Easter | -Sou'Wester (Eastercon). |
April 22 | Futurian Society of Sydney revives. |
May 21–22 | First ConComCon (C-Cubed) held. |
May 23–26 | First FanHistoriCon held. |
September 1–5 (Labor Day) | ConAdian (Worldcon) |
September 23 | Robert Bloch dies. |
Will Sykora dies. | |
TAFF: Dan Steffan; DUFF: Alan Stewart (North); FFANZ: Tim Jones (West). |
Births and Deaths:
Don Thompson - Faye Manning - Frank Belknap Long - Harry Jenkins, Jr. - Jean Carrol - Judy Voros - Karl Edward Wagner - Lee Pelton - Lily Chibbett - Morris Scott Dollens - Peter Duncan - Raymond F. Jones - Raymond Z. Gallun - Robert Bloch - Robert Shea - Robert Spencer Carr - Russell A. Leadabrand - Sean Spacher - Thelma Evans - Verna Smith Trestrail - William S. Sykora
Convention series started or ended:
AlterCon - Baltcon - Bree Moot - ConComCon - Consanguinity - Contata - FanHistoriCon - First Contact - Hillcon - Mexicon - MiScon - VCON Hiatus
Onetime conventions:
Publications started or ended:
A History of Australian Science Fiction Fandom 1935-1963 - Alternate Worldcons - Anvil - Apparatchik - Attitude - Aura - Basilisk - Brodie - Dog Factory - Doodlebug - Drivel and Drool - Egoboo - FNAC - Fanthology 1994 - Fanzine Dreams - Fibonacci and Mehitable - From the Kelpie's Pool - Gdo - Habakkuk - Hungry Maggot - Kornblume: Kornbluthiana - Making Book - Malade - Middle Earth - Moriarty's Revenge - My Life as a Disembodied Head - Olaf Alternative - On the TAFF Trail - ParaFANalia - Rastus Johnson's Cakewalk - Rayflections - Realms of Fantasy - Reasonable Freethinker - Ron's the One! - SMOFTalmud - Sacred Trust - Scientifiction: The First Fandom Report - Sensor - Sercon-Navigation - Space Cadet - Speculations - SpinDizzy - Star Songs - Startled Bunny - Steve Albini's - Syndrome - The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet - The Ray X X-rayer - The Third Alternative - The Village iDiot - The Wrong Leggings - WOOF Contributions Might Be a Nice Thing for You to Do - Whinge - Worlds of Fantasy & Horror
A History of Australian Science Fiction Fandom 1935-1963 - Comedycon - Con Fusion '94 - Constantinople - FNAC - Fibonacci and Mehitable - Perth in '94 - Ron's the One! - Steve Albini's - Teaspoon Awards - The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet - The Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Fan Resource Book
Albacon 94 - ArmadaCon VI - Attitude - BAcon - Basilisk - Contact - Dog Factory - Drivel and Drool - Fantasycon XIX - From the Kelpie's Pool - Gdo - Inconceivable! - Lily Chibbett - Malade - Masque 5 - Masque III - Mexicon - Mexicon 6: The Party - Mexicon Hat - MiScon - MiSdemeanour - Microcon 14 - Moriarty's Revenge - Novacon 24 - Olaf Alternative - On the TAFF Trail - Oxonmoot 1994 - Picocon 12 - Rastus Johnson's Cakewalk - Sou'Wester - Startled Bunny - The Third Alternative - The Wrong Leggings - VIbraphone - Whinge - Wincon III
Baltcon - Comeback-Con - ConSeal - Eurocon 1994 - Fantastika 1994 - Hillcon - Norcon 12 - Nordcon 11 - Sealcon
1994 World Fantasy Convention - AggieCon XXV - AlterCon - AlterCon 2 - Alternate Worldcons - Anvil - Apparatchik - Arcana 24 - Archon 18 - Arisia '94 - ArmadilloCon 16 - ArtCon - Astronomicon 3 - Aura - Balticon 28 - Baycon '94 - Boskone 31 - Bree Moot - Brodie - Bubonicon 26 - CONduit 4 - Capricon 14 - Cascadecon - ChambanaCon 24 - Chattacon XIX - Chococon - Coastcon XVII - Con*Stellation XIII - Con-Dor 2 - ConChord 10 - ConClave XIX - ConComCon - ConComCon 1 - ConFusion XX - ConQuesT 25 - ConTact 12 - Concat 6 - Concave 15 - Confluence '94 - Conozoic - Consanguinity - Consanguinity I - Consonance 1994 - Contata - Contata 1994 - Contex 12 - Context VII - Contradiction 14 - CopperCon 14 - Corflu 11 - CorsairCon 4 - Costume-Con 12 - Darkover Grand Council 17 - DeepSouthCon 32 - DefCon VI - DemiCon 5 - Disclave 38 - Ditto 7 - Diversicon 2 - Don Thompson - Doodlebug - Dreamcon 9 - DucKon III - Egoboo - FanHistoriCon - FanHistoriCon 1 - Fanthology 1994 - Fanzine Dreams - Faye Manning - First Contact - First Contact 1 - Fourth Street Fantasy 1994 - Frank Belknap Long - Habakkuk - Harmonicon II - Harry Jenkins, Jr. - HurriCon 2 - I-Con XIII - ICFA 15 - ICON 19 - InCon '94 - InConJunction XIV - Jean Carrol - Judy Voros - Karl Edward Wagner - Kornblume: Kornbluthiana - Kubla Khan Khatch-22 - Lee Pelton - LepreCon 20 - LibertyCon 8 - Life, the Universe, & Everything 12 - Loscon 21 - Lunacon 37 - Making Book - Marcon 29 - MidSouthCon 13 - Midwestcon 45 - MileHiCon 26 - Millennicon -7 - Milwaukee in 1994 - Minicon 29 - MisCon 9 - Morris Scott Dollens - MosCon XVI - Musicon 3 - My Life as a Disembodied Head - Mythcon XXV - NJAC X - Necon 14 - Necronomicon 13th - New Orleans SF & Fantasy Festival '94 - Norwescon XVII - OASIS 7 - OVFF 10 - Octocon 31 - Off-Key Contraption - OryCon 16 - Outside Con 7 - Peter Duncan - Philcon 1994 - Phrolicon 10 - Potlatch 3 - Pulpcon 23 - Pulpcon A - Pulpcon B - RadCon 1B - Rayflections - Raymond F. Jones - Raymond Z. Gallun - Readercon 7 - Realms of Fantasy - Reasonable Freethinker - ReinCONation 4 - Rising Star 3 - Rivercon XIX - Robert Bloch - Robert Shea - Robert Spencer Carr - Russell A. Leadabrand - Rustycon 11 - SMOFTalmud - Sci-Con 16 - Science Fiction Fandom - Scientifiction: The First Fandom Report - Sean Spacher - Sercon-Navigation - Smofcon 12 - SoonerCon 10 - Speculations - SpinDizzy - Star Songs - StellarCon 18 - Syndrome - The Ray X X-rayer - The Undiscovered Country - The Village iDiot - Thelma Evans - Timebinders - Tropicon XII - TusCon 21 - Underwood Books - Underwood-Miller - Unicon 6 - Valleycon 19 - Verna Smith Trestrail - Vikingcon 15 - WOOF Contributions Might Be a Nice Thing for You to Do - William S. Sykora - Windycon XXI - WisCon 18 - Wolf-Con IV - Worlds of Fantasy & Horror
1993 | 1994 | 1995 |