Swancon 1

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Swancon 1, the first West Australian Science Fiction Convention, held 9-11 October 1976 at the house of Anthony Peacey and his wife Gloria. Anthony Peacey was Chairman. Other committee members were Wally Blackburn, Grant Stone, and Clifford R. Wind.

It was advertised in the programme book for Bofcon, the Australian Natcon for 1976, not simply as "Swancon", but as "Swancon 1".

A convention report by Robert McGough in Cygnetures states that Anthony Peacey renamed the convention to Duckcon 13 in honour of a duck of his having hatched 13 ducklings.

Swancon 1 page of the Australian SF Information wiki

Swancon 1 posts at history.sf.org.au

See also Cygnetures

first Swancon Swancon 2
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