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A mimeographed fanzine published during the war years by Raymond Washington and mostly devoted to Southern fandom.

It also featured writing by Raym’s younger sister, Mary Helen Washington. In Le Zombie 48 (July 1942), Tucker described Frank Robinson’s reaction to her work:

He found, and read aloud, Mary Helen Washington's saga of unforgettable courage "The Monster of the Cave" in Scientifun #2. He spent the entire two days stomping about the house shrieking out sentences, to wit: "Fan started telling his tongue off," and "Fan drawed his throat in."

Publication ????
This is a publication page. Please extend it by adding information about when and by whom it was published, how many issues it has had, (including adding a partial or complete checklist), its contents (including perhaps a ToC listing), its size and repro method, regular columnists, its impact on fandom, or by adding scans or links to scans. See Standards for Publications.