Filk Hall of Fame

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An annual award given since 1995 to filkers by a jury composed of delegates from many filk conventions. Currently, this includes NEFilk, ConChord, FilkContinental, OVFF, Conflikt, GAFilk, British Filk Convention, Consonance, DFDF and FilKONtario. The awards are issued at FilKONtario.

The purpose is to recognize long-term contributions to filk. Eligibility requires either a single noteworthy contribution at least five years prior or (most often) ongoing contributions for a period of ten years. The selection process is designed to avoid a popularity contest. Anyone may recommend people for induction; recommendations are supposed to contain as much relevant information as possible. The jury members review the recommendations and vote for the ones they consider most deserving. They are supposed to consider only the information provided in the recommendations.

Dave Hayman has been the administrator since the beginning of the awards. As the administrator, he was supposed to be ineligible, but in 2005 the jury revolted and named him and Judith Hayman to the FHOF.

Dave calls those who are selected, and they are admonished not to tell anyone until the award ceremony happens. The presence at FKO of noteworthy filkers who don't normally attend the con often leads to speculation that they are about to be inducted.

Year -Winners
1995 Robert Asprin, Leslie Fish, Off Centaur Publications
1996 Juanita Coulson, Julia Ecklar, Bob Laurent, Kathy Mar, Bill Maraschiello
1997 Lee Gold, Barry Gold, J. Spencer Love, Margaret Middleton
1998 Rafe Culpin, Cynthia McQuillin, Erwin "Filthy Pierre" Strauss
1999 Gary Anderson, "Decadent" Dave Clement, Mary Ellen Wessels
2000 Zander Nyrond, Dr. Jane Robinson, Bill Roper
2001 Gordon R. Dickson, Gytha North, Bill Sutton, Brenda Sutton
2002 Lissa Allcock, Kirstin Tanger, Alan Thiesen
2003 Karen Anderson, Poul Anderson, Barry Childs-Helton, Sally Childs-Helton, Bob Kanefsky, Chris Malme
2004 Katy Droege, Juliane Honisch, Valerie Housden, Gary McGath
2005 Clif Flynt, Judith Hayman, Dave Hayman, Tom Smith
2006 Franklin Gunkelman, Steve Macdonald, Lois Mangan, Gretchen Roper
2007 Chris "Keris" Croughton, Bruce Pelz, Kathleen Sloan
2008 Bob "Doc" Passovoy, Anne Passovoy, Steve Savitzky, Colleen Savitzky
2009 Frank Hayes, Erica Neely
2010 Jan DiMasi, Kristoph Klover, Mike Whitaker
2011 Ellen Kranzer, Howard Scrimgeour, Urban Tapestry
2012 Gary Ehrlich, Tom Jeffers, Persis Thorndike
2013 Cecilia Eng, Roberta Rogow, Volker Tanger
2014 Talis Kimberley, Kathy Hamilton, Michael Longcor
2015 Kay Shapero, Nick Smith, Steven Joel Zeve
2016 Eli Goldberg, Mark Bernstein
2017 Maya Bohnhoff, Jeff Bohnhoff, Gary Hanak, Judi Miller
2018 Sibylle Machat, Paul Willett
2019 W. Randy Hoffman, Harold Stein
2020 Blind Lemming Chiffon, Juliana McCorison, Rob Wynne
2021 John Creasey, Mary Creasey, Merav Hoffman

Award 1995
This is an award page. If you know something about it, such as who awarded it, who the winners were, what the criteria were, and when it was awarded, please add it! See Standards for Awards.