - Out of the Bin - Peter McNamara Achievement Award - Phantasia Science Fiction & Mystery Bookshop - Science Fiction Fandom in Melbourne as I Remember It - Swancon 2002 - Thyme - Velleity - Victorian Science Fiction Conventions Inc. - Wynne Whiteford
2002: A Discworld Odyssey - 3SF - Album - ArmadaCon 14 - Arthur F. Hillman - Back Brain Recluse - Charles Sheffield - Contabile Fortean - ConteXXt - Convers[at]ions - Damn Fine Convention - Fantasycon XXVI - Florence Russell - Fnord - Geoff Shaddock - Gnat's Testicles - Gordon Holbrow - HarmUni 2 - Harry Nadler - Helicon 2 - I. M. Vinter - Joie De Vivre - Long-Legged Tramp - Mal Ashworth - Microcon 22 - Nebula Science Fiction: 1952-1959 - Northampton SF Writers Group - Novacon 32 - Oxonmoot 2002 - Parakeet - Picocon 19 - plokta.con 2.0 - Reminiscon Fifty - Richard Cowper - Ron Buckmaster - They Made Us Do It - Tobes Stole My Brain - Zoo Nation
New Zealand:
2002 World Fantasy Convention - 5Con - 5Con X - AggieCon XXXIII - Albacon 2002 - All the Mailing Comments That Fit in Print - All the Quotes That Didn't Fit Anywhere Else part five - Ankus - Annette Lotz - Arcana 32 - Archon 26 - Arisia '02 - Arizona in 2002 - ArmadilloCon 24 - Astronomical ConFusion - Astronomicon 2002 - Balticon 36 - Bay Area in 2002 - Bennett Sims - Betsy Curtis - Boskone 39 - Bruce Pelz - Bubonicon 34 - Burstzine - CONduit 12 - CONsume / Relaxacon 2002 - Capclave 2002 - Capricon 22 - Cele Goldsmith - ChambanaCon 32 - Charles Sheffield - Chattacon XXVII - Chuck Jones - Chunga - Coastcon XXV - Con*Stellation XXI - Con-Dor IX - ConCarolinas - ConChord 16 - ConClave XXVII - ConComCon 9 - ConDFW - ConDFW I - ConJosé - ConQuesT 33 - Conagerie - Concave 23 - Conestoga 6 - Confluence 14 - Conglomeration 2002 - Conjecture - Conjecture 1 - Consonance 2002 - Contata 3 - Context XV - Contraption - CopperCon 22 - Corflu 19 - Costume-Con 20 - Dal Coger - Damon Knight - Darkover Grand Council 25 - Dave Van Arnam - Dave Van Ronk - DeepSouthCon 40 - DemiCon 13 - Diversicon 10 - Donald Franson - Donn P. Brazier - DucKon XI - EerieCon 4 - Emrys Evans - Faster Than Light Radio - Felix C. Gotschalk - Florence Russell - Foolscap IV - Frances Helen Sykora - Further Confusion 2002 - GAFilk 2002 - Genericon XV - George Alec Effinger - George Tullis - Happy Birthday, LeeH! - Here Come the Hardy Boys - I-Con XXI - ICFA 23 - ICON 27 - InCon - InConJunction XXII - Ivor Rogers - Jack C. Haldeman II - JerseyDevilCon - JerseyDevilCon 2 - Jim Theis - Jon Gustafson - Kubla Khan - Kubla Khan XXX - LepreCon 28 - Life, the Universe, & Everything 20 - Littlebrook - Lloyd Biggle, Jr. - Loscon 29 - Lovers 50th Anniversary Celebration - Lunacon 45 - Marcon 37 - Marlene Broderick - MarsCon 2002 - Martha Beck - miNiCon - MidFanzine - MidSouthCon 20 - Midwest Construction - Midwest Construction I - Midwestcon 53 - MileHiCon 34 - Millennicon 16 - Millie Taurasi - Minicon 37 - MisCon 16 - Mythcon XXXIII - NJAC 2002 - Nan Meskys - Nancy Rapp - Necon 22 - Necronomicon '02 - Neither Rain, Noir Murder... - NonCon 2 - Norwescon XXV - Not Just Another Con - OASIS 15 - OVFF 18 - Octocon - Octocon 38 - Odyssey Con II - Omegacon - OryCon 24 - PKD Otaku - Philcon 2002 - Potlatch 11 - Pulpcon 31 - R. A. Lafferty - RadCon 3B - Readercon 14 - Robert F. Jones - Robert L. Forward - Roc*Kon 2002 - Ron Walotsky - Roswell in 2002 - Rotation plan - Rustycon 19 - San Francisco in 2002 - scopus:3007 - Seattle in 2002 - Smofcon 20 - So-La-La Con - Southeastern SF Achievement Awards - Splotch - StellarCon 26 - Suzanne Vick - The Great Haiku Shoot-Out - The Great and Terrible Voice of Oz - The Official Philip Jose Farmer Home Page - Travelers Tales - Trinoc*coN 2002 - TusCon 29 - Valleycon 27 - Vikingcon 19 - Walt Cole - Weasel Crossing - WillyCon IV - Windy City Pulp & Paper Convention 2 - WindyCon XXIX - WisCon 26
2001 | 2002 | 2003 |